Out of the city

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"Aaaaand, we're officially home!" Caitlin announced to no one in particular. Smiling, she put the sleeping twins into their cots and then turned to her considerably more alert son. "Yeah, but I miss daddy momma!" Smiling slightly at Austin's little American accent, and his use of 'momma' which only happened when he was genuinely upset and needed comforting, Cate responded. "Honey, we've only just left him. But I promise you, he'll be home before you know it." Austin nodded slowly. "Ok." "Hey! Wanna make some Christmas cookies and dance to Christmas music?" "Yes yes yes!!!"

Three hours, 90 cookies, and four Christmas albums later Caitlin and Austin were both exhausted and covered in an assortment of baking ingredients including flour, icing, and a multitude of decorations.

"Ok, my little Christmas elf, what next? Wanna help me send out all the Christmas cards?" "Yes please! I sign my own name? And draw pictures? And lick envelope?" "You sure can, buddy. You know who really wants their own special Christmas card to be waiting for them when they get home?" She asked. At first Austin shook his head but then he realised the answer to his mummy's question. He gasped excitedly. "Daddy!!!" "Yep! High-five me on that, excellent guessing skills Master Austin!" Austin giggled and high-fived his mother. "Thank you mrs mommy!" Laughing, Caitlin replied "You are welcome kind sir! Now let's get these cards done..."

Caitlin was writing Adam, Vanessa and Owen's Christmas card and Austin was having a snack, when suddenly the phone rang. Coincidentally, it was Vanessa.

"Hey, Ness! I was just writing you guys a Christmas card!" "Hey Cate! That's weird!" "I know, isn't it?!" Vanessa giggled. "Yep! Anyway, guess who's officially moved in to the next street from yours?" "Oh my gosh, already? This is just the greatest! We'll have to come over and see the place sometime." "Yep. That's what I rang about. Why don't you guys come over now?!" "Now?! Are you sure? You guys are just settling in, I don't want to disturb you... Besides, the twins still have an hour or so of nap time." "Cate, it's fine! Well come in an hour then! Please?! C'mon you don't want to be a lone adult so close to Christmas do you?" She pleaded, and Caitlin could picture Vanessa's lip pouting and eyelashes fluttering as she begged and persuaded simultaneously. Cate sighed. "Fine! We'll come! But we'll be a little while... At least an hour or two." "That's fine with us! See you soon babe!" "See you soon! Bye!!!" "Bye bye!"

"Aust? Guess who we're going to see in a little while?" "Who?! Is it daddy?!" He asked eagerly. "No, it's not daddy, but I promise you will see him soon. It's Owen, Uncle Addy, and Auntie Ness!" "Yay yay yayyy!" Austin chanted. "Shhhh! Your sisters are sleeping!" Caitlin said, grinning at her overly excited son.

* * *

"Hi guys!" "Hello!" "Hiya!" "Wow! This place is amazing guys, it looks great!" "Thanks, we fell in love with it the very first time we saw it. This house took less time persuading me to love it than Adam did!" Vanessa joked, smiling and laughing as she teased and taunted her now pouting husband. "You know that's not true Ness! I'm a pro! Anyway, yeah, it's great Cate. So, how you holding up?" "Good." Adam's responsive look said 'as if'. Caitlin rolled her eyes, but smiled at her brother-in-law's caring nature. "Honestly, I'm fine! It's just Austin. He misses Jax so much, especially as it's Christmas. It's breaking his little heart being apart from his daddy for so long and I don't know what to do to fix it. All I can do is distract him, and promise Jax will be home soon, like I really hope he will." "I'm sorry Cate. Is he going to be back for Christmas?" Vanessa pondered, her voice gentle. "I don't think so." "Well what are you guys doing then?" "We're going over to my mum and dad's I think." "Oh ok, that's good then. So you won't be alone." "Oh, no, no! What about you guys?" "We're going to mum's." Adam replied. "Aw, that's good. Ash and Claire will love that. Especially as they'll get to see Ness and Owen. Ness have you met them yet? Or is Christmas going to be the first meeting?" "No, we're going over there tomorrow, so wish me luck!" "Nonsense, you don't need luck, you'll be fine! Ash will love you! You guys are actually really similar now that I think about it, so you have truly nothing to worry about. And Claire is such a sweetheart, she likes everyone and is just so nice. So you'll have no problems, honestly." "Thanks Cate, that's good to hear! I mean, Ads told me the same thing but, y'know, he lies! No, I'm kidding, I just thought he might be trying to make me feel better, though you probably are too, at least a little."
"Nope! Nothing but the cold, honest truth here!" Vanessa chuckled at this. "Alright, alright, if you say so!"

The group spent the remainder of the afternoon, as well as the evening that followed, eating dinner, playing games, and watching Christmas movies. And all in all, they couldn't have had a better time. And Caitlin realised that at a time when she felt slightly lonely, and was missing her husband greatly, she couldn't have been more glad that Adam and his family had moved just five minutes away from her own home, in their dear old town Meadowview.

Evergreen (sequel to Green for Good?!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя