Hot, hot, hot

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"Mummy mummy mummy!!!" "Yes Austin?" "Somebody at door, I go get it?" "If you ask who it is, and you know the person who answers, then yes." said Caitlin, already knowing who was on the other side of the door. "Yay yay yay!!!" Austin chanted, as he eagerly bounded towards the door. Caitlin smiled and, having finished breastfeeding Autumn, scooped up both the twins and followed after her son. "Who is it?" "It's nanny." "Come in nanny!" Austin said, grinning as he eventually managed to open the door.

"Hi mum!" Caitlin said, doing her best to hug her mum without dropping either one of the twins. "Hi darling! How are you?" "I'm okay thanks, how are you and dad?" "We're wonderful thank you sweetie. Do you need a hand?" Caitlin nodded eagerly. "Please!" Talia expertly prised Taylor from her mummy's arms and smiled and cooed in awe at her precious granddaughter. "So, how are you handling things with these three little darlings?" "Ok actually." She paused, deciding to tell her mum the news. "Jax has just been told he has to stay in New York for an extra three months with Emma, so that will be fun, being without my husband and one of my closest friends for so long!" "Oh honey, I'm sorry! I can always stay a while, help out around here." "Really it's fine mum. I'm ok, I'm just overreacting." "You need to stop telling yourself that; looking after three children under the age of 5 alone on a near permanent basis is hard! Stop belittling yourself! And I promise you, you're doing great!" "Thanks mum. Now, the guests are arriving in 2 and a half hours, so we need to start preparing. When's dad coming? Cause I need him to sort out the actual barbecue part of this little get together."

* * *

Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Mum?" "Jax, honey! Hi, how are you? How's life in the big city?" "It's great thanks, as am I. How are you and Claire?" "We're great thanks sweetheart. Now, what's on your mind?" "Have you seen Cate recently?" "Yes, I saw her yesterday. Why? What aren't you telling me?" "That's actually what I wanted to ask you." "Pardon?!" "I mean, I know you wouldn't lie to me, it's just.." Jackson sighed deeply. "Has Caitlin been acting strange at all?" "Jackson. I don't know what's going on here, but what I do know is that you need to pick up the phone and talk to your wife." "But she won't tell me what's wrong!" "Jax. Just do it!" Again, he sighed heavily. "Ok, thanks mum." "You're welcome honey." "Bye. I love you." "I love you too. Bye."

After the phone call she'd just had with her son, Ashley was consumed with guilt. But it truly wasn't her secret to tell. So she went to the family barbecue with a mission. She had to convince Caitlin to tell Jackson she was pregnant. And soon. Before it was too late.

* * *

Everyone had arrived, and Caitlin was expertly managing being a good hostess, keeping an eye on the kids, and making sure she had eaten enough.

"Cate. Do you have a minute? I was wondering if I could talk to you about something." Ashley asked. "Sure," Caitlin replied with a smile. "I've just got to serve the other salad a sec, and I'll be right with you." Ashley frowned as Caitlin dashed off, clearly rushed off her feet. She looked exhausted, and ill, so Ashley couldn't help but show concern for her beloved daughter-in-law.

Caitlin was bringing the salad into the back garden when she was overcome with a sudden wave of nausea and dizziness. Her body lurched backwards and she fainted, causing the glass bowl to smash, and its contents to spill onto the pristine, and neatly mowed, lawn.

When Caitlin awoke, she was in hospital surrounded by lots of the people who had been at the barbecue. Her mother, father, brother Peter, and Lucy, were among them.

Suddenly a young female doctor with wavy auburn hair approached Caitlin. "Hello Caitlin, my name's Doctor Bowen, I'll be taking care of you today. How are you feeling?" "Better thanks."

Caitlin turned to her mum. "Where are-" Scott interrupted his daughter. "Ashley and Claire are taking care of Austin, Taylor, and Autumn back at your house. Don't worry, they're safe. You should be more concerned with your own health." Her father's words strongly resonated with her. Caitlin gasped, and anxiously sat up, aiming her question at Dr. Bowen. "Is my baby okay?!" The doctor nodded. "Yes. Your baby is fine, just a little shaken up by the fall, much like you are. You are approximately eight weeks pregnant, if you wanted to know. We can do a quick sonogram if you wish, and give you a few photos to take home." "Yes please. That would be lovely, thank you." Doctor Bowen smiled politely and began to assemble the necessary equipment.

Sonogram over, Caitlin began the questioning.

"How long will I have to stay in hospital for?" "At least a few nights. You're suffering from severe exhaustion, you have a high fever, and the symptoms of your pregnancy are unusually ferocious so we want to monitor the health of both yourself and your baby. "Is it bad that I feel a little light headed?" "No, that's entirely normal. We think you may have suffered a slight concussion, but we'll have to run a few more tests to confirm our suspicions." "Ok. Once I'm out of hospital, is there anything I can do to avoid this happening again? Because I really need to be with my children right now." "Not as such. The remedy for this isn't quite so black and white. I'd advise you to eat really healthily, and quite a bit more, since you need the energy. Try and get more sleep, and just generally try to relax a little more when possible. It's not too difficult really." "Alright then. I think I can do that! Thank you Doctor." "You're more than welcome Caitlin."

* * *

Caitlin ended up staying in hospital for a week, whilst Ashley and her parents took it in turns to look after the kids. But finally, she was home, and free from the terrors of hospital life.

Talia was sat in her daughter's garden, watching Austin splash about in his paddling pool whilst Caitlin was relaxing upstairs. The twins were asleep, and Talia had strictly instructed her daughter to have some nice, quiet, alone time which was well deserved, as well as necessary.

Looking around to check Caitlin wasn't approaching anytime soon, Talia picked up her phone, and called Jackson. He answered almost immediately.

"Talia! What a nice surprise, how are you?" "I'm good thanks Jackson, how are you." "I'm great thanks." "Good, I'm glad. Okay. Listen, there's a reason why I called you." "I figured." "Have you spoken with Caitlin recently?" "Yes, why?" Talia sighed, Jackson's tone had given Caitlin away. "I knew she didn't tell you." she muttered under her breath. "Tell me what?" "Caitlin was in hospital for a week, she's only just gotten out." "What?! Is she okay?" "Yes, she's fine now. I can't believe she didn't tell you! Well actually, I can, but that's not the point. Anyway, she's been suffering from exhaustion, dizziness, nausea, and she had a high fever." "Oh my god! That sounds awful! I should book the next flight!" "Oh Jackson, it's alright, she's well looked after here! Besides, you know better than anyone that she's always like this during pregnancy! She'll be fine, hopefully the symptoms will die down soon enough; the doctors are keeping a close eye on her and the baby." "Sorry, what did you say? Cate, Cate's pregnant?" "Yes. You- you didn't know? She didn't tell you? Oh goodness. Jackson, I'm so sorry you found out this way. I assumed she'd told you." "That's ok. Uh, thank you, for telling me about Caitlin being in hospital. I've, got to go. Bye Talia." "You're welcome. Bye Jax."

Both Talia and Jackson hung up with a heavy heart, the joy that had been prominent in both of them replaced with a dull, all encompassing void.

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