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Over the weeks, the entire Rivers family found themselves getting closer, and more attached, to Adam. And for Caitlin, it was truly wonderful to witness. Her husband had his brother back, and she had a wonderful new brother-in-law. Things couldn't be better.

One day, Caitlin came back from a coffee morning with Emma, and came home to the most delightful sight. Adam was quietly playing with Austin while the twins were comfortably asleep in the corner.

"Hey Ads!" she whispered. "Oh! Hey Cate. Jax said you wouldn't be back for another hour or two." Caitlin rolled her eyes at this. "That's because he's convinced I gossip for hours on end, when really, that's not the case." Adam raised a sceptical eyebrow. He'd known Caitlin for a few weeks now, and even that was enough time for him to realise that he sided with Jax in this instance.

"Ok, ok! Jeez! Not you too! Talking of Jax, where is he anyway?" "He didn't specify, he just called, said you were out and he needed to do something before work, and was wondering if I could watch the kids." Caitlin frowned slightly. "Oh. Well that's weird. God, he's so darn cryptic! Well thank you for entertaining Aust and getting the twins to sleep!" "It's my pleasure, we've all had fun! Now, I'd better get out of your hair..." "No! Please. Stay. Jax loves when you're here; we all do. You're more than welcome! Stay as long as you like; that is, if you want to of course." "Sure. Thanks Cate, that's really nice of you." Caitlin smiled happily. "Ahh, it's nothing!"

As Adam only lived a few blocks away, he visited often. They all got used to him so much, that they began to realise just how much they'd all miss him when they returned to England.

"Uncle Addy?" "Yes mate?" "What daddy like when he a little boy?" Austin asked earnestly, looking up at his dear uncle with wide eyes and an adorable, innocent smile. "Well he was very cheeky for starters; just like you!" "Cheeky?! I not a cheeky monkey!" Adam laughed at this and ruffled his nephew's mop of blond hair. "If you say so Aust. Anyway, your daddy loved reading; his favourite book was 'The Tales of Peter Rabbit', and everyday he begged me to read it to him." "Really?!" Adam nodded.

Austin bounded over to Caitlin and eagerly tugged on the edge of his mum's skirt. "Mummy! Mummy!" "Yes sweetheart?" Caitlin replied, subconsciously rubbing her hand over her stomach in large circles, her other hand resting on her waist. "I buy Peter Rabbit book please?" "Of course honey, why do you want that book in particular?" "Cause daddy likes it silly! It his favourite book, Uncle Addy used to read it him." "Oh really?!" "Yes yes yes!" Caitlin laughed. "Ok. Well next time we go shopping I'll have a look for it okay sweetie?" "Ok. Thank you mummy!" "Oh darling, you are more than welcome! Now c'mere, I want a hug from my favourite boy!" Austin climbed onto the bar stool next to his mum, which was resting on the kitchen counter, and from there stood up and hugged her.

Caitlin lifted her son up, kissed his head, and then gently placed him back on the stool. As he walked away to play with his uncle she couldn't help but sigh softly. He was growing up so fast! It was approaching his fourth birthday already, and Cate knew that soon her precious baby would be all grown up.

At that moment Jackson walked in, home from another long day at work.

"Hey honey!" he said, kissing her softly on the lips. "Hi Ad! Hi Austin!" he called out. Once both Adam and Austin had responded he turned back to his wife.

"Hey! What's troubling you?" he said to Caitlin, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand. "It's not a big deal, it's just, Austin's growing up so quickly. I mean, look at him, he's so big now, and he's so clever! I just, I'm so proud of him, y'know!" Caitlin planned on continuing but started crying, so the rest of what she said was incoherent. "C'mere!" Jackson said, wrapping his wife in a tight embrace. When she finally stopped crying Jax took a step back, both of his hands on her shoulders, and looked Caitlin in the eye. "Cate? Are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah," she replied, smiling and wiping her eyes. "I guess I'm more hormonal right now than I realised!" Jackson laughed. "I guess so!"

Evergreen (sequel to Green for Good?!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें