Chapter 48

30 5 0

Tik tok
Tik tok
Tik tok.

I watched the digital clock in the car as it showed the remaining time.

60 seconds.

Jimin had 60 seconds. 60 seconds to get here before the 60 seconds was over so that they can both speed off and live a happy life, but I had a hunch that things might not end up that way.


Beep beep.

Times up. Now it's a matter of whether I leave him or not. Listen to my heart and wait for him or listen to the man I love that told me to leave him as soon as five minutes are up?

I grab the car keys shakily and turned the car on as slow as possible , probably making myself have an excuse to actually listen to my heart and listen to him at the same time. Wait for him by going very slowly yet actually getting ready to drive.

After I turned the engine on, I looked in the review mirror and still no sign of Jimin. My grip on the steering wheel tighten as my knuckles turned white.

Still no sign of jimin.
Then I have no choice.

I released my foot on the breaks and sped up to the road infront of me. Eventhough I have no idea where I'm going, anything is better than this place.

After driving for about 7  minutes, five police cars and an ambulance rushed past me , heading towards where I came from which instantly made me doubt everything I did.

I had called the cops the moment the five minutes were up and told them to bring an ambulance with them.

Tears brimmed my eyes as the thought of jimin laying unconscious with multiple bullets in his body all because I couldn't wait just a few more minutes for him.

I know driving while crying is definitely not safe, I couldn't help it. Hot and angry tears ran down my face as I gripped the steering wheel even harder. Why am I so stupid? I shouldn't have left Jimin there.
He could be badly injured or even .... dead.

I cried even harder and pulled over at the side of the road. With my hands still on the steering wheel, My eyes started crying waterfalls as I placed my head on the wheel.

I started banging my head gently on the steering wheel regretting leaving Jimin who could be in any condition other than safe right now and all because of  me.

" W-Why di-did I leave J-J-Jimin? " I sobbed harder as tears rolled down my face.

Suddenly the phone that jimin have to me buzzed. I wiped my tear stained cheeks with the back of my hand before picking up the phone.

You have a new message.

My brows knitted together. A message?
I touched the notification and it lead me to the inbox.
I clicked the top most message.

From: unknown.

If you're already on your way, meet me at the sunview motel in 20 minutes.
I'll be waiting in room 209.

My eyes widened, so many questions invaded my mind. Who was this person? Is he dangerous? But he knows Jimin's number, that means that person knows who they're texting right?
Plus they did say ' if you're already on your way' which sounded like he was pretty much informed about this. Even so, at least I wouldn't be crying my heart out for the next few hours and then basically have no idea where to go. So I guess , It would be the right choice to just follow the freaking message. Right?

I turned the car engine on once more before speeding off to the next destination, sunview motel.


I expected the drive to be no more than 20 minutes but I guess I'm not really good with all these directions , which meant that I arrived after half an hour.
I'm sure whoever is waiting must be surely pissed off at me.

I finally turned into the driveway of sunview motel which probably didn't deserve it's name since it was the opposite of sun.

It looked like an exact replica of something you would see in a horror movie. The motel sign lights flickered on and off, the rooms looked like someone had just been murdered in each one of them and the gloomy clouds just added that perfect horror sensation to it.

Yup. I'm gonna die tonight.

I parked the car and went to look for room 209 which I found out later was located on the second floor.

I stood infront of the door and raised my hand to knock on the door but hesitated. What if the person in there was just waiting to kill me and naive me just walked right into this persons trap?

Well, curiosity did kill the cat, I guess I just have to take the chance.

Knock knock knock

Suddenly the door knob turned and I took a step back in case that person was getting ready to swing their at axe at me or something.

The door swung open and I gasped, eyes widened as my mouth fell open.
My feelings were mixed up and I had no idea what was going on.

" J-Jin?  "

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