Tick tock, on the clock

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"Well, I'm sorry Jax, but I can't sign this!" "What? Why? Cate! This is your lifelong dream we're talking about! Not whether we should get Raspberries of strawberries at the store!" "You don't think I know that? It's just not the right time alright! You know that! The twins are only a few days old, you're teaching full time, Austin's getting simultaneously cheekier and more independent! My focus right now has to be on you and the kids, not my own childish fantasies!" "Cate, you can't think like that! You're important too! And you deserve this! So much! More than I think you realise. You're using us as an excuse, you have to do this!" "No, Jax, I don't. And I'm not. So please, Jax, just leave it ok?" "Fine," he conceded, with a sigh, "I will. For now." Caitlin let out a deep breath and then snuggled deeper into the hospital duvet. "Thank you. Now, c'mere!" she exclaimed, stretching her arms out and beckoning her husband closer. He smiled, and wrapped his arms around her.

* * *

Although Jackson had promised Caitlin he wouldn't bug her about the publishing deal, that didn't mean he couldn't wonder if he should sign it for her. He loved his wife, and wanted the best for her, and in his heart he knew she'd wanted so badly to sign that contract. But she hadn't. For him. So surely, he had to sign it. For her. But what if he did sign it and she never forgave him? He couldn't lose her. But then, he might anyway if marrying him meant she had to put her dreams aside. She'd only resent him if he didn't do this for her, right? Jackson was confused, and he knew that whatever decision he made would be a huge one.

So he did what any confused male would do. He brought in the big guns- the best friend.

"Hi!" "Hey, Lucy." "It's nice to hear from you Jax, what can I do for you?"

"I kinda wanted to talk to you, if that's alright. It's about Caitlin." "Yeah, Jax, I got that! What about her?" "It's sort of a long story, can I meet you somewhere?" "Yeah, of course. Cate is alright, though? I mean, she's not in danger or anything, right?" "No! Of course not. Sorry if I made you think that, that wasn't my intention at all." "I know Jax, it's fine, chill. So Starbucks, half an hour?" "Sure. Thanks again Luce." "Anytime Mr Rivers. See you in a bit." "Alrighty. Bye." "Bye!"

"When in Starbucks, one must order coffee." Lucy remarked as she sat down opposite Jackson. "Oh no! You can't possibly be turning into Caitlin! One in this world is more than enough!" Jackson faux moaned. Lucy giggled. "I'll tell her you said that!" "No you won't." "Whatever. But seriously, you're not gonna have coffee?" "Nope. Not really feeling the coffee right now." "Oh jeez, you're crazy! Now, fill me in on the Caitlin situation."

Around fifteen minutes later, Jackson had told Lucy everything and was now eagerly awaiting her verdict.

"I think you should go for it." "What? Really?" "Yeah, you're right. She doesn't do enough for herself, and if she won't do it, you should do it for her." "You don't think she'll flip out on me?" "Oh yeah! It's pretty much guaranteed. But you wouldn't be husband and wife if you didn't get mad at each other sometimes. Besides, once she realises you did it out of love, she'll be fine." "I guess so." "Dude! You need to stop being so scared of your own wife! Suck it up. Now, get on with it." "Ok, I will. Thanks for this Luce, I really appreciate it." "Anytime. I'll go visit her in hospital now, while you sort the contract out, alright?" "Ok, thanks, you're a star! I'll see you later." "I know I am! Okay, bye Jax." "Bye."

* * *

Lucy knocked on Caitlin's hospital door. "Who is it?" Caitlin asked. "Delivery for a Mrs Rivers." Lucy paused. "One best friend!" and with that she jumped into the room, her arms spread wide, and a huge grin plastered on her face. In perfect synchrony the two girls squealed happily. "C'mere," Caitlin instructed, patting the bed beside her. "I wanna give you a hug and I'm still not permitted to move around freely." Lucy did as she was told and gave her best friend a bone crushing hug. "Um, oww, Luce! Still a little fragile here!" "Oh! Sorry, I forgot. So how are you guys doing?" "Urghh, better I guess. I feel a little stronger, princesses one and two are gaining some weight. So yeah, we're slowly but surely improving." "That's good! When you guys get out of here we'll have to have a huge party to celebrate!" "Maybe not huge, but, we'll see." Lucy laughed, "Fine." "Oh Luce, I've missed you." "Missed you too C. And just so you know, now you guys have to get better so we can have that party!" Caitlin chuckled. "If you say so." "Oh, I do." Caitlin and Lucy's incessant laughter could be heard throughout the hospital. And though they knew they were being ever so slightly obnoxious, they really didn't care. because they were young, and happy, and, reasonably, healthy. And in that moment, that was all that mattered.

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