forty eight : bond, james bond

Start from the beginning

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked both of them since they were the ones that dragged me into having dinner with them every day since I had gotten back here, almost as if they were keeping an eye on me just in case I had a breakdown. 

Mario turned to look at Faith. She was the boss of tonight so she got to decide the place. "Hmm, I am craving some junk food. Pizza or burger is fine."

I smiled and nudged her arm. "You do know that those calories will cancel your hard work in there right?" My thumb pointed at the Sonic studio behind us.

"Shut up, Vincent!" Faith punched my arm lightly. "A girl can eat whatever, whenever she wants."

"Yeah, yeah. As long as you don't come to me and ask me whether you look fat or not in a dress." I rolled my eyes as I remember that she had asked me that question multiple times back in Vancouver when we were dating. Faith giggled and I glanced up to look at my friend. I was a tad anxious and wondered if he was okay with the fact that Faith and I used to date. Judging from the stupid smile on his face, he clearly was not worried. If he was, he should know better that there was only one girl who owned a permanent residence in my heart.

* * * * * * * *


We had been waiting in the car outside Sonic for more than thirty minutes and I nearly reached my boredom limit. "Maybe she has left." I tore my eyes from the screen where Shawn Mendes looked absolutely stunning to Frazier who kept his eyes on the building entrance.

"Nope," he replied without looking.

I frowned. "How can you tell? Her Facebook post was an hour ago."

"Because there's your ex." Frazier jutted his chin to the front, giving me directions on where to look at.

Sure enough, Tyler was walking with one more guy and they stopped right in front of the building. Both guys had their hands in their pockets. I could not make out what the other guy looked like since his back was on us but I definitely could identify Tyler. He was wearing a black leather jacket on top of his usual white T-shirt with Einstein's mass-energy equivalent formula printed on black and a pair of Levi's. As always, he had his black-rimmed glasses resting on the top of his nose. His eyes were not on me but as if knowing he was being watched, he slid his gaze to me. I immediately ducked.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" asked Frazier with one brow arched.

"I think Tyler saw me," I replied, still ducking my head although I could feel my back aching in protest, after all, I was not the most flexible human being.

"No, he didn't." His thumb pointed at the window. "These are tinted. He can't see us tho we can see him."

"Oh." I suddenly felt stupid and returned to the sitting position.

"Autumn," Frazier turned to watch Tyler talking with Faith and the other guy, "do you know who that guy he's with?"

The guy was standing sideways so I could only see one side of his face but I knew for sure that I had no idea who that was. He looked like a European guy so my first wild guess was that he was one of the Italian mafias. "No idea."

"He looks so familiar," mused Frazier, almost as if he was talking to himself. "I swear I feel like I've seen him somewhere but where?!" He breathed an exasperated sigh as he continued to watch the threesome.

Suddenly I remembered what Hunter had told me that night during the video call. "I think his name is Mario."

"Mario," mused Frazier. He furrowed his brows in deep thought and just when I expected him to spill the missing puzzle he had found, his eyes flicked back to the group across the street. "They're going. Should we follow them?"

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