Chapter 25

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As soon as i heard something break, I hugged jimin's arm tighter. To make me feel safer , jimin pulled me to walk behind him. Each step we took just made my heart beat faster and i think jimin knew that since i was grabbing his shirt pretty tight.

Jimin reached for the door and pushed it to get a clearer view if the inside. We both went inside and we started looking around until jimin stopped suddenly.

"J-jimin? What's w-wrong?" I whispered to him.

" sae ron look at me" jimin cupped my cheeks and stared into my eyes worriedly. I looked up at him.

"Listen carefully, what i want you to do now is to go wait for me outside. Do you understand?" He said softly. But the truth was I didn't understand. What is he talking about?

" and whatever happens do not come inside ." I nodded and ran outside waiting for him.

Jimin's POV

After i instructed sae ron to wait outside, i went upstairs to finish something that was supposed to be finished a long time ago.

The truth is,

Sae ron and I knew each other before we met in high school. We met when we were just kids , but at that time i had a different name, a different look and different parents, but none of that was real to me. I was just a cover to hide the true me and after meeting sae ron, it changed my life. She was the only person that was actually willing to become friends with an imposter like me.

It turned out i found out that my real parents had been shot by one of mr kim's (chaeyoung's dad) henchmen and was raised by one of his people. But when i found out that they kill people for a living, i took the decision to run away from them, including sae ron. I was only 10 so i don't really expect her to remember me.

One day, a couple found me on the streets sleeping and they decided to raise me but I didn't know that mr kim was still hunting me down, scared that i might spill his secrets.

So when i was old enough i moved out and moved to seoul where i changed my lifestyle. My hair colour, my name and mostly everything. I thought that was the end of it until i figured out that chaeyoung went to the same school as me and know im pretty sure she knows that im the person her dads been searching for but shes keeping that filthy mouth of hers shut to blackmail me.

But that's not what im scared of. Im scared she might hurt the people i love. Especially sae ron. I cant afford to lose her like i lost my parents. For now, chaeyoung's got taehyung wrapped around her finger, but i know taehyung knows what he's doing.

I creeped up the stairs to find out who was lingering inside sae rons house. I followed where the sound came from and i guess it lead me to her room.
I pushed her door a bit to see who it was and I immediately recognized who it was. It was one of the guys that worked for mr kim. But why would they come to sae ron's house?

My eyes widened.
"It's not because of me right?" I whispered to myself.

I shook my head. It couldn't be. Maybe chaeyoung just hated her that much . I kicked that thought out of my mind. I needed to focus on how to get rid of the guy.

I opened the room door and stood infront of the man whose name was yuki. He grinned.

" finally, i found the famous park jimin. How has it been?"He smiled sinisterly.

" much better since I moved away from you guys." I shot back. I was ready to beat this guy to the pulp since I've been trained before and despite his figure being bigger than mine.

" Mr kim would be delighted to hear that you're very much alive." Yuki said.

" Quit talking would ya? Let's just finish off what should've been finished a long time ago." I grinned and attacked him, making him startle and his back hit the wall.

He looked slightly furious and embarrassed to think that he startled you. He ran forward and punched you but was unsuccessful because i dodged him and punched him at the back instead.

He winced in pain. " shit! " he shouted.
" seems like you've gotten better at fighting." He smiled.

I moved forward to punch him again but this time he was quick enough to dodge and attack me back with a powerful hit at my jaw.

I fell back as i winced in pain while holding my jaw. But that didn't stop me, i stood up and fought back.

Sae ron's POV

I stood outside, waiting for jimin to come out and say nothing happened but I didn't think that was gonna happen. My hands were getting sweaty and my heart started beating rapidly.

Suddenly, i heard some more things break and some shattered glass. How much i just wanted to barge in and stop whatever was happening but i already promised jimin and I couldn't break. It was almost 20 minutes i have been waiting outside until suddenly, jimin came out limping with blood on his hands.

I ran up to him with fear written all over my face.
"Jimin! Oh my god what happened?!" I cupped his cheeks and hugged him then checking his body for any injuries.

"Please..... sae ron ... stay with me.." he whispered. I looked up to see his head bleeding.

"Jimin!! We need to get you a hospital immediately. Dont worry I'll always be here next to you jimin." I started sobbing.

Who would do this?

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