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It was half 2 in the afternoon, and, having just put the twins down for their nap, Caitlin twiddled her thumbs, unsure of how best to make the most of the short quiet time she had. Austin was quietly playing with his trains across the room, and it suddenly dawned on her that she hadn't picked up her guitar in a while. She used to play guitar every day, like clockwork, with her twin sister Erin. They'd duet all the time, and often brought out their guitars during family events and when around a campfire. But now, every time Caitlin even looked at a guitar all she could picture was her sister's face. Playing the guitar had been their thing, and it was what kept them close; playing without Erin felt like betrayal. But Erin had passed away when they were 14, almost 8 years ago now, and it finally felt like the right time for Caitlin to play again.

With her hands shaking slightly, conveying her emotion better than she herself ever could, Caitlin picked up the guitar from its' home in her study. Taking it into the lounge so she could keep an eye on Austin, she surprised herself at her ability to recall the chords and strumming patterns she had memorised long ago. With a sigh, and a heavy heart, she strummed the rhythm to 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift.

We were both young, when I first saw you. I close my eyes, and the flashback starts. I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air. See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns. See you make through the crowd, and say hello. Little did I know...

As Caitlin sang, she soon relaxed into it, and remembered why she used to love playing so much. It was freeing. For her, playing guitar and singing was when she was most content. It was an indescribable kind of comfort. Like... home.

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles. And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet". And I was crying on the staircase, begging you "please don't go". And I said...

As Caitlin sang, she heard a voice."Hello? Cate?" Frowning, Caitlin gently placed her guitar on the couch beside her, and began her search to find out where the voice was coming from. "Jax?" she asked, confused, as she knew her husband was out, and wouldn't be back for several hours. Then, she saw Austin, who she'd- incorrectly- assumed had been playing nicely, had gotten a hold of her phone, and somehow managed to face time her husband with it. "Hi!" Caitlin said, a little flustered, as she took the phone from her son's grasp and turned it to face her. "Hey honey." "Sorry, I, didn't mean to interrupt, I know you're busy. Aust somehow managed to get my phone, and call you." "That's alright. It's such a coincidence, as I was just about to call. I finished work earlier than usual and-" he was about to continue, but he was interrupted. But not by Caitlin. Or Austin.

"Caitlin, was that you singing? You sound incredible! You are amazingly talented! I mean, seriously, you have a gift! Your sound is unlike any I've ever heard before. You're truly unique. And that's exactly what the label's looking for." "Wait, Hailey? What are you doing here? I thought-" "The record label is expanding, and we're branching out overseas. I'm here to set up over in England, and I'm thinking of staying for a while." Hailey was Jackson's ex-girlfriend, and she and him had been best friends when he lived in America. She was also one of the owners of a huge US record label; Jukebox records. "That's what I was trying to tell you," Jax added. "Hailey called, and we're catching up over coffee for a while if that's okay?" "Yeah, of course, that's fine." Caitlin replied. "Enough of that! Caitlin, honey, can you come over to the record label tomorrow for a meeting? I want to sign you as our first act of the new English equivalent of the label!" "Um, I don't know. I mean, I was just playing around... I haven't properly paid for 8 years, I don't think-" "Oh, c'mon Cate, please? For me?" "She'll do it!" Jax replied. "Hey! You can't just-" "Yes he can. I'll pick you up at 9 am tomorrow." "But-" "BYE!" Hailey and Jax replied before Jackson hung up. Stunned, and slightly peeved with her husband, Caitlin put her phone on the coffee table (after ensuring it was locked and thus, that Austin couldn't access anything on it) and decided she would have a nap- after putting Austin and the girls down for theirs- whilst she waited for Jax to get home.

* * *

"Well hello Mr 1940's!" "Hey... Wait what?" "Well that's where you got your whole idea that the husband gets to make decisions for the wife and ultimately control her every move, isn't it? Or am I just being stupid? I mean, I am a woman. That's my job right? To be stupid and look after the kids at home." "Honey, if you were a 1940's wife you would be too intimidated to say that!" he joked then, soon realising his wife was not joking, he continued. "Cate, I'm sorry, really I am. I know I came across as being really controlling and rude, and I shouldn't have acted the way I did. But I know how much you love music. Your eyes light up every time you talk about it, and I know you've been wary of it since Erin" he added, his tone of voice becoming gentler when he spoke of his wife's sister, as he knew how sensitive she was to that topic "So when I heard you playing I was so proud and Hailey really knows talent when she hears it. Baby, if you don't take this opportunity you know as well as I do that you'll spend the rest of your life regretting it. Plus, you were saying just the other day that you want to get a job, and that it should be something you're really passionate about... this ticks all the boxes!" Caitlin took a deep breath, placed her left hand in Jackson's right, and guided him towards the couch, where they both sat down, facing one another. "I get it Jax, I really do. But you could have gone about it in a much better way than you did." He looked at her, his gaze as serious as hers was, and nodded slowly, showing he was listening yet waiting for her to continue. "I- I'll go. But because I want to, okay?" Grinning now, Jackson replied "Okay."

* * *

After a hugely successful meeting at Jukebox records, Caitlin was now more perplexed than ever. She had the option of being either a published author or a singer-songwriter, or even both! Since she was a little girl she had dreamt that she would be presented with the opportunity of pursuing one of those careers, but she could never have imagined that both would be potential career paths for her! She was entirely undecided, and there were so many things to consider. Which job would be easier to maintain whilst spending the majority of her time at home with her children? Which did she have the greater aptitude for? Which was she most passionate about? With a million questions circling her brain, each at a thousand miles per hour, Caitlin was overwhelmed to say the least. She just didn't know. She didn't know what she wanted, what the best option was, or how to go about making a decision. It was the first major, career orientated, life changing decision she had ever had to make. And she definitely didn't want to make the wrong one.

For now, Caitlin decided to just keep thinking about it. She wanted to talk it through with Jackson, and figure out how things would work if they were to start trying for a baby, and also when they would start trying. One thing she knew for sure; she wasn't going to rush things. Time was on her side, so she had the chance to get as much advice and guidance from her loved ones as necessary.

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