Chapter 45

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" jimin stop! Please!" I screamed for what seems like forever as I witnessed Jimin beating my dad with the plank of wood he was holding. Blood started making it's way out of my dad's mouth and dripping down his light blue shirt, staining it .

And all I could do was watch him get beaten to the pulp.
" times ticking sae ron ssi." The faceless voice spoke again.

What should I do? Think sae ron think! But nothing was working for me! I turned to look at my dad who was currently having his life hanging on a fine piece of thread , Jimin still whacking the now bloody plank.

How could you Jimin.

Before Jimin could take one last hit, I yelled something that I would have never thought to say in a million years.
" WAIT!! " I screamed.

Jimin put down his plank of wood .
" finally made up your mind ? " the voice spoke again.

" please....... I'll take your offer just don't hurt him anymore.  I'll do it Please." I pleaded ,This time I turned to jimin who looked pretty confused.

He walked up to the glass and questioned me.
" what offer?" He asked me in a stern voice.  " I said what offer sae ron!" He raised his voice.

" h-he said that If-If I work f-for him, h-he'll let e-everybody e-else go..... including y-you." I stuttered.

His eyes turned dark, all the love I ever saw in him felt lost and hopeless. Now, he almost looked like someone I didn't want to know, someone that I know for sure has the ability to hurt me. But I know all that's not true.

Because I know one thing and that's for sure, I know that he ended up like this because of me. If He hadn't saved me all those times, If he hadn't met me and my father, If he hadn't loved me.......

He would've stayed safe, he would've saved the life of everybody else in his life and he wouldn't of had made the biggest mistake in his life— loving me.

I tried to blink the tears away but everything was just too true to be a lie.

" Take it back sae ron!" He slammed the glass from the other side.

' I want to jimin, I really want to stop all of this and return to my perfectly normal life where dad didn't exist and it was just me and mom. I want to be with you again, snuggling in your arms and having a place where I know that I'll be safe. I want everything to return back to normal.' That's what I really wanted to say, It almost killed me to keep myself from saying these words but I had to make sure  jimin hates me so something like this will never happen again. He needs to stop loving me so that it'll be easier for him to forget and just leave me. That would be the best wouldn't it?

" I'm sorry jimin, but It's time to end all this, Even what we have together...... " I choked on my words, barely able to finish the sentence I was about to say.

"It's because you started all this, you should've stayed away from me if you knew that you would bring danger to me. We could've avoided all this jimin.." that was all it took for jimin's expression to soften, almost looking like whatever that I said to him just now actually meant something to him. Something that made my eyes water.

"I-I...... I'm s-sorry." He said before he smiled softly trying his hardest to mask all his sadness and depression . His guilty expression showed everything , to him feeling sad, angry and frustrated at himself.

I just smiled back softly with pain in my eyes from all the harsh and definitely false words that I threw at him. Giving one last sorrowful smile , he turned around and exited the door he cane in through.

The moment he shut the door, My knees started to buckle and in an instant I fell to the ground crying my heart out. I clutched onto my chest and thought of how much a kind, loving and caring person like jimin could deserve all this and how much pain he would go through. Tears wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks , my eyes red and swollen and my voice cracking at every cry I make.

He didn't deserve this , he didn't deserve any of this . But this was the only way. It's my turn to save him now, returning all his favors from before.

" Now, since all the dramas gone, I suppose we can get onto our business ?" The familiar voice through the speaker spoke.

Clear that he could see everything, I nodded , giving him the right answer to his question.
" Great! I'll meet you in the business room in 10 minutes. Don't worry, my men with help you there."  He finished his words and turned the microphone off.

I stood up slowly and made my way to the door I came through, as soon as the brightness from broad daylight hit me, three men dressed in black suits were already waiting for me .

" sae ron ssi please come with us." One if the men said and I nodded, mostly because my voice hurts from crying too much.

Until a man came and stopped them.
" guys, Mr kim told me to lead sae ron ssi to the business room." The very familiar man said.

When I looked up to see who was talking, my eyes almost popped out of my eyes.

Park Jimin what the hell are you doing?!

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