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"Caitlin, Jackson, guess who's here to see you?!" Ashley asked, peeking her head around the door frame of Caitlin's hospital room. "Hey Ashley! I don't know, you tell us!" "Ok, it'sssss Austin!!!!" she exclaimed. Almost instantaneously, Austin rushed in, and leaped up onto the hospital bed. "Mummy! Daddy!" he called. "Hello sweetie." "Hey bud!" "Austin honey, are you ready to meet your little sisters?" Caitlin asked him, her face brandishing a genuine, and rather heartfelt, grin. "Yes, yes, yes!!!" Austin squealed, clapping his hands adorably and wriggling in excitement. "Well good, cause they're on their way now."

* * *

Jackson was sat on a chair besides his wife's bed with Austin on his lap, and Taylor on her big brother's lap. Caitlin herself was cradling Autumn and cooing to her every five seconds. They'd been sat like that for an hour, except they'd swapped the twins around so that everyone got their fair share of both Taylor & Autumn.

"Cate?" "Yes Jax?" "Do you mind if I pop out a sec? I just want to get some more stuff for the twins and tidy the house up a bit, ready for when you guys come home. I mean, my mum and Claire are here, so it's not like you'd be alone." At this, Caitlin chuckled to herself. "Jax, baby, who are you trying to convince here- me or you?" Jackson blushed, and looked sheepish. Their son could completely replica that same expression when he was embarrassed. It was uncanny. "Jax, it's fine. We'll be alright. Hey, why don't you take Austin with you? He's been cooped up for days now, he could do with the fresh air." "Plus you'd get a bit of peace and quiet, right?" Jackson remarked cheekily, winking at his wife slyly. "No! Besides, there's no chance of that with the twins! But it'll be nice for you and Austin to have some father-son bonding time." "Alright, alright, stop selling it to me, jeez! I'll take Austin ok!" Jax said in a faux panic. "Great, now go." "Alright, see you soon honey." "Bye Jax, I love you." "I love you too." "Bye Austin, sweetheart, I'll see you very soon alright?" "Ok, bye mummy."

'Aaaah', Caitlin thought, 'peace at last'.

* * *

"So, what's it like knowing you're the mother of three kids, Cate?" Ashley asked her daughter-in-law, with a smile on her face. She'd just held her granddaughters for the first time, and was still buzzing from the truly magical experience. "It's weird! I mean, I never would've guessed that I'd have three

kids at 20! But I am so happy, and I just couldn't imagine my life without them and Jax." "Awww, I'm so glad you're happy honey. If Jackson hadn't found you, God knows what he'd be up to now!" she replied, chuckling. Caitlin joined in on the laughter. "That's so sweet of you to say! But it is also very true." she remarked, grinning innately.

For the remainder of the afternoon, Caitlin, Ashley, Claire and Austin laughed the day away. In fact, they were enjoying themselves so much, that at first none if them had noticed just how long Jackson had been gone for.

Caitlin smiled as she listened to her sister-in-law's in depth tale of how last Tuesday was the most embarrassing day of her entire life. Suddenly she heard a very loud gasp. However, since she knew who it was coming from, she figured it was an over exaggeration, and so wasn't especially concerned. "Ashley? Is everything alright?" she asked sweetly. "Did you know it's 6:30pm already?!" Was Ashley's elaborate response. "What? Really? How long have you guys been here?" "We arrived at around 1, half 1 maybe, so around 5 hours." "5 hours?! So Jax must have been gone for at least 4 hours! Where on earth is he?! He hasn't called, or left any text messages. What if something's happened?" Caitlin asked, apparently transitioning into her extroverted mother-in-law. "It's alright darling, take some deep breaths. I'm sure Jax is just fine. Why don't you give him a call?" Now, apparently, Caitlin and Ashley were completely trading personalities.

"Hey Cate." "Jax? Are you alright? we've been so worried! Where on earth have you been?!" "I'm so sorry honey! I really didn't mean to worry you. I'll tell you when I get there." he responded. Jackson instantly detected the hesitation in his wife's voice as she started to reply, so he continued. "I know, I'm an awful husband, and for that I am very sorry. but it's a surprise! And I swear it'll be so worth it afterwards!" "Fine!" "Great! Thank you honey. I love you Cate." "I love you too Jax." "Bye, see you in a few." "Bye baby." 'Click!' Caitlin hung up the phone, curious to discover just what her husband had been going all day...

After hugs and kisses were exchanged, Caitlin decided to get right down to business: "So Mr mysterious, where were you all day?" "Well, I visited a few publishing firms, showed them your novel, and guess what?! One of them offered you a deal! I've got the contract here, all you have to of is sign it!" "Oh, wow! Oh Jax, this is by far amongst the nicest things anyone's ever done for me, and that's one of the many reasons why i'll love you forever." "Cate, honey, you are so welcome. I wouldn't be half as happy as I am now without you. Now go on, look through the contract!" he instructed, as he passed his wife the mini stack of papers. Silently, Caitlin leafed through it for a while. "So," Jackson asked eagerly, "what's the verdict?" "Well..."

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