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"So what now?" She asked, her face the vision of grace and radiance. "Now we climb up to the highest mountain and laugh and laugh until we can laugh no more." Caitlin tilted her head, determining the severity of her husband's words. "You know, you're a strange one. But I am truly glad that you're so happy about this little one." She said, rubbing her ever-growing stomach protectively and smiling warmly. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Jackson asked as he took his wife's hands in his own, and knitted his brow in confusion. "I don't know." She responded, shrugging and refusing to meet his eyes. "Yes, you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have said anything." He said, turning Caitlin to look at him. She sighed deeply. "I just, I mean, it's not really the right time with your new job and all. Plus, with Austin, it was an accident, and I feel like having him pressured you into proposing. I just, don't want to pressure you into anything. Otherwise you'll just get tired of your pathetic little stalker." "Cate! How can you say that? I love you. And yes, we didn't plan to have Austin, but I don't regret it. I love our son, so so much. And I would've proposed to you regardless of Austin, he just convinced me to do it sooner, rather than later. You're not my stalker! You're my wife, and I wouldn't cope without you. Honey, there's never a perfect time to have a baby, and I promise you, I can't wait for our baby to arrive. Where did all this insecurity come from?" "I. Don't be mad ok, baby?" Jackson didn't like where this was heading, but what could he say? "Ok, I won't." "Promise! Please?" "Fine. I promise ok." "Thank you. I. I saw Drew."

Drew. Caitlin's ex-best friend who had randomly proclaimed his love for her one day, even though, at the time, she was both pregnant and engaged. He'd hurt her way too many times for it to be ok that she'd just casually run into him.

"What do you mean you saw him?" "Well, I was out the other day, getting the weekly shop when I heard this voice calling me. I turned around, and there he was; this giant smirk on his face. " Jackson frowned. "What did he say?" "That he was really sorry, but he still loved me and hoped I could forgive him." "And?" "I said that I'm married with a little boy, and I'll never love him the way he wants me to. Also, that what he did was unforgivable and that I didn't ever want to see him again." "Oh!" Caitlin smirked. "Surprised?" She asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow. "A little. I mean, you've never been so upfront with someone before." "Well, all he's ever done is hurt me, and I'm not going to let him close enough to either do it again, or ruin our relationship. He needed to know where he stands." "That, is a good point. Now, enough about Drew. What do you have planned for today m'lady?"Jackson asked, a sweet smile on that classically handsome face of his."Not that much. Why? What were you thinking of doing?" "I was thinking we could tell everyone you're pregnant. I mean, you're 13 weeks pregnant now, it's safe. What do you think?" "I think that's a great idea baby." "Good. Lets get Austin and then we'll go." "Ok." Caitlin grinned, and grabbed her husband's hand.

* * *

"Hey! How are my favourite married couple and my beautiful grandson doing?" Talia, Caitlin's mum asked. Both Caitlin and Jackson looked at her, stunned. "Too much?" They nodded enthusiastically. "Ok. Sorry. You all look well. Caitlin honey, you look amazing- you're practically glowing! How are things?" "Thanks mum. They're great, thank you for asking. How are you guys doing?" "Wonderfully! Absolutely wonderfully. Now c'mon lets get inside so I can play with my favourite person in the world!" "I think I'm a bit old for playing mum." "Oh Caitlin, aren't you hilarious!" Talia replied, rolling her eyes at her daughter.

"So," Talia began, her hands neatly folded in her lap, "What did you two come to tell us?" "What makes you think we have to tell you something? Can't we just visit for the sake of visiting?" Caitlin's dad Scott chuckled dryly at this. "Caitlin love, we know you two, you rarely visit us unless it's for a reason. Yeah, you regularly keep in contact, but that's usually by phone or face time, or, more likely, we come and see you." "Oh, I'm sorry. I feel really bad now." Caitlin said. "I know, I'm sorry too. We'll make more of a conscious effort to see you." "No, it's ok. We understand, you're very busy between uni and parenting and don't have time for much else. Anyway, that isn't what we were getting at- what did you come to tell us? Are you moving house? Did one of you just get a job, or get a diploma? What is it? C'mon we're shaking in anticipation here!" Caitlin nudged Jackson, signalling for him to share his news first. He took the hint. "Well, I've been asked to go and teach at the local primary school! I start next week!" "Oh wow, that's amazing Jackson! Oh, we're so proud of you!" Talia exclaimed. "Congratulations son, you'll be a great teacher." Scott congratulated.Both Scott and Talia hugged Jackson, and then the three of them sat down again. "Oh! I completely forgot! Do either of you want a drink? Maybe some wine, to celebrate?" Talia asked. "Oooh! Yes please!" Jackson said. "Err, no thanks to the wine, but I'll have water ple-" At that moment Austin went charging towards a lit candle, presenting Caitlin with the perfect distraction. "Austin, no! Stay away from the candle please!" She instructed, swooping him up in her arms as he fiercely toddled by. She ruffled his hair lovingly. "Cheeky boy!" She muttered, bouncing him up and down on her knee. "We'll just go and get the drinks." Scott announced, following his wife into the kitchen. As soon as they left Caitlin turned to her husband, frowning. "What did I do now?" He asked. "Why did you have to say yes to the wine, now it looks like I'm definitely pregnant!" she whispered angrily which, strangely enough, is possible. "Oh, sorry! Didn't really think that through!" "Too right you didn't! Just, be more careful next time, ok?" "Sure, will do. Can I steal this little guy from you?" "Of course." She said, placing her son on his daddy's knees.

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