All in the name of love

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"Cate? Talk to me, please. Just say something, anything."

She turned to him then, her eyes full of sadness. "I love you for doing it, and I get it. I understand that you thought you were doing the right thing. But I disagree. And I told you no, but you did it anyway. This is not about what you did Jax, it's about trust. How can I trust you again when you went behind my back like that?" She asked, tears forming in her beautiful blue eyes.

"I know. And I'm sorry. But everyday, I see how much you do for me and the kids and I just wanted to give you something in return. I know, that writing is your dream, and it breaks my heart that you feel you have to put your dream on hold because of me. I just want you to be happy, and I know this publishing deal can give that to you." Jackson told her earnestly.

"But don't you get it? Jax, I love you. And I love the beautiful children we have together. The four of you, are what make me happy; I don't need a publishing deal to bring joy into my life, baby. You should know that by now."

"Ok. Well, if you can honestly tell me that this is truly what you want, then I promise, I won't mention it again, unless you ever decide you do want to be a published writer."

"Thank you baby. I assure you, this is what I want, you and the kids are all I need to make me happy!"

"Ok then. No more book deal?" "No more book deal!" "Am I forgiven?" "Of course! But to make it up to me, I think someone needs to hand over the credit card. It's time for the shopping trip that is inevitable every time you mess up!" Caitlin remarked, smiling mischievously as she treated her husband to a wink. "Really?! Uh huh, hand it over!" Jackson let out a long sigh. "Fine!" "Yayyy!" Caitlin exclaimed, squealing like a little girl.

Caitlin bent down over Taylor's cot and tickled her little tummy. "Mummy's going shopping! And we're going to get you lots of lovely new clothes!" Autumn whined, telling her mummy she wasn't happy about all the attention her sister was getting. Caitlin walked over to Autumn and picked her up, cradling her in her arms as Jackson did the sane to Taylor. "Hello pretty baby!" she cooed, smiling at her beautiful daughter.

While Caitlin was breast feeding Taylor, a nurse walked in. Her name was Payton, she was 24, and she had been amazing throughout the hospital experience.

"How are my favourite patients doing?"

Payton asked, smiling as father and daughter laughed happily. "We're good thanks Pay, how are you?" Caitlin replied. "Great. All the better for seeing you guys. Anyway, I come bearing good news!" You do? What is it?" Jackson asked, sitting down with Autumn on his lap. "Well, Caitlin, you can go home tomorrow!" "Really?! Well that's good, I guess. But it sure will be strange without these two little ones at home. I haven't spent any real time apart from them since they were born." "They'll be fine, we'll look after them here, and you can still visit them whenever you like." Payton told her friend. "I guess. Ahhh , homeward bound it is then." Caitlin replied, sighing blissfully.

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