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So, he forces me to meet him and he is going to be late?" Luke asks me. I look down at my watch, he still has another five minutes before he has to officially come. 

"Luke, we have five minutes," I tell him. I continue to mix my spices for my sauce to put on my spaghetti. "Just calm down," I add. He puts his hands on his chin seeming bored and annoyed that he has to be here. The doorbell rings and I smile, "he's here, four minutes early," Luke rolls his eyes. At least Juan did not enter the house without knocking, I walk to the door and open it. 

"I bought wine," he raises the bottle of wine. I smile and open the door wider to let him in. "The best from England," he says reading the label. 

"Luke doesn't drink," I inform him. Luke chooses not to drink anything because of what he experienced with his father. I do not believe he will abuse the alcohol, but if it helps him feel better, I'll support it. "Just give me," I tell him grabbing the bottle. I read the label as we walk to the kitchen, "you're right," I say, "this is the good stuff."

"What's the good stuff?" Luke asks when we reach the kitchen.

"Wine," Juan replies before I have a chance to, "but I hear you don't drink," he comments. "Nothing wrong with that, some people just can't handle it," he shrugs his shoulder and takes a seat. I roll my eyes at him mouthing for him to stop. 

"I'm sorry about Juan's behavior," I tell Luke. "He's a jerk sometimes," I go back to my cooking. 

"More like all the time," Luke murmurs. We both start laughing and Juan looks at both of us questioning what is so funny. 

"Anyways," I say, "dinner is served," I grab plates and put them in front of both of them. I serve them and serve myself taking a seat across from both of them. They both smile and start eating. "Now, Juan, since you wanted to waste my afternoon, why don't you start?" I ask him. I could have been studying right now or catching up in my sleep since Christopher took Jake out to see a movie or something.

However, I am here sitting with people I don't want to precisely Juan. "So, where are you from?" Juan asks him. I roll my eyes, "what?" he asks me, "too sensitive?" I roll my eyes again. 

"New York," Luke replies. 

"Great place," Juan says. "Anyways, Jake sounds like he really likes you, he says you know how to cook," he comments. "I cook too, I deserve some love," he points to his heart. 

"When did you learn to cook?' I question him. Juan cannot even boil water, before he met Gloria he used to live on restaurants and fast food. Now, he happens to know how to cook. 

"That's between God and I," he replies. I chuckle, a sign he is surely lying about his new knowledge of cooking. "Besides cooking, what do you do?" He asks. 

"Read," Luke replies. 

"You read?" Juan asks. Luke nods his head, "really Chris?" He asks me. "He reads?" He asks again. "People who love to read tend to be boring people and you hate boring people," he says.

"I do not," I deny it. I do hate boring people, it annoys me. I spend my day in a hospital, reading, researching, being serious, when I get home I need someone that can get me to let loose and have some fun. Maybe it's part of the reason, I loved Juan so much. He is more on the creative, fun type of person. 

He doesn't care about stupid rules, that contributes to why we are so toxic to each other. He makes me want to do things that my sane self would never do. "Maybe our type changes as we get older," I tell him.

"Whatever you want to believe," he says. 

"Reading does not make me boring, reading is feeding the mind. Something you should try," Luke says. I smile. I've never been prouder of him right now. I reach under the table and grab his hand. He intertwines our fingers under it and stares at me. "Any other questions?" He asks Juan.

"No," he answers. "White trash?" Juan asks me. I chuckle and ignore him, it was a saying between the two of us. He once asked me if I would date a white person and I told them I would if they were a white trash. White trash referring to a person who's white but was raised in the ghetto. Luke was raised in the ghetto, but he doesn't act ghetto or anything, I don't see why he would be a white trash. 

"Haha," I fake a laugh. "Juan, Luke loves running," I tell him.

"Really?" Juan asks him. Luke nods his head, "did you run track in high school?" He questions. I knew that would work, Juan also loves running. When he wasn't playing soccer in high school, he was running. He still runs every morning today as a way to relieve stress.

"Yep," Luke replies. "four hundred meters," he adds.

"I did the four hundred a couple times also," I know have no idea what they are talking about. Luke lets go of my hand and they start talking about track. They seem to have a lot in common. "Man, you never try to do the one hundred meter?" He asks. "There's just something about it you know, the way you can feel the wind as you run."

"Tell me about it," Luke replies. "The wind just..."


"It was nice to talk to you when I wasn't trying to punch you," Juan says as we reach the door. 

"Nice to meet you too," Luke replies chuckling. They both smile and I open the door for Juan. I go outside with him also since I want to talk to him. The meeting actually was successful. They have spent the last hour talking about track and sports and thing that do not interest me. I think they even got into politics, I shake my head. 

"He's really cool, I see why you like him," Juan says when we reach outside. 

"I know, I have good taste," I snap back. He chuckles, "except you, that was a mistake."

"Sweetheart, you know it wasn't. I'm the greatest love you've ever had," I don't say anything. Part of his statement is right, he is the first person I've ever loved. A part of me still loves him and I think it will always. The good moments we shared, the laughs, and even the sad moments. "It's hard," he says out of nowhere his hands inside his pocket staring at the parking lot.

"What's hard?" I ask him trying to see what he is looking at.

"Seeing you happy with someone else," he answers. "I'm selfish, aren't I?" He asks. I don't think he wants an answer to his question. "I'm married and I-" he pauses. "I'm sorry, I'm being ridiculous," he chuckles and lets the subject go. 

"Juan, I love you and you know it but us is not an option and I think I'm happy that it isn't," I tell him. "You bring out the worst in me, remember this one time when we ran away from home for one night. Our parents were worried sick," I tell him. I laugh thinking about the situation. "We got high and-" I stop talking feeling slightly embarrassed talking about it.

"That's how we ended up with Jake," he chuckles. He turns to look at me. "We had great moments," he tells me. "Glad to see you happy," he grabs me and gives me a hug. "I have Jake this weekend," he says as he walks to his car. "You're dropping him off," he adds.

"No fair!" I yell at him. "It's your turn," he chuckles and enters his car. I stand there and watch as he drives away. I sigh and enter the house, "Luke!" I call him.

"In the kitchen!" He yells back. I go in the kitchen, "cleaned up for you," he tells me. I look around and the kitchen was cleaned. 

"Thank you," I say.

"Do you really hate boring people?" He asks me. 

"No," I reply, "Juan was just playing with your head," I tell him. 

"I don't think so, he knows you better than I do," he comments. "What's your type?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask him. "I'm not going to answer that, I think it's a trick question. Remember when you asked me about my sexual partners, that was a disaster," I tell him.

"I want to hear it," he says. 

"Fine," I answer, "I don't really have a type, you just have to be a good person," I say honestly. "But I do like people who are my polar opposite," I say. "I'm bossy so someone who can control me is a bonus, like someone who knows how to put me in my place," I elaborate. 

"Okay," he says. "Controlling?" He asks me. I nod my head, he pulls me to him and kisses me. "How controlling exactly?" He asks between kisses, I chuckle.

The Butler and I (BWWM)✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu