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Just a few days after his family had arrived in New York, Jackson was back to work again. But of course, that was to be expected as his occupation was the sole reason they were in The States in the first place. Caitlin took advantage of her husband's temporary absence by doing something she'd been dying to do for a while. She began to track down Adam, Jax's long lost older brother.

Caitlin had awoken at 6 am to feed the twins and as soon as Jax had left, just 45 minutes later, she'd began searching for Adam. Thanks to the many wonders of modern technology, and her own IT skills, she'd hunted Adam down in just three hours! It turns out, he had relocated to New York himself around two years ago, and with a quick phone call (including a brief introduction of herself) Caitlin was able to arrange a meeting time and place.

It was 10:30 when Adam and Caitlin met up. They'd arranged to meet in the Starbucks which was just 2 blocks away from Jax and Cate's apartment, so Caitlin and the kids enjoyed the nice walk there.

"Hi. I'm Adam, and you must be Caitlin. It's great to meet you." Adam said, rising from his chair as Caitlin approached, and holding his hand out in preparation for a hand shake. "Hey Adam, yes I'm Caitlin, it's a pleasure." Then looking at Adam's outstretched hand she frowned a little, considering. "I'm more of a hug person..." she began. At this, relief struck Adam's face, and he instantly gave Caitlin a huge hug. She squealed a little, taking a sharp intake of breath. "Sorry!" Adam apologised. Caitlin smiled. "It's ok, no harm done." As Adam held Caitlin's chair out for her, he suddenly noticed her bump. "Oh! You're pregnant! Congratulations!" Caitlin smiled coyly at this, unable to hide her excitement. "Thank you. We were a little surprised, but we truly couldn't be happier!" Adam mirrored her smile. "I can see that! I'm glad you guys are happy, that's all I've ever wanted for Jax, y'know." Caitlin nodded slowly. "Hey, before we get into that, you still haven't met, or rather, been introduced to, your nephew and nieces!"

After Adam and the kids had been properly introduced, Caitlin decided it was time she heard Adam's side of the story.

"Ok," Caitlin began, taking a short, deep breath. "I think you know what I'm going to say," she said, looking at Adam, who nodded. Then she continued: "But I'm going to say it anyway. You keep saying how much you love your family, but if you truly love them as much as you say you do- and I think you do- then why did you leave them at the time they needed you most?" After asking such a direct, and unashamed question, Caitlin couldn't help but feel a little cruel and guilty for her words. But they'd needed to be said. Her husband desperately needed clarity, and reassurance, and... the truth.

Adam took a long breath, and for while he just sat there, peeling corners off a napkin, and staring at the table. Then finally, he looked up at Caitlin.

"Ok. So how much do you know?"

"In the general sense?" Adam nodded. "Well everything, I think." "Good. Well that saves us some time, I guess."

"When dad died, it kind of broke me. We were so close, and as a kid I didn't have many friends, so he was my best friend as well as my father. So I was lost without him. It was only when mum became depressed and ended up being hospitalised that I realised after dad's passing, a lot of responsibility had fallen upon my shoulders. I love Jax and Claire more than anything, so I really did try my best to look after them. But it turns out my best just wasn't good enough. I couldn't cook, or clean, or be a good role model to them, though trust me, I wanted to be! And stupidly, I thought that being in their lives and failing at everyday tasks would be worse than not being in their lives at all. So I walked away. I'm not going to make any excuses for myself, because I know that was the wrong move, and didn't make things better for anyone. In fact, it made things ten times worse. But I was only 18, and I didn't know any better. I will regret that for the rest of my life, and I am a huge coward for not talking to my family, I guess now our family, about it sooner." Caitlin smiled slightly at Adam's use of 'our family', but was otherwise deeply saddened by Adam's little speech. These past few months, she'd only seen things through Jax's eyes, and as a result, had come to resent the man sat before her. But she realised now that the Adam of the past was just a stressed, confused teenage boy who had the weight of the world on his young shoulders and, in a panic, chose 'flight' over 'fight'.

"Adam, I am so sorry, for everything. But also because, I judged you, I blamed you for Jax and Claire being so fragile and vulnerable. But I now know that you are just as fragile. What you guys had to endure on a daily basis was horrible, and none of you deserved it. You're a scapegoat; the one everyone blames simply because that's the easiest thing to do. But you were, you are, a victim too. Everyone makes mistakes Adam, and you've clearly let yours define you for far too long."

By now, both Adam and Caitlin has tears streaming down their faces. They shared a long, emotional hug, and when they parted Adam spoke.

"Thank you Caitlin. For finding me, and helping me to realise that no matter how hard I try I can't change the past. My brother, and your three, almost four, children are so very lucky to have you. I didn't realise how much this stuff still bothered me until I poured my heart out to you just now. You are already shaping up to be a wonderful sister-in-law." Caitlin laughed slightly at the last part. "Adam, you honestly couldn't be more welcome, and there's truly no one I'd rather help. Gosh! I bet we look like a pair of sobbing lunatics! Listen; Jax finishes work in about an hour, how about you come back to our apartment and wait for him?" "Sure," Adam said with a grin. "I'd love that."

Caitlin and Adam had exchanged contact details and the pair were fact becoming fine friends. Soon, Jackson was home.

"Adam, could you watch the kids for a sec while I talk to Jax please? I promise you guys can have your heartfelt reunion soon!" Adam chuckled. "Yeah, of course I can." "Great! Thanks." "Anytime."

Caitlin rushed down the spiral staircase and met Jackson in the lobby. Upon seeing his wife, Jackson grinned happily, and met her with a hug and kiss before continuing towards the stairs. Caitlin gently latched on to the sleeve of his jacket, stopping him in his tracks. Jackson span around on the spot and looked at his wife, concern bright in his eyes. "Can you sit? Please?" Cate asked, motioning to one of the lobby's numerous cream coloured love-seats. Jackson nodded slowly and, like Caitlin, sat.

"There's no subtle way of saying this, so I'm going to get straight to it. Everything you told me about your brother Adam kind of resurfaced when I got here, so I guess, to some extent, I know how you felt when you first arrived. But anyway, I've been having this... urge, to deal with the Adam situation. So, today I, I tracked him down, and it turns out he lives here, in New York. We had coffee earlier today, and he met the kids and told me his side of the story. Baby, you know I've been as angry as him as you, but right now, after taking to him, I've change my tune considerably. He's upstairs, now, playing with the kids, and I think it would do both of you a world of good if you talked to him." Caitlin paused, allowing everything she'd said to sink in for Jackson. When she was sure she'd given him enough time to process it all, she spoke again.

"So? What do you think?" "I think you're right." He paused for dramatic effect. "Now c'mon, let's do this!"

Adam and Jackson finally reunited, and there were tears and hugs and everything. Then, they went on a long walk through Central Park together. Three and a half hours later, they were back.

"So? How'd it go?" Caitlin said softly, careful not to wake the kids by being too loud. "It went amazingly, and I, for one, am glad to have my brother back." Jackson stated.

"And it's all thanks to you, number one wife!" Caitlin grinned, and kissed her husband sweetly, then whispered: "Hey! Who's your number two wife then?!"

The brothers promised each other they'd stay in touch, all was forgiven and forgotten, and Caitlin couldn't be happier with the outcome of her master plan. So all in all, it had been a very successful day for the newly extended Rivers family.

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