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"Where's Christopher?" Luke asks me entering my house. 

"He's doing this thing with the vets," I tell him. He smiles and takes a seat on the sofa. Thank goodness he did not ask Christopher about me not being available on Friday. "So," I say taking a seat next to him. I peck his lips gently, he pulls me up to sit on him. "Jake's not here," I add. Jake is spending the weekend with his dad doing what they do best-playing video games. 

"Really?" He asks, I nod my head. He rubs his hand on my hair and pulls it down from the bun it is in. My hair falls on my face, he removes my hair and grabs my face kissing me. The kiss is passionate, our tongues fight for dominance. He then starts to trail kisses down my neck reaching my sweet spot. He sucks on my sweet spot surely leaving love bites. As he sucks on my neck, one of his hand finds its way under my shirt. 

He grabs one of my breasts through my bra squeezing it with his hand. He removes his lips from my neck and pulls my shirt off over my head. With my shirt off, he unclasps my bra throwing it somewhere on the sofa. I do not care, there is no one here and I know I would find it. His mouth goes down to my breast from my neck; his lips are working wonders on one of my breasts as he plays with the other one with his hands. 

I let a moan escape my lips from all the pleasure, he then switches sucking my other breasts. He is wearing a buttoned up shirt; I move my hands to unbutton it, but he grabs my hands stopping me. I groan at why he does not want me to, he lifts me up and lays me down on the sofa. He continues to play with my breasts. He then starts to trail kisses down my belly, it is kind of ticklish making me chuckle. He reaches my private area, he pulls my skirt down in a quick motion. 

He starts kissing around my pussy; I groan because he is not just getting this over with. I can feel his breath through my underwear, "Luke," I call him. He looks up at me, "stop teasing me," I tell him. He chuckles and goes up kissing my lips. 

He kisses me passionately as his hand reaches for my pussy. He puts his hand under my underwear and starts rubbing on my clit. A moan escapes my mouth again, I want more and he knows it. Somehow, he enjoys torturing me, "Luke, please," I say. He smirks, he removes his hand altogether making me let out a groan. 

"You've been lying to me," he tells me. I raise my eyebrow to ask him what he is talking about. "You have to help your brother with a thing?" He asks me. I then realize what he is talking about, "I'm not mad though," he says. He goes back to sucking on my neck, "just want to know why you're trying to avoid me," he says between kisses. 

"I'm sorry," I tell him. At this point, I do not care about the lie. He did it on purpose, I am know sexually frustrated and just want him to put his dick in me and give me an orgasm. He laughs, the laugh vibrates through my body. 

"Why?" He asks me again. He starts squeezing my breasts again. "You better have a damn good excuse."

"I-I um-" I'm unable to speak with all this going on. He puts his lips on my breasts again, "Luke, I," he quickly removes them and chuckles at the effect he has on me. I never knew he was capable of anything like this, he's Luke for god's sake. "I saw the ring!" I say finally having enough. 

"Ring?" He asks me raising his eyebrow. He sits up to look at me, I nod my head. 

"Yes, in your dresser," I tell him. I sit up also, he sighs and nods his head telling me he understands. 

"It's my brother's," he says. I sigh feeling relief, "it was my grandmother's and he lives in the University's dorms, he thinks they're gonna steal it. He got trust issues," he says. 

"They are going to steal it," I tell him. He nods his head, "I'm sorry, I just-" I couldn't explain how I felt, but I am feeling relief that he isn't planning on proposing or anything close to it. 

"Okay, um... why does the ring bother you?" He asks me, "I'm not trying to propose or anything, but does the idea of marriage bother you?" He asks me. Did the idea bother me? No, I've watched my parents marriage. They are wonderful together and I hope one day I could have that also. Someone I can share a home with, laugh with, and speak with. Someone I can be angry at one moment and love them the next. 

"I don't want to get married," I tell him, "at least not right now," I add. "I don't know," I say rubbing my hands over my face. I grab my shirt from the sofa and throw it on, I put my hair back in a bun since it bothers me when it's down. Luke stares at me as I redress myself, I grab my shorts and put them back on. 

I sigh and get up to leave. He grabs my arms making me turn around, "I want to," he says. He stands up leaving us mere inches apart. "I want to get married one day," he tells me. "The whole cliche thing," he chuckles. "kids, crazy moments," he adds. I nod my head, "now, are you afraid of that type of commitment?" He asks me. 

"It's not that," I say. "I just think marriage is some way overrated, it's just a legal commitment. I don't care about being legally committed to you," I tell him. 

"It's more than that, marriage is a promise to each other and don't forget that I can wake up to your beautiful face every day."

"We can wake up next to each other without getting married," I tell him.

"Okay then move in with me," he tells me. He puts his forehead on mine, our nose touch. 

I laugh, "I can't," I tell him. 

"Why?" He asks me. 

"Because I have a kid, I can't just move him from his home," I tell him. "Plus I live in a house that's paid for, it would be kind of stupid to move. Why don't you move in with me?' I ask him. 

"No," he shakes his head. 

"Exactly," I tell him. I pull away, "you're doing that ego thing again," I tell him. 

"I'm not," he sighs, "I don't want to move in with you because it's your parents' house."

"What's wrong with that?" I ask him. The house is technically mine since they passed it into my name, but I guess he does have a point. 

"I don't want to live in your parents' house, I want us to buy our own place with our own money," he says. I nod my head understanding, "and I want to marry you woman," he jokes. "Just let me know when you're ready."

The Butler and I (BWWM)✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang