Daddy's coming home

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"Jax! Hey honey, how are you?" "Hi Cate, I'm great thanks. How are you and the kids?" "We're all doing well thank you." Jackson sighed heavily at this. He'd decided to give her one last chance to be honest with him, and that was it. But she'd just blown it...

"Caitlin, I know alright, you can stop pretending now." "What do you mean? 'Know' what?" "That you've just been discharged from hospital, and that you're pregnant." "Oh." "Why Cate? Why didn't you tell me?" "Jax, I'm sorry, I really am. You don't know how many times I wanted to tell you, and almost did." "So what stopped you?" "You! I know you, this pregnancy changes everything. I know you'll want to be with me every step of the way. And as much as I love you for that, I also know that it will prevent you from achieving your dreams, and doing what you love. And I can't let that happen! I know it sounds stupid, that I unintentionally hurt you in an attempt to serve your best interests, but it made sense, at the time. I just- I'm really, really sorry, and, though I don't deserve it, I truly hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." "Cate, honey, of course I forgive you! It was stupid, yes, but I love you, and completely understand why you did what you did, and know that at least you had good intentions. But you're right, there's no way I'm staying in New York now. What kind of a man would I be if I abandoned my pregnant wife, 3 year old toddler, and twin baby daughters for four months?" "Thank you, baby, it means a lot that you understand my utter stupidity. I'm just going to say I have had a touch of pregnancy brain! And to answer your question you'd be a very brave, and hard working man who puts the needs of his family before his own." "You're sweet, but that's not true at all. Look, you can do all you can to try and stop me, but I doubt it will work." "Why? What did you do?" "I'm currently in a taxi to the airport, and am headed to good old England. My flight leaves in two hours." "What? Jackson! We should've talked about this!" "We should've talked about whether I got to be involved in the decision on whether I be around for the first few stages of this pregnancy!" Jackson replied calmly, yet defiantly. Caitlin took a deep, cleansing breath. "You're right, I'm sorry." "It's not your fault, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. Listen, I've got to go, I'm at the airport now. My flight leaves at midnight here, and it's an 8 hour flight, so I'll be home at 8 am in New York time, which is 1 pm your time." "Ok. I love you. So I guess, I guess I'll see you soon then!" "Yeah, I guess so. I love you, bye." "Bye."

Caitlin hung up, feeling like she'd fallen in love with her husband all over again, as she felt those all too familiar butterflies flying around in her stomach. Jackson was coming home! And God, she missed him! And she needed him, more than even she herself really knew.

* * *

"Mummy, where are we?" "We're at the airport sweetheart." "What airport?" "It's a place that looks after all the aeroplanes." "Why? Are they poorly?" "No honey, they just need a little help sometimes, like you do." "So they're growing into big boys like me?" "Yes darling, they're looked after here so they can become big boys and girls." "What they do when they big?" "They still stay here, they just need less help." "I stay with you and daddy too?" "That's up to you sweetie." "Ok. Why we here?" Suddenly, a grinning Jackson creeped up behind Austin, and whispered 'BOO' in his ear. At this Austin squealed, but since he recognised his daddy's voice, he was grinning, and instantly leapt at an equally excitable Jax. Caitlin smiled at the two most important men in her life and put the brake on the twin's pushchair.

When Jackson had finished greeting his son, he walked quickly towards Caitlin, his eyes not leaving hers for even a second, and as soon as he was in proximity he cupped her jaw in his hand and kissed her with all the intense love and passion he could muster. Caitlin kissed back just as forcefully, comforted by the presence of her husband. Once they were done kissing, Jackson tenderly placed his hand on Caitlin's stomach, gently rubbed it, and then kissed it tenderly. She was now 10 weeks pregnant, and not yet showing, but she definitely had the pregnancy glow and that special aura about her.

Next, Jax moved onto the twins, who were blissfully sleeping, unaware of all the chaos, and the news of their daddy's return. Though to them, it probably felt like he'd never left as Caitlin played video clips, of Jackson talking, to the twins every night. Aware that he shouldn't disrupt their sleep pattern, Jax simply kissed both his daughters on the forehead and lips, and then left them to rest.

* * *

Caitlin was immensely relived to have Jackson home. In his presence, she felt the tension literally roll off her shoulders, as she knew with all her heart that, with him there, no matter what she faced she was not alone. Talia and Scott had decided it mandatory that they look after the kids for a day while Caitlin and Jackson enjoyed some much needed couple time alone. And the pair couldn't have been more grateful.

Caitlin was curled up on her husband's lap as the pair nestled into each other while watching busy bee working mum Sarah Jessica Parker rush about in the movie 'I Don't Know How She Does It'.

"Is this what you've been like?" Jackson asked Cate, in reference to the film. Caitlin laughed at this. "Worse! I've had my moments, but it has been so rewarding too. Being a mum is truly the best job in the world!" "I'm sorry! Yeah, I agree, parenting is so precious." "It truly is. Hey, Jax, I'm sorry." "What for?" "Well, for not letting you make your own decisions. I know you'll be as great a daddy to this baby as you are to Austin, Tay, and Aurie, and I feel awful that I prevented you from feeling the joy that comes with the knowledge that soon we'll be welcoming a new life into the world." "Don't be. Really, it's ok. We all make mistakes sometimes. "You are just too darn adorable, y'know that? And far too good for me!" "I know! No, I'm kidding. That's not true at all. You're the special one."

Towards the end of the movie, Jackson's phone rang. When he looked at the caller ID his brow furrowed. Caitlin paused the movie, her concerned expression mirroring that of her husband. She turned to look at him. "Miles?" she questioned, referring to Jax's funny, kind natured boss and friend. Jackson nodded. "Yes.." he trailed off. "Go. You take it." "You sure?" Yes. Go." Jackson hesitated. "Go!"

When Jackson returned, he looked noticeably disheartened.

"What's up? What did Miles say?" "He said they need me, desperately, back in New York as soon as possible." "Wasn't that the plan anyway? That you'd go back?" Jackson glanced at Caitlin sheepishly, and very honestly answered "No." "Oh. Well, it was always on my agenda. Jax, you need to go back, this is an incredibly rare opportunity, and a real privilege, and I refuse to let you throw it away just because I'm pregnant. I promise you, I'm fine." "No you're not. I know you Cate, you can build as many walls as you like, but as your husband it's my job to notice the cracks. When you were pregnant with Aust, and then the twins, you were really ill, and the same will happen again. I can't leave you alone to go through all that. Scratch that, I won't." "I'm not alone, I have-" "Cate. That's not the point and you know it." She sighed. "Fine. But I am getting you on that plane." "Well I'm making sure you don't leave my sight."

They looked at each other for a while, testing boundaries, seeing who would cave first. Caitlin knew Jackson needed to return, though secretly desperately wanted him to stay, whilst Jackson was insistent on staying but also really wanted to live his dream back in New York. So they both held onto a bit of hope that the other would win the argument. Then suddenly it dawned on Jackson.

"Come with me!" "What?" "Come with me to New York! Me, you, and the kids in the big apple! How great would that be?!" "Not great at all! The city is not a good place for children! They could get lost, kidnapped, injured, the list is endless." "Cate, none of that would happen, they'd be with us. Please, just think about it. It'd only be for about 3 1/2 months. " "Okay, fine. I will think about it." "Yessss!"

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