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I sit at the small cafe waiting for Luke. He's in Chicago this weekend, I told him not to fly here, but he insisted. I am ready to talk to him now and deal with the problem. We both have to reach an area of agreement and do what is best for the baby. And what's best for the baby is us not arguing or fighting about nonsense I could have prevented. I should have known better and not trust another guy. Guys will never change, they are always the same. "Christine, is that you?" A voice says behind me. I turn around and see who it belongs to, "oh my God, I haven't seen you in like forever," he adds.

I chuckle, he walks up to me. I stand up and he gives me a big hug. "What are you doing in Chicago?" I ask my old high school friend, Romeo. 

"I moved back home," he says looking around. Romeo and I used to be friends in high school, but he moved to Alabama out of all places for college. His family's originally from there so I guess that's why he would go to that racist and poor state. 

"Oh, that's great," I say not knowing what to respond to the news. "So, what are you doing right now? I mean like for a job," I say. 

"Well-" he says, "I kind of dropped out after sophomore year in college," I gasp but not finding it that surprising. Romeo has always been a free spirit. "Anyways, I have a show tonight at the art gallery on LaSalle, you should come," he says. 

"You decided to focus on art?" I ask him. He was always quite the artist in high school, he has a creative mind, but both of his parents wanted him to become anything but an artist. They forced him to join the medical program at our school, that's how we met. He nods his head, "that's great," I say. "I might be busy tonight, but I'll be sure to come if I have some free time," I add.

"Yes, what have you been up to?" He asks, "how's Jake?" He asks. "Juan?"

"He's great," I answer back. "I'm sure Juan's fine," I add. I haven't talked to him in a while, the last time I talked to him was because he dropped Jake off. I now refuse to have anything to do with him that's not about Jake. 

"I thought you guys would have been married by now," he looks down on the floor. I chuckle, I thought the same thing a few years ago. 

"Yeah," I say awkwardly, "do you have any kids?" I ask him.

"Yes," he answers, "I have a daughter, her name's Samantha," he informs me. The door's bell rings, I look up to see who it is, Luke enters looking around the place for me. 

"It was great catching up, hopefully, I'll see you tonight, but I have to go," I say pointing towards my seat. He nods his head and then leaves to go back where he was. I take a seat and then Luke spots me. 

"Hi," he says taking a seat across from me, "how are you?" He asks. 

"Great," I answer him sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry about everything," he says. I shake my head not wanting to do this. It has already happened, I don't think his sorry's going to change a thing. I just wanted to forget about it and move forward. "Hopefully one day, you can forgive me," he adds fidgetting with his fingers. I look at him, his blue eyes stare back at me. 

I'm still wondering how a pretty face like him could be so ugly on the inside. It doesn't matter how pretty or handsome you are, if you are ugly inside, you are ugly. And right now, Luke is really ugly, he's so selfish. "Just stop," I tell him. "Can we just not talk about that, anyways," I dig through my purse to see if I could see the notebook I had put in there earlier. "I know it's early, but I came up with a plan, so we could you know," I look over at him, I pause and take a deep breath, I turn back around and grab the notebook. "Co-parent," I finish.

"Okay," he says. 

"I know we live in two different states, but maybe holidays and summer can be a way to do it," I pause to see if has anything to add to it. 

"I'm moving back to Chicago," he says. "My internship is finishing in two months."

"You don't have to, you already have a secured job at the restaurant," I say. If he moves back here, it'll be hard to get back on his feet, not that I mind. I'd be happy to help him out until he finds a job, but knowing him he'll probably say no. What's with guys and their egos? They never want to accept help from anyone. They always have to be the one with the better job, the one making more money, the greater one, if not, they feel bad. I don't know what's wrong with them.

"It's fine," he says, "I'm that worried about finding a job. But you can't really expect us to do this living in two different states. I want to be a parent, Christine, so yes, I'm moving back here," I nod my head letting it go. 

"Okay fine," I say. "You'll still have to sign the contract," I say handing him a piece of paper. He looks at it and sighs.

"Really?" He asks raising it up, "a contract?" He asks. "You're acting like we're mere strangers who just decided to have a baby together, what do you need a contract?" He asks, "it's not like I'm going to steal the baby and run away with it."

"Just sign it, I like things on paper," I say shrugging my shoulder.

"So, you don't trust me?" He asks.

"Mhmm, I don't know," I say sarcastically. "It has nothing to do with what I feel about you, I'm just trying to protect our child," I add. 

"Protect it from me?" He asks.

"Luke, don't get smart with me."

"I wouldn't dare, after all, you are the smart one."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him. What does our intelligence have to do with any of this?

"You know what I mean, just admit it, Christine, you're treating me like I'm inferior from you," I sigh, I can't believe him. "I might not have gone to private schools all my life, a university, and medical school, but-"

"But what?" I ask him. "You know Juan?" I ask him, he shakes his head. "Juan went to the same school as me, went to a great university and he still signed a contract. And Juan and I actually dated, and we actually had real feelings for each other and he still signed it. Now, the contract has nothing to do with who you are or what you aren't, I don't give a fuck, just sign it."

He looks at it, I get up from my seat and grab my bag. "Call me when your ego's gone and you are actually ready to be a parent," I leave the cafe and make my way to the car.


"I'm home!" I yell when I enter the house, no one answers. I check my mail that is left on the table, "Jake, do you want to go to the art gallery, tonight?" I ask. 

"Since when do you care about art?" Jake comes in the room asking.

"I don't," I answer him, "I ran into one of my old friends, just want to support him," I say. I did want to do that, I know he just moved back and his parents, if they're anything like I remember, they will not be there. 

"Sure, I hear art galleries always have cheese," I chuckle. "So mom?" He calls me. I turn and give him my full attention. "I was talking to one of my friends, I told her how you and dad are not together."

"Oh," I say. "There's nothing wrong with that," I tell him. "We still both very much love you and-"

"I know," he cuts me off, "I've heard that speech so many time. But anyways, I told her that you're having a baby and she asked me if you got married then it hit me," he says putting his index finger up. 

"What hit you?" I ask him.

"The father, you need sperm and eggs to have a baby. I know a female has eggs so who's the dad?"


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