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It was 11am in the morning, and Jackson, Caitlin and Austin were watching Thomas the Tank Engine whilst Taylor and Autumn were sleeping soundly upstairs. Despite having the baby monitor literally right next to her, Caitlin kept jumping at the slightest noise, and was sat at the edge of her seat, ready to rush upstairs if her daughters needed her. It was the first time she'd left them alone, on a floor of the house different to the one she was on, for such an extended period of time. Jackson soon noticed his wife's anxiety.

"Cate. They're fine. They're only upstairs, and if either of them start crying we'll hear it through the baby monitor. Now relax, please! It's making me nervous, just looking at you." "But what if one of the baby monitors isn't working? They were so premature, I mean, they're fragile; anything could happen to either of them at any moment." "Honey, just take a deep breath. Now, if it'll make you feel better, you should go and check on them." Caitlin slowly inhaled, closing her eyes simultaneously. "Ok. You're right, I'm being ridiculous. I'm sorry."

Caitlin said, tears brimming in her eyes. Jackson wrapped her in a warm embrace and softly kissed the top of her head. "It's alright honey, you worry. Trust me, I do too. But we just have to relax and know that whatever happens we'll do our best to handle the situation, and be the best parents we can be."

That was when Caitlin's tears really began to fall to the point where Austin too started crying. "Mummy, what's wrong? Why you crying?" He asked, clambering up onto Caitlin's lap and wrapping his little arms around her. Caitlin hugged her son, and kissed the back of his head. "It's alright baby, don't cry, don't cry. Mummy's fine. Shhh. Hey now, hey now." She said softly into his hair. When Caitlin got too choked up to continue, and Austin had stopped crying, Jackson turned to his son.

"Hey buddy. I need to tell you something okay?" When Austin nodded, he continued. "Okay. So, in a few days, I'm going to go to New York." "Where's New 'ork daddy?" "It's in a big place called America, which is very far away. Austin, I'm going to be away for a long time, because I have to work." "I'll miss you so so much daddy! Is that why mummy cry? Cause she miss you too?" "Yes bud, it is! I'm so proud of you! And I'll miss you more, I promise." "No daddy, I miss you to moon and back!"Jackson laughed. "I'll miss you that much too!" He grinned, and ruffled his son's hair. Caitlin had been watching the adorable father son moment and she was smiling at them happily, her tears dried. Jax looked first at his wife, then his son, and exclaimed "GROUP HUG!!!" To which Austin scrambled onto his mum's lap, and Caitlin herself wrapped her arms around her too boys muttering, more to herself than anyone "Gosh, I love you guys!"

* * *

Jackson was changing Austin into some dark blue jeans after he'd had an accident in his other trousers, when his phone rang. Finished changing his son, he pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the caller ID. Jake. He clicked the 'answer' button.

"Hello?" "Hey Jax!" "It's been a while!" "That it has. So, anyway, I was downtown yesterday when I saw flyers for a new theme park that opened up nearby. It has a Thomas the tank engine section and, from baby sitting Austin I know he loves it, so I just thought we could all go together?" "Yes! He would absolutely adore that, you will shortly be officially his favourite person! How soon can we leave?" "An hour? I can come pick you guys up?" "Sure, I don't know if we'd all fit though. Hang on, I'll ask Cate if she wants to come." "Alright." "Ok, be back in a second." After a short moment, Jackson picked up the phone again. "She's tired, the twins had her up half the night. So it looks like Cate, Taylor and Autumn are staying home!" "Do I spy a boys day?" "Yep!" "Ok, so I guess I'll see you in an hour!" "Yes, see you." "Bye." "Bye."

Jackson was right, Austin was absolutely ecstatic, and left the house literally bouncing, his energy rubbing off an all those around him.

As soon as they'd left, Caitlin smiled cunningly and shot her friend who'd she known since she was 7, Brittany, a quick text:

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