Phone calls

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"So, what's happening with this publishing deal of yours?" Jackson asked his wife as they sat watching 'X Men: First Class'. "What do you mean by that?" "You know exactly what I mean!" Caitlin rolled her eyes at this a little too over dramatically. "Nothing's happening, that's the whole point of my contract. I think I'll have to do a little promo over the coming months, but that's it. The company are being really supportive about my choice to focus on family." "Look at my little business woman! Honey, I am so proud of you, you know that right?" "Aww, baby, sure I do. And thank you for being so great, I couldn't do this without your unsolicited support." "Well, you deserve it! Now shhh, we're missing the good part! Jennifer Lawrence will be on screen soon!" Jackson said, resembling a young child as his wife, yet again, rolled her eyes. But the smile on her face easily gave it away. She was truly happy, and head over heels in love with Mr. Jackson Rivers.

Having just finished playing football with his son in the garden, Jackson walked inside, where he heard a loud bump. He rushed upstairs to see Caitlin sprawled on the floor. At first he smiled, thinking she'd just fallen over, but as he leaned closer he realised she was unconscious. "Caitlin! Caitlin, honey can you hear me?!" Jackson exclaimed, panicking now. When she didn't respond, he lifted her head gently onto a cushion and called out to his son. "Austin! Can you come here please?" Soon Austin came bounding over, brandishing a huge grin, which quickly vanished when he saw his mummy laying on the floor. "Mummy! Mummy! Wake up!" He pleaded as he began to cry. Jackson sat on the floor, pulling Austin onto his lap as he called the emergency services.

With the ambulance on its way, Jackson's next step was to first call Talia to tell her about her daughter's accident, and then call his own mother to ask her to take care of the kids while they were at the hospital.

Jackson's mother Ashley lived close by, so she arrived before the ambulance did, and promised she'd take care of Austin, Taylor, and Autumn (with Claire's help), for as long as they needed him too. .

Soon, the ambulance had arrived and, after having promised to stay with him until then, his mum and kids left.

* * *

When they arrived at the hospital, Caitlin still hadn't woken up, and the doctors were anxiously conducting examinations and running tests so they could determine what caused the accident to happen. After around half an hour of this, Caitlin's parents arrived.

"Oh Jackson, honey, you're all by yourself! Oh I'm so sorry sweetheart, we were both stuck at work, we came as fast as we could." Talia said, hugging her son-in-law and nervously glancing at her daughter. "I too, am very sorry Jackson." Scott said, as he gave Jackson a man-hug and continued "So how's she holding up?" He asked, as he leant over to brush a stray hair behind his daughter's ear. "Not well. The doctors are running tests, they don't really know what's wrong. I don't know what happened, she must have hit her head somehow. She was fine one minute, and the next I found her lying on the lounge floor!" Jackson said, wringing his hands as he became gradually consumed with worry and frustration. Talia put an arm on his shoulder as she sat in the chair next to him. "Everything's going to be just fine. We'll get through this sweetheart, as a family." She insisted, as she grasped her husbands hand in her own and looked at Jackson with true sincerity.
"Thank you Talia, Scott, for being here. It means a lot. Hell, it means everything." Jackson confided, his expression earnest. This time it was Scott who put a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to thank us. There's no where else we'd rather be".

Caitlin was still unconscious, three hours after the accident. Finally, her doctor entered the room, to give them news.

Jackson, Talia and Scott all stood, anxious expressions mirrored on each of their faces.

Evergreen (sequel to Green for Good?!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя