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Luke's POV

I stand in the lobby of the hotel Christine is staying at. She said she would be here five minutes ago, I guess it takes a while. I'm taking her to a restaurant by a lake then I'm thinking we could take a walk. I really enjoy her company, she's really funny when she's not saying something really dumb that I don't get.

Everything was going fine I had my dream job and I was actually home until she told me. She told me that she was pregnant, I always wanted a baby. I wanted a family and be different than my father. She should have never said that she was getting an abortion, she shook my whole world when she uttered these words. I'm not against abortion or anything, I believe women should do whatever the fuck they want with their body, but I couldn't stand there and let her get one.

Not when I finally had my chance, my chance of becoming a father. I'm really picky about who gets to carry my child, but she's a good woman, she has good genes, and I believe she's a good mother. So, what did I do when she told me about the baby and the abortion? I did the stupidest and cruelest thing ever, I told her that I love her. 

I really enjoy her company, I care about her, I'm attracted towards her, but love? Hell no, I can't honestly say that I love her. Maybe one day I'll learn to love her, but not right now. I know I'm not in denial because one thing I'm good at is reading and expressing my emotions. The only women I've ever loved are my mom, my sister, and Anna. After my sister died, my life went crazy. I hated cooking or even being near a kitchen since that used to be our thing, but when I moved to France and met Anna things changed. 

She was a young girl that volunteered at the restaurant while she went to one of the cooking schools in the city. I fell in love with her immediately, everything about her. After she died, things weren't  the same. I left France because I couldn't stand being there. I even took a job as a butler because I couldn't stand being in a kitchen all the time. 

Now things are different, I finally feel like my old self. I enjoy cooking but there's one problem. I'm playing with a girl's feelings. She really doesn't deserve that. I can't but feel what a terrible person I am for lying to her like that.But I went too far and I can never take it back. I know how hurt she was about Juan and Juan loves her. She'll destroy me if she finds out and I don't know what she will do to herself. 

The elevator dings and she finally comes down. She's with her brother, they are laughing. When she spots she smiles and I smile back. "You're nasty," she tells her brother. 

"I know, I'm your little nasty brother," he replies. She gasps at his statement, "but you love me anyway," he adds.

"Bye Christopher," she says seeming annoyed by him. They reminded me of my sister and I. I scratch the thought out. Now is not the time to be sad and think about her. 

"See you later," her bother says, "hi," he says to me. He leaves the hotel, Christine comes up to me giving me a smile again. 

She's wearing a black pencil dress that shows all her curves, her curly hair's in a bun. I've always seen her in jeans, shorts or her scrubs, I got to admit she really looks good in a dress. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, the stupid hotel had a body wash that smells like vanilla," she says. I stare blankly at her not seeing the problem. "I hate the smell of vanilla," she informs me. "Had to get them to get me another body wash which took forever. They are getting one star."

I still didn't see the problem, did she really have to get them to get her a new boy wash? This is one of the reason, I can't really connect with her. I know she doesn't care about the money, but we are so different in that. She's spoiled while I'm not. Don't get me wrong, she's one of the nicest rich people I've met and I've met a lot of them because of my job.

However, there are these little things she does or says that irritate me. I'm a worker and I've been working for rich people all my life. It hurts when I see workers get treated unfairly. "Mhmm," I simply say, "we should get going," I say. I take her hand and walk out the lobby, I call a cab and open the door for her. We both slide on, I relax my head on the chair trying to think about this, she leans her head on my chest.

I rub her hair out of instinct, "where are we going?" She whispers to me.

"A special place," I reply.

"Okay," she simply answers. I stare out the window looking at the people walking out into the streets. After the thirty minute drive, we finally arrive where I wanted to take her. She gets up from my chest and looks out the window, she then gets out. I quickly get out also. I look at her admiring the place, I knew she would love it. 

It's a restaurant where all the tables are outside by the lake, it has lights surrounding it. Today's a good day to come here, it's a little chilly, but it's a full moon. The stars are bright and it makes the place look more beautiful. 

I take her hand and walk to a free table, she looks at it smiling. "This place is beautiful," she says, I nod my head, "you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, just a little tired," I lie. She gives me a weak smile, "so, you're leaving tomorrow?" I ask her. She nods her head frowning. "Maybe I'll come visit next month," I add.

"You really don't have to," she says. She picks up the menu and looks at the food selection. 

"I want to," I tell her.

"Fine," she says shrugging her shoulder. "So," she says grabbing my attention. I raise my eyebrow waiting for what she's going to say next. "I decided to keep the baby," she adds.

"That's good," I say. Inside, I'm dying. I finally got her to do what I wanted which was to keep the baby. The only problem is that I'm lying to her.


Ever been lied to by someone you thought you could trust?

Au Revoir...

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