Chapter 49

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" J-Jin?" My mind fell blank.
Please don't tell me I died, I still need to accomplish so much things in my life.

Jin's face was totally unreadable and that fact just made me even more terrified right now. Without a moment to lose, jin grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside , shutting then locking the door.

He turned around and face me.
My eyes were already waiting to unleash all the tears, until Jin's mouth curved up into a soft smile, which I know was a freaking generous one that is. I broke down in tears and started hugging tightly while smiling. Not those creepy types of smiles but the ' Thank god you're alive ' type of smile.

He hugged me back as tightly as I did to him and after almost suffocating me, he finally let go.

" Thank goodness you're alive Jin!" I exclaimed .

He pouted. A really cute pout actually.

" why do you doubt me so much?" He said , face saddened from my lack of faith in him. This boy really *sighs and facepalms at once*

I laughed softly . " come on Jin , you know what I meant." I joked.

He rolled his eyes and a smile was plastered on his face again until he looked behind me and frowned.

Confused, I turned around to see nobody there and turned back to him with a concerned look on my face. Did he finally turn crazy or something or is he just hallucinating?

His eyes landed back on me, somehow looking confused and sad.
" W-Where's J-Jimin?" He whispered loud enough so I could hear him.

"H-he...." my heart started aching and the tears were all coming back to me at once.
I guess the look on my face somehow made Jin embrace me in his arms once more. As he gently rubbed my back and my hair while I soaked his shirt with my tears.

" Have faith in him Sae ron, show him that he has another reason to live, to come back to you. I know Jimin and I'm pretty damn sure that he won't leave his beautiful girlfriend hanging."

A small laugh escaped my lips and I couldn't help but smile and have hope for Jimin, because I know that he will come back to me.

" you sure do know how to brighten up the mood don't you?" I chuckled as I wipe my tear stained cheeks with the back of my hand.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the
Door. A knock on our freaking motel room door?!? I looked at jin and Jin looked back at me. Why is today so full if surprises?

"A-are you expecting a-anyone ?" I whispered so whoever is behind that door can't listen to anything I say. Who knows, It could be a creepy guy in a clown suit trying to kill us. I mentally slap myself for thinking so negatively all the time but I can't help it when I'm in these types of situations!

Jin shook his head.

Well, there goes my chance of continuing my life. I'll probably just be reborn as a potato in my next life so you know where to find me.

The knock got louder which caused me to take a step back.
" go hide in the bathroom." He ordered me to do and without hesitation, I sprinted to the bathroom . Slowly forgetting that I was leaving Jin behind. God , why am I so dumb these days?

That's when I heard Jin slowly turn the door knob , making the typical annoyingly squeaking sound a door makes when it's not oiled enough.

Then, there was silence. A good 30 seconds of silence until I heard the door shut again.

Okay. That's it! In the end it's my curiosity that will be my cause of death. I sneak out from the bathroom trying to minimize every sound that I make.

As soon as I saw who was in the room, my jaw dropped, my eyes widened and my heart beating rapidly.

The person stood up and smiled.
" J-Jimin? I-Is that r-really y- ,Oh my god it is you!" I said as ran to Jimin where he embraced me in his arms and hugged me tightly, like it was the last time seeing me.

"Thank god you're still alive! I was so worried about you--" I started rambling until I was cut off when Jimin placed his lips on mine.

My tense body almost instantly softened at his touch and finally I felt like I was safe once again. He deepened his kiss as I cherished every single second of it until we both stopped to catch our breaths.

Jimin cupped my cheeks and gazed into my eyes,His eyes finally looking calm and free. He caressed his thumb gently over my cheeks.

" all better now?" He smiled.

I nodded while blushing, making him chuckle at my reaction. If this was a way he was going to make me shut up, I would be happy to keep on rambling every single day.

My heart felt at ease, and I almost felt like I conquered the world's longest obstacle course, which was a good feeling by way.

But I guess it's true when they say happiness doesn't last very long. I believed it as soon as I saw a person lying on the bed.

And that's when I realised that Jimin's shirt was all covered in blood, Jin was somehow missing and there was a person , half dying on the bed!.

What's even worse is that I know who that person is.

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