Chapter27~He's too perfect for me

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Y/N's POV.

"Can I come in?"

I gave a weak smile and stood aside for him to come in, closing the door behind me when he walked past me. We stood in silence for a few minutes, feelings of embarrassment and awkwardness filled the hallway. He leaned over and lightly kissed me on the cheek.

"Y/N are you okay?" Jimin asked wearing a worried expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I stomped out of the bar yesterday, ruining your party, I'm so sorry..." I whispered.

"No Y/N, it wasn't your fault." Jimin tried to comfort. "After you left the party, we all left as well, going in our own directions." He gave a faint smile.


He placed his finger on my lip, stopping me from saying anymore. Grabbing my hand, we entered the kitchen.

"Hi Mr Kim." Jimin said with a nod.

I didn't know when Dad came downstairs. He was wearing his pink dressing gown. Turning his head, Dad responded "Oh, hi Jimin, excuse what I'm wearing."

Jimin looked at me and we both started to giggle.

"I'll go and get dressed." Dad dashed away and up the stairs, maybe feeling a bit embarrassed.

His expression became serious again.

"Y/N... can we go out for a while? I need to talk to you private."

I glanced outside the window. The sky was clear so there were no excuses. "Sure..."

I wore my shoes and we headed out to the door.

"Dad, look after Momo for a while, I need to go and have a walk with Jimin." I slammed the door before Dad could reject.

At first, we walked in silence but then Jimin suddenly broke out.

"Y/N Who's the dad? Why didn't you tell me you had a baby? Why didn't you answer my calls? What happened?"

Questions spat out of his mouth. I decided to answer all the questions in order.

"Long story Jimin... Firstly, the baby is Jackson's..."

"You've been cheating behind my back..." Jimin froze in horror.

"Noo, it's not like that, the baby was before I dated you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I only found out a few days ago..." I paused and looked at him directly in the eye. "I'm sorry Jimin, it was an accident remember J-hope's party..."

Jimin nodded slowly.

"We were drunk, and then..."

A sad expression washed against his face, but I couldn't lie to him.

"...I was pregnant, I thought I could live a normal life after, but I couldn't. You know, Jackson is famous after all..." I couldn't help tears roll down my face.

Jimin wrapped his arms around me tightly, making me feel secure. I rested my head on his shoulder, making his shirt soggy.

"There's no need to cry for him, just think about our future." Jimin whispered softly in my ear. "I understand Y/N, it was an accident, no one could have predicted that, we just have to accept the facts and move on."

Why didn't I meet Jimin early? He was such an understanding boyfriend. I didn't think I could meet anyone like him ever again. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, I would never deserve a boyfriend like Jimin.

But was he as perfect as he seems?



I'm uploading two more chapters now, but they are very short😂😂 Thanks for reading and have a nice day ❤️❤️❤️

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