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I turn in my bed once more, I couldn't sleep. For some odd reason, I can't get Luke out of my head. His cute face keeps coming up in my head over and over, his smile to die for, everything about him. I look at my alarm clock on my nightstand, the time reads five thirty a.m. I hear the front door open, I get up and look out my window. I see Luke running out the driveway, I sigh and go back to bed.

I turn on my light and grab my book to read. I'm not a big fan of reading, but from time to time I like to study my medical books. As I read, sleep comes to me. The front door opening again makes me wake up, I look at the clock and it reads six thirty a.m. Deciding to give up the hide and seek I'm playing with my sleep, I get out of bed. I take off my night clothes and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and then hop in the shower. 

I turn on the cold water and let it run on my whole body including my head. After what seems like a century inside the shower, I get out and walk in my closet. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top. Not feeling like drying my hair, I let them out to air dry. 

I get out of my room to see if anyone is up beside Luke. I walk into Jake's room and he's sound asleep. I grab his blanket and cover his small body and turn off the television he must have fallen asleep watching. I'm going to kill him when he wakes up. I told him not to watch television pass his bedtime and he disobeyed me.

I close the door of his room and walk by my parent's room, I hear the water running. Yep, my mom's up. She always wakes up early because she says she ends up getting hungry. I hear my father snoring from where I'm standing outside the door and I chuckle. He's always arguing with my mom that he doesn't snore. 

Finally, I walk down the stairs, I open up the windows and the curtains to bring some light inside the house. I walk into the kitchen and decide to make breakfast since I'm feeling generous. I look inside the fridge checking the ingredients I have. I then decide to make the easiest thing scrambled eggs and pancakes. 

I grab some eggs setting them down, I take the pancake mix from the cabinet. I take a clean bowl pouring the pancake mix inside, I crack two eggs putting it also, I add some butter and pour some milk. I don't measure the amount I put because I don't believe in measurements. Whenever I attempt to measure something to cook, it always ends up horrible. Now I decide to just follow my instincts on when to stop. 

I grab the whisk and start whisking the pancakes after I am done. I grab a pan and turn on the stove and set it down. I put some butter in the pan and wait awhile until I pour the pancake mixture inside. I turn the pancakes so they don't burn. Someone walks into the kitchen making me startle, I turn around to see Luke standing looking at me. "Good morning," I say with a smile. 

"Morning," he answers back, "you're up early," he adds. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and gulps down the entire bottle.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I decided to make breakfast," I say. "Why are you up so early?" I ask him as I turn some more pancakes. As the pancakes get ready I start my egg mixture. I crack some eggs open and whisk them together. I add salt, pepper, bell pepper, onions, black pepper, and some Maggi seasoning. 

"Couldn't sleep," he simply answers. 

"So, you decided to go run?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it helps me clear my mind," he answers. "Listen," he says. I turn to give him my full attention, "about yesterday I-," he gets cut off by my mom entering the room. He doesn't say anything else and stays silent. I already know what he was going to talk about. He was going to talk about the kiss, but what was he going to say? I'm sorry we kissed or we should try it again sometimes?

"Good morning children," my mom greets both Luke and I.

"Morning mama," I reply. I turn back around and pay attention to my cooking. All the pancakes were done being cooked so I clean the pan off to make the scrambled eggs. 

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