Secrets and Surprises: "Shhhh!"

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Caitlin smiled to herself as she and Austin trawled through the teacher's lounge at Meadow View Primary in search for Jackson. It was 4pm, and, since he'd been driven to work by his colleague Jake, Caitlin had come to pick him up so they could go shopping. She was 20 weeks, and in desperate need for some new maternity wear and baby clothes. Twice the amount of baby clothes actually, this time around. 

Caitlin suddenly spotted Jackson curled on a couch, deep in the midst of his favourite novel 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. He was so engrossed that, even when Caitlin approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, he was oblivious. And, of course, desperate times call for desperate measures. Caitlin silently called Jake over, who grinned at his friend and, as Caitlin requested, screamed really loudly into his friends' ear: "Hellooooo! Mr reading Rivers!!!" At this Jackson jumped and squealed really loudly, much to the delight of his friend, wife and son. He sighed loudly. "Jake! Really?!" It was then he noticed Caitlin and Austin. "Hey honey, what are you doing here?" He asked, kissing her sweetly and hugging her. "Hi baby! I came to pick you up; we're going shopping, remember?!" She responded quizzically. "Oh! Right. Yeah. Sorry Cate, I completely forgot, I've just been-" "Tired and stressed, I know Jax, I understand. We can go another day if you want." "No! It's alright, I know how excited you've been. How have my little twinnies been doing? And my main man?" He wondered, picking Austin up and giving him a hug, followed by a piggy back, and then tenderly stroking Caitlin's stomach. "Twins are good, they've certainly been kicking up a storm in here though! And Austin's doing well, he did us a lovely drawing at nursery today. It's in the car; he can't wait to show you!" Caitlin informed Jax. "Really?! They must be as excited for today as their mummy then!" He said grinning. "Now c'mon, lets go. I want to see buddy's drawing!" "Ok, great!" Jackson turned to Jake. "See ya mate! Thanks for today!" "Any time J! Have a good day alright!" "Will do, thanks. You too." "Thanks mate." "See you tomorrow." "Bye. Bye Caitlin, nice seeing you." "Bye! Lovely seeing you too Jake." "Bye Austin! High five?!" Austin grinned and high-fived Jake, offering him a farewell wave. They said their final goodbyes, then off they went.

*                           *                           *

"So," Jackson began, "How have you been honey?" "Jax, baby, you make it sound like we haven't seen each other in years- it's only been a few hours!" "Alright, alright! Just, please, answer the question! You know how I worry." "I know, I'm sorry. I've been ok, I fainted in History earlier, but I'm good. How about you? How was your day?" "Cate!" "What?" "You can't just brush past the fact that you fainted like it's nothing!" "Baby it really doesn't matter." "Yes it-" He stopped, sighing. "We're here, we need to get on with the shopping. But we will finish this conversation later, ok?" Caitlin nodded. "Alright, if we must!"

After several hours of shopping Caitlin and Jackson purchased, along with the basics and necessities, lots of clothes and accessories for mummy and babies. They bought two identical baby grows, one in baby pink the other lilac, with "Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner" on them. They were Caitlin's favourite as she was a huge fan of the movie 'Dirty Dancing'. Caitlin's favourite item they'd bought for her was a long-sleeved pale pink lace top. It was simply gorgeous and she loved it. It was nice to go maternity shopping again, and she'd needed to as the clothing she was wearing at 35 weeks with Austin, she was wearing now, at just 20 weeks, with the twins! She currently wore a striped long sleeved t-shirt along with camel jodhpurs, brown brogues, a navy duffle coat and a brown cable knit scarf. Additionally, they'd found an adorable purple and white polka dot changing bag which was utterly perfect, and something that Caitlin had instantly fallen in love with.

*                            *                            *

Finally, they were home, and it was time for Jackson to interrogate his wife. Unfortunately for Caitlin, Austin was asleep, so she couldn't use him for either a distraction nor a diversion.

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