Home is where your heart is

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It was 1pm. Jackson was at work, and all three kids were napping, so Cate was happily enjoying some peaceful, quiet, alone time. That is until the phone rang and disrupted both her peace and the twin's naps.

Sighing, and simultaneously rocking both the twins in her arms, Caitlin answered the phone.

"Hello?" She asked. "Hey Cate, it's Adam, is this a bad time?" Caitlin looked at the walking, almost-toddlers before her. Yes, it was a bad time! "Nope! Not at all! What can I do for you Ads?" "Ok. Well, Vanessa and I have some great news we want to share with you guys, but it's a surprise. Are you free to come over to ours for dinner tonight?" "That sounds exciting! Ermm, probably... What time were you thinking?" "Around 6-ish?" "It may need to be a little later, depending on when Jax finishes work. He's on his lunch break now, so I'll call him, and then text you to confirm if that's alright?" "Sure, sounds great." "Fab! Ok, well, see you later then!" "Ok. Bye." "Bye!"

* * *

Dressed in their finest, the two families sat down for dinner.

"Ok, so what's this news? I've been waiting to find out all day!" Adam looked at his wife in response to the question, and she nodded at him to proceed. "Alright, so, you guys will be moving back to England shortly, and since we've all gotten so close recently, we're really going to miss you. So, since there's not really anything for us here, and family is more important than anything, plus Nessa and Owen haven't met Mum or Claire yet, we've brought a house. In England. We're going to Meadowview with you guys!" Adam eagerly announced. "What?! No way! That's great man, congratulations! This is gonna be amazing!" Jax exclaimed. "Congrats guys, this is just the best news!" Cate added.

* * *

"Isn't it great that Adam, Ness, and Owen are moving to England?" "Yeah, it really is." Jax agreed. "Hey! Honey, what's up?" Cate questioned, gently lifting her husband's face with a finger so he was looking directly at her. "It's just. I've loved being here, in New York city, these past six months. It's brought us closer, and it's given me my brother back- I couldn't ask for anything more, or be any more grateful. But I'm scared that things will be different when we get home, and we'll have to confront things we were able to quickly move on from here." Understanding what her husband's words were suggesting, Cate took a deep breath and held his hand before responding. "Babe, I know where you're going with this. You're worried that I'm going to get stressed out looking after the kids whilst you work longer hours; that we won't be so close anymore; and that things will be difficult with you and Adam once you're back together as a family once again; that we won't be able to deal with the, the miscarriage, when everyone confronts us about it. But there's no use worrying about those things now. We'll cross those bridges if, if, we ever come to them. But one thing's for sure; I am deeply, irrevocably, in love with you, and I will not let anything hurt you or our family ok?" "I love you Cate, but I still think, I mean. This has been our home and-". Rolling her eyes at the fact that her words still weren't resonating with her husband, Caitlin interrupted. "Jackson, my home is wherever you are. And in two weeks time, we'll be home again, and everything will be as it should." "You promise?" "I promise."

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