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I open the front door from a long day of work. The house is silent, maybe Jake is sleeping. As I reach the kitchen I start hearing laughter, I enter and see Jake and Luke sitting on the island talking. "Hey mom," Jake greets me waving his hand to me.

"Good afternoon, what are you guys doing?" I ask them seeing how funny they think they were. Luke clears his throat and stares at Jake.

"Luke was just telling me a story of his childhood," Jake says with a bright smile on his face. I look at them both suspiciously.

"I'm gonna go shower, you guys enjoy your storytelling," I say. They both nod their hands. I make my way to my room.

After my cold shower, I walk to the kitchen, but Jake wasn't there. "Where did Jacob go?" I ask Luke who was washing the dishes in the sink.

"Um... he said he was tired and went to bed," he replies. I nod my head and get some bread to make myself a sandwich. "Jacob made mac and cheese if you want some," Luke says.

"Jake cooked?" I ask him, he nods his head. I chuckle, it seems like I am missing a lot of hos grown-up moments.

"I supervised if you're worried about him bein-"

"No it's fine, I'm not a fan of mac and cheese," I tell him.

After throwing a couple of ham, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and some mayonnaise I take a seat on the island enjoying my sandwich. I moan about how good it tasted. It probably isn't that good, but after a day of eating vending machine food, anything tastes good. "You must have had a wonderful childhood in New York?" I ask Luke.

He turns around looking at me, "yeah, it was okay I guess," he says raising his shoulder. "But yours must have been better, Jacob said you grew up here," he said pointing at the house.

"Yeah, I did. It was the best, the house is so big that my brother and I used to invite our friends over without our parents ever knowing," I say. I chuckle thinking about the warm memory.

"By friends, you mean the opposite sex?" He asks.

I laugh, "no, my brother used to invite girls over because he always had a girl after him, but when I say friends I mean friends," I inform him, "why would you assume I meant the opposite sex?" I ask him. "I never even had a boyfriend as a kid except for my imaginary ones of course," I joke. I didn't get a boyfriend until I was seventeen and that was Juan, Jacob's father.

It was a disaster, I don't know why I didn't decide to stay celibate my whole life. I should have listened to my mom when she told me boys are trouble. Our relationship was definitely a rollercoaster I wasn't ready and didn't need to take.

"Probably because you friend zoned all the boys," he says. I shake my head continuing to eat my tasty sandwich.

"So, did your childhood or teenagehood consists of you inviting girls over when you were not supposed to?" I ask him.

"Nah, I wasn't a bad kid, I was just always about my studies plus what girl would be crazy enough to come to my house anyway?" He asks.

"I don't know, every girl," I answer him.

"Why?" He asks me.

"I don't know, you're really good looking and you seem like a nice person, why not?" I ask him. I'm not lying he is really handsome, who doesn't like handsome men? On top of that, he seems like a cool, down to earth person.

"Nice? Yes, but good looking, Nah," he replies.

"You need to have more confidence in yourself," I tell him taking a bite of my sandwich again. He nods his head and goes back to washing the dishes.


"Jacob, I'm not playing with you!" I yell up the stairs when Jake wouldn't come down to eat in the living room like I asked him too. Instead, he insists on eating in his room when he knows I hate when he does that. "I swear this kid is making me get older every day," I murmur under my breath.

I stand at the button of the stairs, after a minute I see him coming down the stairs with his bowl in his hand. "Go eat in the living room," I say pulling his ear something my dad used to do to us all the time when we wouldn't listen to him.

"Ow," he says touching his ear, he walks into the kitchen to eat and I follow him there. "I asked dad why you weren't invited to his wedding," Jake says. I sigh, "he says you're invited," he adds.

"Yay, I'm invited to his wedding, happy for me," I say rolling my eyes.

"Now we can go together," he says with his eyes full of hope. "It's been ages since you guys broke up, why can't you just be happy for him?" He asks. These did not sound like his own words.

"Who told you that?" I ask him.

"Gloria, she says you're mad at dad and you need to move on," he says. I fake a smile and internally write a note to yell at Gloria later.

"First off, I'm not going to his shitty ass wedding because I don't want to, secondly, tell Gloria to go fuck herself, and thirdly, I've moved on from Juan's bitch ass," I tell Jake. Jake stare behind me, I turn to see him looking at Luke who is standing by the door his jaw drop.

"Don't mind her," Jake says getting up and putting his plate in the sink. "She curses when she gets really mad," he says. I roll my eyes at Jake, "you know you do, mom," he adds before I have a chance to contradict what he said. He pats my back and leaves the kitchen.

"Don't listen to him, I really don't," I say bouncing my head back and forth. "Unless I'm really mad," I add after a while awkwardly. He laughs, "what?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he says holding his hands up in surrender, his phone rings, "excuse me," he says leaving the room. I get up to go take another shower, as I walk up the stairs I hear Luke talking. "Mom, why won't you just leave?" He asks over the phone. I pause, I am not trying to be nosy or something, I've just never heard him talk to anyone related to him, "Shoot him, kill him, I don't care, I just want you out of there," he adds. He sighs, "Bye," he says.

I hear his footsteps coming closer, I turn around staring at him, He gives me a questioning look, I turn back around and make my way to my bedroom.


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