"Hey .... Rory understands and is fine about that....she's definitely over it so don't worry...we just have to get you better! Try to have some more sleep." Finn said feeling sad for Logan as it became increasingly clear that his memories of the past 11 years had indeed vanished!

It was a great relief for Rory to be sitting chatting with the boys and catching up on their news. They were both very successful in their fields with Colin continuing to buy up more inns, clubs and other businesses than he could keep track of. Rory really did feel touched that they cancelled their Christmas plans to fly to Sydney straight away, just to be there for Logan. They assured her they would help out in whatever way they could with the situation concerning Odette's family threatening to sue the Huntzburgers. Colin's law background made him sure that there would be some fine print that would allow Logan out of the contract due to a disabling injury.  While Rory was glad about Odette no longer being in the picture, the thought of the cost of Logan's freedom, scared her!

After a while, Rory slipped away from the boys to call Lorelai to update her with the news of Logan waking and having amnesia. She hadn't realised how much she missed her mom until she heard her cheery voice. Rory knew that her mom's words were bound to cheer her up.

"That's going to be tough Kid but I know you can do this. You managed so well after Logan's accident before —just keep your chin up! Has there been anything further about the spinal injury?" Lorelai was confident her daughter had what it would take to get through any adversity.

"No they didn't say anything about that. I guess it was more important to get him adjusted to being awake today. Surely we couldn't have any more bad news! I feel like I couldn't bear any more! .......Anyway, how are things there?" Rory asked hoping to cheer herself up with thoughts of home.

"Everything is fine although Paul Anka is missing you —he has been sleeping in the doorway to your room as if he is waiting for you and he's just generally looking sad! Babbette and Morey have gone off on a Christmas Cruise so Lane has offered to have Paul Anka stay with them while we visit my mother...apparently the twins have always wanted a dog so this is a bit of a trial —I'm not sure it will work in their favour!... The talk of the town is that Kirk's new business has been going so well, thanks to all of your special deliveries, that now he is apparently franchising and soon there will be pink Petal's Posies vans all over the east coast! The Nutcracker was amazing and Miss Patty was so proud of her dancers —the only thing that nearly spoilt it was a brief town meeting before the show began, where the blowout of the cost to put in the sewer really caused a stink!" Rory was laughing now —she almost had forgotten what it felt like with all the seriousness of the past couple of days. Lorelai knew her daughter badly needed to de-stress, so she continued.

"So Christmas Eve, I had planned a romantic evening with Luke to roast chestnuts over the fire....you know the whole works but he was up half the night after Caesar burnt a batch of cranberry tarts in his prized oven which made him think there was something wrong with the thermostat. He had that thing pulled apart alI over the diner counter.....and you know Luke.....he wouldn't listen when I told him it was probably just Caesar and what do you know? Five hours later and he believes me ...by then I had watched 'The Santa Clause' 1, 2 and 3 and had eaten my entire holiday supply of candy!.... So anyway, Luke is having a big sleep in today since we are just going to Liz and TJ's later. Liz insisted that she was cooking for us all and doesn't need her brother to cook. She told him to have a day off...but I'm hoping she has remembered to turn the oven on this time! It will be an experience...hopefully one that doesn't end with a trip to the ER eight hours later!! ...Sookie and Jackson invited us over for drinks later this evening, so we will probably stay there overnight and then of course we are heading to Nantucket to see your grandmother...as you can imagine, Luke is thrilled about that! It hasn't snowed yet today but I am still hoping! .....Hey so what's the weather been like there?"

Rory loved the way her mother could paint a picture of Stars Hollow so colourfully but right now it made her feel homesick.

"I haven't actually been out of the hospital since yesterday but it looked gorgeous out the window. Honestly, right now, I could just do with a walk in the snow, followed by a warm bath, hot cocoa by the fire and a good book!"

"You really must look after yourself and the baby Rory - take some time out......it has to be a priority! You know the hospital staff are going to look after him —they are getting paid a packet and they have degrees coming out of their ears! Logan will be fine —he will be sleeping anyway so are you going to go home to Finn's place tonight?" Lorelai sounded concerned.

"I'll just have to see....I don't like leaving him Mom!"

"But Honey, it sounds like there might be a long road ahead for Logan and if you want to be there to help him, you need to make sure you are getting a good nights sleep.  You have to do it for the baby Rory...anyway I must fly, I think Luke is finally up. Take care Kid and keep in touch."

"Will do, have a great time today and say 'hi' to everyone for me," Rory said feeling sad the call was over.

Still looking at her phone, Rory realised she had Christmas messages from her dad, Jess, Lane, Paris and even Dean.  As she quickly replied to them all, she thought about how special it was to have people who cared about her. She sent them all a picture of the beach and hoped that very soon, she might be walking along there with Logan and soaking up the sun once more.

Returning to the ICU, Rory found the boys all happily talking to Logan. "What's going on here?"

"Just talking about old times," Logan replied with a smile. "You look tired Ace....why don't you head home now and get some sleep...I am fine."

"That sounds like a very good idea for all of you," the nurse piped up. "Logan needs to rest now. I don't want to see any of you back before 10am tomorrow!"

Rory didn't put up a fight with that nurse —she knew she wouldn't win! Her mom's words still echoed in her ears too!

As his friends all left the room, Logan couldn't get rid of the feeling that something wasn't right. They all seemed different somehow. He even felt different himself. He had hardly moved in the bed since waking, for fear of pain returning. With the broken ribs and bruising, breathing was an effort and so he hadn't realised until now there was something else terribly wrong. Calling the nurse over he asked her, "Why can't I move my legs?"


Sorry to leave you there!

There's so much going on for Logan - I wonder when Rory will have the talk about being pregnant? He has already noticed the changes - will he receive the news well?

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