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I roll my windows down enjoying the cold air of fall. I'm glad I'm finally home, I was happy spending some time with Luke, but I missed my baby. I drive to Juan's house to get him. I hate going to Juan's house, but today he wants to act petty and says he won't drop Jake home.

I turn and the car immediately starts to drive through the forest, why did he have to keep all those trees. I look up at the cameras filming me, I stick my tongue out being childish. Only a few people knew about this place and it was really creepy. After driving for about a mile, I reach the big black gate. I put my car in park knowing this will take a long time. "Name?" The computerized voiced asks. 

"Christine DuBois," I answer. Knowing how this works, I put my fingerprint in for it to recognize. I then put my face in position so it can recognize my face also. I still don't understand why he needs all this security. Inside the place is also full of guards. 

"Christine DuBois," the computerized voice repeats. It runs the database until it recognizes. "Access granted," the gate opens and I put the car in drive and enter the place. I drive for another mile before I reach the house. 

I park the car in front, immediately the guards start looking at me. "Hey guys," I say awkwardly. Some of them already know me from when Juan and I actually dated which was a long time ago.

"Long time no see, Christine," one of the guards say.

"Yeah," I answer.

"The boss' inside," he informs me.

"Thank you," I say. I walk up the stair to the house. I'm about to ring the doorbell when the door opens showing Juan. A puff of smoke almost chokes me, he chuckles and opens the door wider for me to come in. "You're an idiot," I tell him. He knows I hate when he does that. "What did I tell you about smocking around Jake?" I ask him.

"I don't see Jake," he says looking around the room. I look around also, the house has definitely changed, I guess Gloria changed it to her liking. 

"Where is he?" I ask him ready to see him and get out of this creepy place.

"He went to get ice cream with Gloria at this new ice cream place, they should be back in a few," he says looking at his watch. He puts the cigarette between his lips, he then let the smoke out again.

"Juan, don't smoke around me," I tell him.

"What?" He asks, "Ms. Dubois is too fancy now? I remember when you used to beg me to buy you a cigarette," he chuckles.

"I never begged," I say. I did ask him to buy them since he turned eighteen before me and I couldn't buy them myself. 

"True, you use to beg for something else," he says looking at his penis. I roll my eyes, he is being so inappropriate. "Come on," he touches my arm lightly, "don't deny it," I chuckle and shake my head. 

"Whatever, just stop smoking around me," he chuckles and does the same thing again. "When did Gloria and Jake leave?" I ask getting tired of being at his house. He looks down at his watch calculating the time.

"Probably an hour ago," he says. 

"They could've already been here if it didn't take so danm long to drive here. What's with all the security measure anyway?" I ask him. The fingerprint, voice, and face recognition is a bit much. It's not like you're ever protected, no technology can provide you with security. Only God can assure your safety. 

"Why not?" He simply asks shrugging his shoulder. He walks to the plate by the sofa and puts the cigarette down. "You wanna act dumb?" He asks approaching me. I stare at him not knowing what he is talking about. "You and I both know why I put them," his brown eyes stare into mine. 

"They can't stop someone from killing you," I say. "Now that I realize that, I don't even know why I let Jake come here," I add. It's dangerous around here, I'm a grown adult and I'm scared of it. It's probably since I know the truth about everything that happens around here, but Jake still does not know everything. "It's too dangerous and he might get caught in some of your stupid feuds."

"Jake is fine," he says. "And as for him not coming here, don't you dare mention that again. You might as well say he shouldn't see me."

"Wouldn't be such a bad idea," I murmur under my breath. 

"What did you say?!" He yells. He slams me against the wall gently, his body blocking any road of escaping his grip. His eyebrows are furrowed, his veins pop out of his forehead. I smirk, I know he won't hurt me. He wouldn't dare, "can you stop fucking playing with me?" He asks his accent coming out a little. Juan has a Hispanic accent, but it barely shows unless he is emotional about something. Anger is usually one of the big emotions that bring it out. 

"You're the one playing with yourself," I snap back. Something in his brown eyes twitches, that's when I know I really got him mad. I look at him wondering what he is going to do next. My body is still slammed against the wall and he won't allow me to get away. "Can you move, Juan?" I ask him. He huffs and shakes his head no. 

He stares at me up and down getting me a little scared. He comes even closer to me and places a kiss on my lips, it was fast and nothing sexual, he pulls away and stares at me for my reaction. I don't move nor say anything. I know it's wrong of me allowing him to kiss me like especially since he is married probably not happily but married nonetheless. And what about Luke? We're nothing special like boyfriends and girlfriend or anything but I can't help but feel like I'm betraying him. 

We might not be official, but we both do love each other. Well, I love him, you can never trust men that they love you with all their heart. Juan looks into my eyes then kisses me again, this time it lasts longer. It's passionate, I can feel his tongue swirl in my mouth. He tastes like mint like he always did except this time the tastes of the cigarette is stronger. 

I wrap my hands around his neck enjoying every moment of the kiss. My hair's out and he pulls it gently nothing to hurt me. He then leaves my lips and places kisses from my jawline down to my collarbone. The sound of the door opening causes both of us to pull away breathless. He takes a few step back leaving us standing at an acceptable distance that no one would question. "Mom, you're back," Jake says when he enters the room and sees me. "Did you see Timesquare?" He asks, "the Statue of Liberty?" He asks again. He comes and gives me a hug. 

"I did not," I answer him, "but I did get a chance to go to Gnosis," I say. "They sell the best chocolate," I add. I hug them back and run my hands through his hair.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes," I reply, "I have some at home, go get your stuff so we can leave," I tell him. He pulls away and nods his head. He then disappears, after a few seconds I hear him running up the stairs. I turn and see Gloria standing there staring at me. I haven't seen her in a while, I don't really know how to act especially since I was just kissing her husband. "Hi," I tell with a forced smile.

"Hi Christine," she answers. For some odd reason, I don't like how my name sounded coming from her mouth. "Nice seeing you," she says. I nod my head. "I'll be upstairs," she tells Juan kissing his cheek. All throughout that, Juan is staring at me, I put my head down. Gloria then leaves and goes up the stairs. 

"Um...I," he says. "I-I" he tries to say something. He passes his hands through his brown hair. 

"Mom, I'm ready," Jake says entering the room. I don't know if he can feel the tense air, but he looks at both of us awkwardly. "I can't wait," he says about to leave.

"No," I tell him. "Let's go," I say. I grab his bag from him.

"Bye dad," he tells his dad. They do their handshake, the one they developed when he was five, I smile looking at them both. When they finish, Jake gives his dad a hug and comes to me so we can leave. 

"I'm sorry," Juan mouths to me as I get out the door. I shake my head and leave.


Ex's and Oh's

Gnosis does sell good chocolates. If you're in New York check them out and tell me what you think.

I'm Floridian BTW so, I have no idea. 

Au Revoir...

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