Chapter 14

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I ran upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom. What does all of this mean? I tried to figure out a way to exclude myself from all of this but my mind was blank .

Suddenly i heard the door open.
" please let me live another day" i prayed. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, but i opened my bedroom door to take a look but saw nothing.

"That's weird, i know i heard something." I said to myself. I slowly walked downstairs trying hard not to make any noise. Suddenly i remembered that i need something to protect myself with. So i looked around to find the closest thing to me which was an umbrella.

I held the umbrella up tightly when i heard a plate break in the kitchen.
"Gotcha." I whispered.
I ran into the kitchen screaming with my eyes closed hitting everything.

"YAHHH! Sae ron! What are you doing? Why are you trying to attack your own mom you pabo." My mom scolded.

I opened my eyes and saw my mom soaking wet. It turned out that i was trying to hit her while she was drinking water. I almost forgot that i had a mom.

"Hehehehe.. hi mom." I said cheekily.
"Yahh saeron, next time would you please try attacking with your eyes open." My mom said somehow sarcastically.

"Huhuhu sorry mom~ I didn't knoww~" I whined to my mom while hugging her tightly.

She just giggled a bit looking at my reaction.
" yeah yeah ... have you eaten yet?" My mom asked me out of now where.

" why are you suddenly asking me?" I asked her.

" because im hungry." She said while holding her tummy. My mom loves it when i go out to eat with her. She says that it strengthens our mother daughter relationship which i think cant get more close than we already are. So of course i agreed to.


"That was the best dinner we've had so far sae ron." My mom patted her tummy.

" couldn't have agreed more." I answered . My mom wanted to eat korean bbq so we ended up stuffing ourselves with meat and of course i cant say no to food.

We arrived home and before we entered, mom got a phone call .
" it's from work, so go ahead and sleep first. I think im gonna have a bit of a talk." My mom told me.

"Alrighty~" i said and unlocked the door and went straight to my room.

Just as i was about to sit down,
"Ring... ring...ring...." i looked down at my phone to see the caller id to be unknown number. I got the shivers because i looks like it could have something to do with those pictures. I guess curiosity killed the cat- and me .

With shaking hands , i picked up the call.
"H-hello?" I asked
"I didn't know it would take you that long to pick up a call." The voice said and i could tell it was a man.

"Look, what do you want from me?" I told him. I was getting a bit angry now.

" no need to be on fire, baby girl." Bye the way he said it, i knew he was smirking.

"I just wanna warn you, watch your step, because sometimes people are so blind , they fall down a hole so easily."
The voice continued.

I immediately hung up. There was something wrong, either there's a secret that i dont or a someone just really desperately wants to kill me.

My lay myself on my bed
"Urghhh why is all of this happening to me!" I screamed into my pillow.


On monday i went to school as usual and school was pretty boring. Like usual, but I didn't see jimin today. Maybe he's just busy with his family or something.

After school

" sae ronnie!!! Wait for me!" I heard taehyung scream. He's been bugging me for the whole day and now he's following me home.

"Yahhh! Why are you following me!?" I yelled back at him, but before i could yell again he was already beside me.

" you couldn't wait for two seconds. Really?" He said trying to catch his breath.

I giggled at him because of his awfully cute face at the time. He immediately looked up at me.
" ehem." I cleared my throat trying not to sound awkward.
" so, why did you want to meet me ?" I questioned.

Taehyung stood up and fixed his shirt.
" i feel like having some bubble tea, wanna join me?" He asked with his cute box smile.

" bubble tea? Hmmm ..... HELL YEAH!" I screamed. Again, my reputation is ruined, just for food.

We went to the nearest bubble tea shop and took our orders. I got a vanilla peach while he got chocolate.
" hey do you sit somewhere else, it's a little crowded in here." Taehyung whispered to me.

"Sure, i know place." I answered back and we headed to a park nearby.

We sat down on a bench and starting drinking. It was kinda awkward at first until he started a conversation.

"Wahhh I haven't been to a park in ages. " taehyung said .

I just smiled looking at his reaction.

" you know these kinds of place calm me and makes me feel at ease." He said as i looked at him.

" and you know what else does?" He asked me.

" you."

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