Blast from the past

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Now, with only a few days to go until the approximated birth of the twins, Caitlin and Jackson were spending their days anxiously ensuring everything was perfect. And they were doing a good job of it too. The nursery was done, complete with Taylor and Autumn's names written on the walls above the cots where they'd be sleeping. The colour scheme was pale pink and lilac, with soft floral carpeting, a nice sofa in the middle of the room, and a dressing table for nappy changing. Jackson and Caitlin couldn't be more excited and Austin couldn't wait to be a big brother.

"So, what are we doing today?" Caitlin asked her husband. Her head was resting on his chest, while he wrapped his arms protectively, yet comfortably, around his wife and the bump. "I don't mind, we don't need to get anything else for the twins do we?" Caitlin shook her head, "No, I don't think so." "Perfect. We should spend the day relaxing then, you exert yourself too much, love." "No I don't. Can't we go shopping for Taylor and Autumn?" "I thought you said we don't need to get them anything." "Just because we don't need to get them anything, doesn't mean I don't want to get them anything!" Jackson rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright, we'll go shopping!" "Yayyy! Thank you baby." "You're welcome." "Can we invite Jen and Jake along too?" "Cate!!!!!" "Please?" "Fine."

* * *

"Wow, Cate you're so big! I can't believe you're only 28 weeks, the twins must be quite big." Jenna said, gently stroking her friend's bump. "I know, it's crazy, at 20 weeks I couldn't even see my own feet. I don't think I was ever this big with Austin. But the twins are actually tiny, it's just the amniotic sac protecting them that's huge." "Woah! No, you definitely weren't. Is that a concern that the babies are small even when you're this big?" "Yeah, it is. It's partly why they think I'll go into labour so early." "I'm sorry Cate." Jen said, putting her arm around her friend who had tears glistening in her eyes. "It's ok, it's just hard sometimes, y'know. I feel so helpless, and like I'm failing them. Failing everyone. Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming." By now tears were rushing down her face and she couldn't close the floodgates that Jenna had accidentally opened. Jenna wrapped her arms around Caitlin, stroking her back and making soothing noises. Eventually her efforts were rewarded and Caitlin's crying died down. "I'm so-sorry." Caitlin apologised, her voice small and timid. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm here for you. Always. You know that, right?" Caitlin nodded a few times in response. "Good. Have you told Jackson how you feel?" "A little. But he's so stressed, with me not working we rely on his wage to get by, and he never tells me about bills or anything. I worry about him sometimes, if I told him these things it'd only upset him, and I just can't do that to him." "Cate. You know he'd want you to tell him, no matter how it makes him feel." "I know. But just because he wants that, doesn't mean it's right." "That's true, but in this instance it is right. You know that as well as I do Cate." At this Caitlin nodded numbly. At that moment the boys came downstairs. They were at Jake's house, Caitlin and Jackson had collected Jenna from her house and then came to get Jake. "Go on, tell him. I'll occupy Jake," The boys walked in. "Ready to go?" Jake asked. Caitlin rose. "Almost," Then, turning to Jackson she said, "Can I talk to you a sec Jax?" Jackson took Caitlin's hand in his, squeezed it lightly and then said "Sure, c'mon,"

As Caitlin was telling him all the things she'd kept pent up for months she could see the concern well up like tears in her husband's eyes, and when she finished talking she felt a huge sense of release. 'Jen was right', she thought, 'This was the right thing to do'. Jackson simply held her, tucked her hair behind her right ear, and whispered softly "Next time, please, tell me." She nodded slowly, but surely, and enough to relieve him.

* * *

While Jenna and Caitlin bought endless piles of clothing (two of each item, obviously), Jake and Jackson bought all the practical things like dummies and bibs. Of all the things they purchased, Caitlin and Jenna's favourites were; the red knitted cardigans, nude ballerina pumps with a little strap, beautiful lavender and pale pink tutu dresses, polka dot peter pan style blouses, light blue jumpers with bear ears attached to the hoods, and red and navy dresses with white polka dots.

On the way home, they came across the same boutique where Caitlin's waters had broken when she was pregnant with Austin. So Caitlin and Jackson bid farewell to Jenna and Jake, and entered 'Boutique d'Belle'.

As soon as they entered the boutique Caitlin recognised Camilla, one of the kind women who had taken care of her during labour. At that moment Camilla herself looked up and saw Caitlin, her face lit up and she grinned. Then. when she saw Austin in Caitlin's arms her smile widened dramatically. She rushed over from behind a till and greeted Caitlin with a huge hug. "Caitlin! Jackson! How lovely to see you. Oh my, is this your son?!" She asked, the excitement in her voice clearly audible. "Yes, this is Austin. Austin honey, say hello to Camilla she helped look after us before you were born." "Hello 'milla!" Austin said, his voice mild and incredibly sweet. "Hello Austin! Gosh, you're so big now! How old are you sweetie?" "I'm 2." "Wow, you're a big boy aren't you?" Austin nodded furiously and treated Camilla to his trademark grin. "So, how are you all?" She asked, looking at Caitlin and Jackson. "We're great thanks, how are you?" "I'm wonderful, thank you. I see you're pregnant again Caitlin, congratulations! I can see what you two have been up too!" Caitlin blushed, and bowed her head, while Jackson smirked. "Thank you. I'm almost 28 weeks now, we're having identical twin girls." "Oh how lovely! You're only 28 weeks! Pregnant women come in her every day, and I've never seen someone so big at 28 weeks, you look like you're about to pop any second. Most full term bumps aren't as big as yours! Even with twins, the babies must be really big." "I know, but the babies are actually tiny, it's the amniotic sac around them that's huge. I think it's due to fluid retention, or something like that. But actually, I am due to pop any minute now really, so we're really excited aren't we baby?" Caitlin said, looking at Jackson. "Yes, we are, It's any day now! The twins are definitely going to be spoiled rotten, that's for sure." "Now I wouldn't say that Jax!" Camilla laughed at their remarks. "Have you decided on names yet?" "Yes we have. We're going to call our daughters Taylor Amerie Rivers and Autumn Elsie Rivers." "Oh those names are simply beautiful, how precious. Well, I must get back to work now. It's been lovely seeing you. We really must catch up sometime." "Thank you, and yes we truly must." "That would be lovely Camilla." "Oh good, well I'll get out of your hair now. Happy shopping! Bye bye." "Bye." "See you soon."

Seeing Camilla again had resurfaced so many memories from when Caitlin was pregnant with Austin and it was lovely to reminisce for while. It was strange though, looking back, and realising just how innocent, and naive they were back then. Neither Caitlin nor Jackson would take anything back though, they had no regrets, and the things they'd experienced then were what defined who they were today. And the were now mature, distinguished adults, as well as parents. Yes, they were still young, and they hadn't yet reached the end of their road to self-discovery, but that didn't matter. They were happy and healthy, and that's what was most important.

* * *

"Baby?" "Yes Cate?" "What do you think of me being a writer?" "A writer? A writer of what?" "Well a writer of novels, silly!" "I think that's a great idea. You've always wanted to be a writer, so go for it!" "Really?! You think I should?" "Yes! Honey, I believe in you. I know you can do this. Go for it! Be brave!" "Ok, I think I will," "I'm proud of you, you know that right?" Caitlin smiled and nodded. "Good, Austin, Taylor and Autumn are proud of you too. And just think how inspirational you'll be to them as they grow up. A published author as a wife! How lucky am I?" Jackson asked rhetorically, kissing Caitlin softly. She giggled, and stroked his cheek. "I'm not published yet! Hold your horses Jax." "But you will be. We'll take your novel to a publisher once the twins are born." "Ok. Thank you baby." "For what?" "Having faith in me." "Love, you never have to thank for me that." "Oh, but I do. I love you." "I love you too Cate."

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