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"Jake, hurry up, we're going to be late," I say to Jake going down the stairs. I am running really late this morning, I forgot to set my alarm and I was so tired from last night that I woke up an hour later than my usual time. I walk to the kitchen and put some milk and cereal in a bowl. Jake walks into the kitchen also tired, "sit, eat, ten more minutes," I tell him. I am about to pour myself some coffee when I hear my phone ringing. 

I groan and take it out of my pocket, I read the caller I.D. and notice that it is my mom. I sigh but answer it regardless. "Hey ma," I answer. "Can I call you later?" I ask her thinking I could just call her during my lunch break. 

"No need sweetheart," she replies, "this will only take a minute," she adds. "Guess who I just talked to?" She asked. 

"I don't know, who?" I ask. I hate when people ask me to guess about something, it's really annoying. Half of the time, I guess wrong anyway, so why not save time by telling me what you have to say. Jake starts eating his cereal slowly, I fix my eyes on telling him to be faster. 

"Dr. Emanuel," she answers. My heart jumps, Dr. Emanuel is one of the biggest neurosurgeons in the state. My parents had the pleasure of working with him during their career, but they say he's always so private that he never talks to anyone. 

"Really?" I ask her still surprise, "what did he want?"  ask her.

"Just wanted to check in," she answers. "But I mentioned to him how you wanted to start your fellowship in neurosurgery and he couldn't be happier to help," she says. I feel like jumping up and down right now then I remember that I can't start my fellowship right now. "I'm texting you his number, he said to give him a call soon and he'll schedule a time for you two to meet. He is getting ready to pick his team for next year," she says.  "That'll be great, honey ima-"

"Mom," I say stopping her from saying more, she stops. "I was thinking about waiting a few more years before starting my fellowship," I inform her.

"What?" She asks, I could picture the facial expression she is making right now. "Two minutes honey?" She asks. My mom and I have a two minutes thing we say to each other. It's when we yell at each other and say things that can't be used against us. I know my mom has a lot to say, she might need more than two minutes. "Are you serious Christine LaRose DuBois?" She asks, "Dr. Emaunel, the greatest neurosurgeon in the state of Illinois is thinking about adding you to his team and you are are saying no?" She asks. "No honey, you can't wait a few more years because in a few he might be dead. I don't know if you are stupid or just dumb," she finishes. "Now," she says. I hear her take a deep breath. "Why do you want to wait?"

"I just don't think now's the right time," I say not wanting to tell her I am pregnant. The next big news about my life my mom's expecting me to tell her is that I'm getting married or that I am one of the greatest surgeons in the world, not carrying a baby. The baby part is not what will hurt her, but the part about me having a baby with someone miles away. She knows I'll be stuck being a single mother and she hates the idea. 

"When will be the right time?" She asks. "Jake is almost eleven, he can stay by himself plus you have your brother to help if you're worried about that. Plus his no good of a father is always ready to take care of him," she had to add the part about his no good of a father. "Don't worry about Jake, honey," she says. I hear her let out a deep breath over the phone. "Do you even want to do this?" She asks. "I'm starting to feel like you don't want to."

"I do, mom," I say. "Just not right now."

"What is it, honey?" She asks. "It's not every day a woman gets an opportunity like this. When we do get it, we should always take advantage of it," she says. Everything she's saying is true, I know she's right, but I'm thinking about the baby right now. I don't want to put to much stress on myself while I'm pregnant, maybe a few years after the baby's born, I can take care of this.

The opportunity will pass, but I'm sure another door might open. "Mom, are you sitting down?" I ask her.

"Yes," she says. "Let me make sure the chair's secure," she says. I chuckle, I am about to tell her then I realize Jake is sitting in front of me eating his cereal. I think of a code name to say it to my mom that Jake will not understand. "Now, what is it?" She asks me. 

"My menstruation cycle stopped," I say.

"You should see a doctor about that, honey," she says sounding motherly.

"It'll only be about 36 weeks," I say. 

"What?!" She yells over the phone. I pull the phone away from my ears so she doesn't cause me to become deaf," Jake finishes and I motion for him to let's go. We walk out the door making sure to lock the door on our way out. I reach the car and my mom is still yelling.

"Mom," I stop her. I hear her pause. "I have to take Jake to school, we'll continue this conversation later," I say. I don't wait for her to reply and hang up the phone. I put the key in the ignition and start the car, "ready to go?" I ask Jake in the back seat. He nods his head and I make my way out of the parking lot. "So Jake," I call him.

"Yes," he says.

"You ever think about having a little brother or sister?" I ask him. I don't want to tell him about the baby yet, but I do want to see how he'll react to the idea. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable and less loved because of a new kid. 

"I've never thought about it," he answers me. "But I guess it would be cool, Ciarra has a baby brother," he adds. 

"Who's Ciarra?" I ask him. 

"This girl in my class. She's the only one that doesn't ask about my last name," he says. 

I chuckle, he has a friend. He has never mentioned anyone in his class before especially in a good way. I guess his people skills are improving. "Glad to hear that," I say looking at me through the rearview mirror. 


"Hey," I say to Luke over the phone. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer earlier, I was working," I add.

"Yes," he says. "I'm sorry, I forgot that you were, how are you?" He asks. 

"Good," I answer him. "How are you?" I ask him back.

"Okay," he answers. There's a long pause over the phone after that. I take a bite of my sandwich since there is no talking being done. "Um..." he says after a while. "I have something I have to tell you," he says.

"What is it?" I ask him. 

"I'll tell you this weekend," he says. "In person," he adds.

"You're coming to Chicago?" I ask him. 

"Yes," he answers. "I have the weekend off and I just-"

"Doctors, emergency," one of the nurses come into the patio saying.

"I'm sorry, Luke, I have to go," I say hanging up the phone.


What does Luke have to tell Christine?

Au Revoir...

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