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I sigh and walk down the stairs in my shorts and tank top I had put on after my much needed cold shower. I walk into the kitchen opening my fridge, I stare around at what is available to eat. I don't want to eat anything in here, I close the fridge feeling disappointed. I open the freezer and spot my favorite--cookies n cream ice cream. I grab the ice cream and big spoon, I grab a bottle of water and start to make my way back to my room since I just want to enjoy some ice cream in bed after the type of day I had. 

As I make my way up the stairs, I see Luke's lights on. I pause and stare at the door, I didn't see him when I came back from work, in fact, I haven't seen him in a while. I wake up early to work and I come back late. I debate with myself whether or not I should go to see him or not. I want to see him, but it's the middle of the night, what will he think of me when I show up at his door? He'll think I'm desperate or something; shit, maybe I am desperate.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes trying to clear my mind. Deciding to make what I think is the right decision, I walk to his door. I knock lightly since I didn't want to wake up Jake or Christopher. After a few seconds, the door opens showing Luke standing there, his glasses on and a book in his hand. He's always reading for some odd reason. He smiles when he sees me and opens the door wider so I can get in. "Hi," I say as he closes the door behind me. 

"Hi," he says back. "How are you?" He asks.

"Great," I say showing more enthusiasm than I intended. He chuckles and takes his glasses off showing his beautiful blue eyes. "You?" I ask.

"I'm good," he says. He walks to his bookshelf and grabs a bookmark putting it where he stopped. He then set the book on his nightstand. 

"Why do you like reading?" I ask him.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks back, "reading has always been a way to escape for me. It brings me to a different world, makes me forget about the real world for a while," He informs me. I nod my head understanding what he is saying.

When I realize I have ice cream in my hand and that it will melt, I take a seat on the tip of his bed and start eating. He stares at me for a while and just takes a seat also. "Ice cream?" I ask him raising the cup. He shakes his head no, "it's late, why aren't you sleeping?" I ask him. 

"The same reason as you," he replies.

"You mean you're such a fatass that you have to get a midnight snack before going to sleep or you'll feel dead inside?" I ask without pausing.

He puts his head back and laughs, the sound of his voice fill the silent room. He has a beautiful laugh, I tell myself. "No, I was going to say that I couldn't sleep," he says. 

"Close enough," I say. He shakes his head and glare at me; watching every spoon I put in my mouth. I get nervous putting my head down, why is he staring at me? I finally finish the ice cream, I set the cup down and drink my water gulping it down fast. I always get thirsty after eating ice cream for some odd reason. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask him after drinking my water.

"You're really beautiful," he says. I put my head down and blush, "which brings me to my next thing," he adds. "Why?" He asks.

"Why what?" I ask what.

"I mean why do you take interest in me?" He asks.

"What does me being beautiful have to do with me taking interest in you?" I ask him. He thinks about for a while but is unable to answer. I put my bottle down and turn to look at him. I grab his chin pulling his head to me and kiss him, he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. 

Before I know it, he is on top of me and our clothes are being taken off.


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