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"Make sure you check up on Mr. Brocke every hour, okay?" I ask the nurse before I leave to get home. She nods her head and I mouth her a thank you. I fill in some extra paperwork before I can finally get out of here, it's seven in the morning and I am tired from working the night shift. You'd think working at that time would be easier except strange things come to the ER at night. 

"DuBois," Zoey says coming to stand next to me. "How was the night shift?" She asks me. My look already gives it away, "that bad?" She asks. I nod my head, she chuckles. I continue to fill out my paperwork as she talks to me and asks me questions about what was going on. Police officers enter the ER making everyone turn to look at them. Police here is pretty common, but not usually this early in the morning plus there are no patients here that involve the police.

They take the elevator and go up, maybe they have to talk to the administrator. "What's going on?" I ask Zoey.

"Not really sure, I've heard rumors but I doubt they're true," she says. I don't bother asking her what rumor because I really don't care. I never enjoy gossiping or even talking about things that are none of my business. I sign my name out and sigh I finally am all ready to go home. The police officers come down again this time accompanied by the ER administrator and they walk in one of the trauma rooms. 

After a second I see Dr. Lutz or Patrick exit the room. I look shocked at why the police are here for him. I've managed to avoid him which is really hard considering we work the same shifts. The police talk to him for a while, they are arguing but I can't hear what they are saying. By now, every nurse, doctor, practically everyone is standing watching the drama unfold. One of the police officers pull out his handcuffs, but the administrator stops them.  "That's won't be necessary," I hear the administrator say. "Dr. Lutz will go willingly," she adds.

"What exactly did you hear?" I ask Zoey still standing beside me watching the things unfold also. I am now curious to know, seeing police coming to get him brings joy to my heart. I know I shouldn't be thinking like that but any man who believes woman are put on Earth for them to fuck deserves to be in jail. He had no right to try to kiss me simply because he believed I am single. On top of that, he threatened me so I couldn't report him. 

"Apparently, he got fired from the last hospital he worked at," she informs me. "I don't know what happened, but I guess it never came out during the hiring process."

"Why did he get fired?" I ask getting interested.

"One of his co-workers accused him of rape," she says. I gasp, "yeah, can you believe it?" She asks, "thank goodness, he didn't try anything like this here," she says. "Anyways they had no solid evidence so they couldn't arrest him, but the hospital fired him because they have a strict policy against sleeping with co-workers," she finishes. 

"Then why are they are arresting him now?" I ask her.

"Orders from the Florida PD, they are coming to pick him up later. All I know is that some new evidence was discovered," she finishes. I gasp again, I know he probably tried to get other girls, but rape? I feel bad for that poor girl, I cannot begin to imagine how she feels, how it feels for someone to rape you. Have sex with you against your will. I shake my head not wanting to think about it any further. "I thought this was a safe place, but they hire a rapist, seriously?" Zoey asks bringing me down to Earth.

I watch as Dr. Lutz walks out of the place followed by police officers. Everyone is whispering to each other, some with shocked faces, others getting back to their work like nothing happened. "I'll see you," I tell Zoey and walk out of the ER. I really can't believe it, men really aren't shit. 

I drive for twenty minutes before reaching home. As I open the door, I hear laughter coming from the kitchen, I look down at my watch, it isn't even eight yet. I walk to the kitchen greeting both Christopher and Jake. "You guys are up early," I say.

"Yeah," Jake says. 

"You guys haven't gone to sleep, have you?" I ask them looking at their tired face. 

"Um... no," Jake answers. "Since you were working, we thought we'd sleep all day with you,"Jake says trying to make his actions seem reasonable.

"What were you guys up doing?" I ask them both. 

"We were just playing Fortnite," Jake replies. "Really educational if you ask me," he adds.

"I don't see how," I answer. "You better be happy it's the weekend and really Toph?" I ask my brother. He is almost thirty but he acts worst than a ten-year-old sometimes. 

"Sorry," he puts his hand up in defense, "it's really addictive," I frown. "Good night, I love you too sis," he kisses my forehead and leaves. I huff and grab some cereal to eat since I am hungry. Jake smiles and continues to eat his cereal. 

"You need to stop playing so much video games," I tell him. "You should go outside more, get some sunlight before winter," I say realizing the fall is almost over and soon it would be snowing. 

"Okay," he simply says shrugging his shoulders. 

"Anyways," I say knowing he wouldn't do it. Jesus Christ would have to come down himself to get Jacob DuBois Gonzalez to go outside and get some sunlight. The kid has brown skin and I swear he is turning white. He looks like a vampire, "I have something I want to talk to you about something," I tell him. I said I would tell him about the baby, but I still haven't.

I want to tell him about it now before I start showing. It won't be long until I do and I don't want him to find out about it on his own. "What is it?" He asks. Wow, this is a lot harder than I thought. What if he asks about the father? I've had the talk with him so he knows how babies are made. How am I going to explain to him what about between Luke and I? I still haven't talked to him since he came here and I kicked him out. He's already back in New York now. 

I know I have to talk to him and I will. He hasn't stopped calling, he calls three times a day at the same time. I will talk to him, but I just need some time to cool down so I don't go off on him again. Frankly, I don't care that he lied to me. Part of my cool down process is to realize the reality of some situations and rethinking some of my life decisions. 

All my life, I've been chasing a guy or getting one to like me. When it wasn't Juan, it was Luke and I'm freaking tired of that. I'm tired of basing my happiness off of some guy. "Mom," Jake says passing his hands in front of my face, "what were you saying?" He asks. 

"Um..." I take a spoon of my cereal, "how would you feel about having a little brother or sister?" I ask him. 

"Dad and Gloria are having a baby?" He asks sounding excited.

"No," I reply.

"Oh," he frowns, "are you thinking about adopting a baby?" He asks me, "if you are, can it be a girl?" He asks, "and can she be black?" He asks. 

"I'm not adopting a baby," I tell him, "I'm having a baby," I finally let it out. I felt relieved really, he looks shocked for a moment.

"So, you're like pregnant?" He asks. I nod my head, "is it a girl or a boy?" He asks, "or is it twins?" His eyes are full of hope waiting for my answer. 

I smile, "I guess you're cool with it?" I ask him.

"Yes," he replies, "she'll be a master at video games," he says thinking for a moment. 

"Slow down, I don't know the sex yet," I say. I was worried about him asking questions I didn't know the answer to, but he's happy about it. 

"He or she will be a master," he says. I laugh and we continue to eat our breakfast and him not wanting to stop talking about the addition to our family.


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