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Please Don't Hide...

Behind this lonely slide...

Don't be ashamed...

That you came...

You make me worry...

And you're not happy surely...

Why don't you go with them?

You may not be the same...

But they won't laugh at you...

Or hurt you...

So please don't hide behind...

Go like when you Shined...

Don't worry and don't hide...

Because I will be by your side...

Even though I'm dead...

You just said...

"Thank you..."

Even if you don't remember...

The brother you've forgotten...


This was me. When I remembered a memory when I was anti-social and not like the other kids. They never did anything to me but I was afraid so I hid behind the slide all alone. Because, my older brother wasn't there. Only because... he died. Till I found this poem he wrote when he did see one day alone at the playground under the slide was me. Till then he died a few weeks after that. I miss him. ~

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