I sighed, leaning into his embrace. The gallant man's lips were on my throat in an instant, taking advantage of the fact that I had pulled back my curls in an up-do. "I thought I liked seeing you in green, my love, but black and billowing? I doubt I can keep my eyes off you."

I giggled, leaning back, meeting his lips momentarily. "I'll take it you approve of my outfit." He nodded slowly, nipping my ear. "I was thinking of wearing that lovely diamond you gifted me earlier this year. What do you think?"

I stepped away to stand in front of the mirror, applying the last of my makeup, placing a few more sticking charms to my hair. He frowned, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. "That would not be appropriate, Hermione."

I felt my eyebrows crease. "What are you going on about?"

From seemingly nowhere, he produced a soft pink-y, yellow chain, fastening it around my neck. A tiny emerald hung there. "Green for the Misses. There is no way in Nimue's name I would allow you to mix diamonds and emeralds. At least, not when you could have a matching set."

I gasped, fingering the pendant. "Severus, I can't accept this..."

He shrugged. "What is mine, is now yours. A man should be allowed to spoil his future bride." He placed one last kiss to my throat, before grabbing his cane and offering me his arm. "Shall we?"

I smiled shyly, tucking my hand into the crook of his elbow, my betrothal ring glittering against the dark wool of his frock coat. I had to keep both hands there, though I could now somewhat feel the rigid fabric beneath my fingers, I still didn't have much control of movement in my limb. "By all means, Professor, lead the way."

The wedding was incredible. A fairytale in the flesh. Tiny floating lanterns and paper garlands adorned an arch by the altar, looking over the Malfoy garden maze. The springtime sun was hiding behind pale grey clouds, still managing to shine through to alight the ceremony.

I quickly made my way to my best friend, taking both his hands in mine, tucking in his emerald tie. "Harry! How are you feeling?"

He swallowed thickly. "In all honesty, I think I'm going to be sick. I've never been so nervous before."

I giggled, brushing lint off his black-clad shoulder. "Nonsense, you'll be fine. You're doing great."

His face, screwed into an upset grimace relaxed, easing into a smile. "Thanks, Hermione. You always know what to say." His eyes narrowed in on my jewellery, pulling my hand to his face. "When?"

I bit my lip, smiling. "Last night." I pressed my finger to his lips. "Keep it quiet for now, please. Today is your day."

He nodded and I returned to Severus, who was speaking with the second groom's father. He opened his arm, allowing me to step into his embrace. "Ah, darling, there you are." I smiled shyly at him, reaching out to shake the Malfoy patron's hand. He surprised me by leaning in, kissing both my cheeks lightly, his wife doing the same.

Severus chuckled lightly at my befuddled reaction. "I was just congratulating them on the marriage of their son."

Lucius nodded. "As you are Pot- I mean, Harry's closest friend, and you are here with Severus, you are practically family."

I smiled in thanks, my cheeks bright red. Narcissa offered me a tight-lipped smile. "Glad to see you are well, Miss Granger. Severus, it is always wonderful having you here."

She excused herself, stepping into the house, most likely to assist her son in his last minute preparations. We stood there a few minutes more, the men discussing business and the school, as I felt a hand grasp my right one.

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