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"And I know I'll be okay, because I have the most beautiful family at home waiting for me."

As Jackson spoke those words, Caitlin literally felt her heat melt. She said goodbye to her beloved husband, and wiped her tears as she slowly drifted towards the bathroom. She pushed her foot down on the pedal of the bin, revealing a pile of the three pregnancy tests she'd taken in the past week or so. Signing, she picked them up, spreading them out in a fan-like shape. Her voice shook as she said:

"I-I'm really pr-pregnant!"

* * *

Caitlin smiled as she scooped Taylor up into her arms. She always woke up slightly earlier than her sister, so naturally Caitlin always fed her first. As she breastfed her daughter, Caitlin couldn't help but think about how much the twins were growing up. They were 6 months already, and somehow she'd gotten pregnant again so quickly. With both of her previous pregnancies Caitlin had struggled, both mentally and physically, though of course she adored being a mother to her three beautiful children. So now, she wondered how she'd survive with twin babies, a toddler, and pregnancy. Plus, for the first 8 weeks of her pregnancy she'd be without the lifeline that was her husband. When this new baby was born, the twins would be around 13 months, so they'd only be one themselves. Caitlin had no idea how she and Jackson would cope with a 4 year old, twin 1 year olds, and then a baby.

Despite her fears, Caitlin was really happy about the pregnancy, and couldn't wait to have another beautiful child running around the house.

* * *

"Um, so, I kind of need to tell you something. And you can't freak out, or do anything loud, because the twins are sleeping, ok?" Caitlin said.

She was in her local haunt, Starbucks, along with her mum, Ashley, and Lucy. The twins were asleep in her stroller, and Austin was at his friend James' house. Caitlin had originally planned on bringing him with her, but James' mum Zoe had called last minute, claiming James was always so quiet when he was playing with Austin, and she needed a break. So Caitlin had decided, since it would help two exhausted mothers, it simply had to be the right thing to do.

"Ok honey. What is it that's haunting you?"

"Mum, really, nothing's haunting me. I just, want to tell you guys something, that's all. You don't have to assume it's a a bad thing."

"Well that's good then, it's always nice to get some good news!" Ashley chimed in.

"Cate, enough with the suspense already, just tell us!"

"Ok. Well, you can't tell anyone because things are still in the early stages-"

"Jeez Cate, you make it sound like you're dating someone new or something!" Lucy joked.

"Lucy! Just please, listen!"

Lucy gasped.

"Wait. You're not actually having an affair are you? I mean, why did you invite your husband's mum to hear you talk about your affair?!"

"No! Lucy, of course I'm not having an affair." She took a deep breath, rolling her eyes at Talia and Ashley in turn.

"Anyway. So. I, I'm pregnant."

"Oh honey! Congratulations!" Talia exclaimed.

"Thanks mum!"

"Congrats sweetheart."

"Thank you Ash!"

"Cate I'm so happy for you, congrats."

"Thanks Luce."

"I'm only around 4 weeks though, so you can't tell anyone. It's just, I was so surprised, and excited that I simply had to tell someone. And I couldn't think of who better to share the news with than the three of you."

"Of course, we'd never dream of telling anyone."

"Yes, we are all sworn to secrecy."

"Yeah, we won't say anything Cate. So how did Jax take it?" Lucy asked.

"I... haven't told him yet."

"What? Why not?" Talia pondered.

"He's just been under so much stress at the moment, what with work and being back 'home' and everything. Plus, I don't want him to feel like he has to come home now. He deserves to experience every part of this opportunity, and I don't want to jeopardise that."

"I understand that, but honey you have to let him make his own decisions." Talia told her daughter.

"Cate. I know Jackson more than anyone except for you, and though I know coming home will be the first thing he thinks of, I also know that you, and only you, could convince him to stay. But ultimately, you need to let Jackson be happy about the pregnancy, as we all know he will be, and only then think about overcoming any obstacles."

Caitlin realised then that she didn't give Ashley enough credit. She was a wise, and incredibly brave, woman who had been through so much and come out of it a better, and stronger person. She was inspirational.

So Caitlin nodded. "You guys are right. I-I'll tell him. Soon. I promise."

Evergreen (sequel to Green for Good?!)Where stories live. Discover now