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 "You're not going to answer it?" Luke asks. He walks to the nightstand and grabs my phone. He stares at the caller ID then at me. He licks his lips and shakes his head disappointedly. "I guess I know where we stand in the matter of trust," he says handing me my phone and walking out the room.   

I looked at the caller ID, I didn't recognize the number but I knew the area code was New York. I didn't know anyone in New York, I answered the call putting it in my ear. "Hello," I answered. 

"Hello," the voice answers back. I frown, no wonder why he is mad; it's his mom. "It's Mrs. Louis, Victoria or should I say, Christine?" She asks. I gasp, how did she know it was me? Oh God, she is going to hate me even more than she did before. 

"Hi," I say awkwardly. "I know what you're thinking," I start. I chuckle trying to hint to her that it is a funny story. She does not laugh back, I sigh and put my hand on my forehead shaking my head at how stupid I am. 

"You sure you know what I'm thinking?" She asks, "You paid with your debit card, stupid," she says. She starts laughing. I did not see how it was funny. "Anyways, I knew Luke told you about his father. So, first, you call me then you come to my place of business. Little girl, I do not like playing games," she says. I can only imagine the facial expression she is making right now. 

"Mrs. Louis, I am so sorry," I try to apologize. "I was not trying to play any games and I just-" I pause. "No excuses, I'm so sorry mam," I tell her. 

"I know it's hard for many people to understand, but I love my husband," I hear her sigh over the line. "I'd like to believe there is a good part of him and not only the ones you've heard. He is going to rehab, please tell Lucas that, he won't talk to me. I just hope one day you can meet the part of him I love," she says. I feel bad, I do not know what to say. "It was nice to meet you, Christine, Lucas is right, you're beautiful," I am about to thank her for the compliment, but she hangs up the phone.

I stand there not understanding what just happened. I throw my phone on the bed and walk out the room to find Luke. He is about to go outside when I reach the front door. "Luke, wait," I call him. He removes his hand from the doorknob but doesn't turn around. "Where are you going?" I ask him. 

"Running," he answers. He always did not run when he is mad. 

"Luke, please look at me," I tell him. He sighs and turns around; he gulps down waiting for what I have to say to him. "I'm sorry, I went to your parents' restaurant while I was in New York, but I did not tell them I knew you and I-" he raises his eyebrow waiting. "I may or may not have questioned your mother about your dad."

"I can't believe you," he says. "I can't trust you to leave something alone?" He asks me. "What did you think talking to my mother would accomplish?" He asks me. 

"Shh," I tell him when I remember Jake is sleeping inside. I pull his hand and drag him into the room. "I don't know," I answer his question. I take a seat on the tip of the bed and he does the same. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone behind your back and against your wishes to speak to your mother," I tell him. 

"You shouldn't have," he replies. "Why won't you leave it alone?" He asks me again. 

"I wanted to make sure she was okay," I say honestly, "and she is surprisingly okay. They love each other," I tell him. He huffs shaking his head, "don't," I tell him.

"What?" He questions. "They have a funny way of showing it," he says shaking his head. 

"But it's love," I tell him. "I know how it feels loving someone everyone thinks you shouldn't. Our heart chooses to love people we know we shouldn't; your mom is doing the same thing. I know your father's bad and you know it, but she does not know it. She needs to get out. She needs to know there are other people who love her, appreciate her, and who's going to be there."

"She does," he answers. "I'm right here waiting," he says. He lays on the bed putting his hands under his head as he stares at the ceiling. 

"I know, but she does not know that. You not talking to her is not helping, it's only pushing her further away, it's sending her back to your dad," I tell him. I turn and look at him, he doesn't answer. He glares at the ceiling as if searching for something, searching for an answer. "He's been going to rehab," I continue, "maybe he is trying to change. Maybe it's time for you to forgive him," he finally averts his eye from the ceiling and looks at me. "It's the right thing to do."

He shakes his head, he pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his chest feeling the movements of his chest rising and falling. "Sometimes the right thing is not easy," he easy. 

"I know, it'll take time. I can't begin to imagine how you must feel and the amount of hate you must feel towards him, but I do know holding unto all the hurt and anger is not helping anybody. It's just going to eat you from the inside out slowly," he doesn't say anything and starts to pass his hands through my scalp.

I'm so tired that my eyes start to close. Luke stops rubbing my hair and kisses my forehead, "I love you," is the last thing I hear him say to me before falling asleep. 


The sound of traffic and talking wakes me up. I frown as I sit up on the bed. I am at an apartment in the city, of course, I can hear the traffic. I quickly register the voices to be Luke and Jake; I pick up my phone from the nightstand to check the time. The time reads eight a.m. I rub my hands on my face and get off the bed. 

I take off my clothes and walk in the bathroom to clean up. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. When I get out of the shower, I look at my clothes and do not feel like putting the same ones on. I always hate putting on clothes twice, I am about to go ask Luke for something to wear then realize how ridiculous I am being. I have been here many times, I know where his clothes are.

I open one of his drawers in his dresser and grab a shirt. I put it own, I look in the mirror. It looks fine, I am about to close back the drawer when I see a small black box in the corner. Me being the nosy person I am, I grab the box to see what's inside. I gasp when I see the ring, oh God, please tell me he is not trying to propose. I hear the doorknob twist and quickly put it away closing the drawer. "Sweetheart, I thought I heard you wake up," Luke pauses when he sees me. 

"Yes, I'll be out in a sec," I tell him. 

"Okay," he smiles then leaves the room. He opens the door again and looks at me. "By the way, you look really sexy with my shirt."


You think Luke is trying to propose?

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