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I scroll through my phone; I have no idea what I am looking for, but anything is better than talking. Luke sighs making me look up at him. We are sitting in the park enjoying nature. Luke thought it was a good idea to get away from technology and enjoy nature. It is Spring, after all, there is a fresh breeze in the air. All the trees look wonderful, "what happened to enjoying nature?" Luke asks me.

"Huh?" I ask. He points to my phone, I put it way and gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry," I apologize. Luke is not much of a talker, I'm usually the one who spends the whole time talking about nonsense while he listens; however, today I could not speak. For once in my life, I did not know what to say to anyone, more precisely Luke. All I want to talk about is the ring I saw, but I know he would think I'm being nosey. And how do you bring up a ring, oh hi I was in your drawer and saw a ring? He'll look at me and officially think I am crazy.

"Why aren't you talking?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulder acting as if I do not what he is talking about. "You haven't said a word in thirty minutes," he says looking down at his watch. I check the time on my phone and notice he was right.

"Neither have you," I reply.

"Yeah," he shakes his head. "I'm not a speaker," he adds. "You're the one who talks forever," he says. I frown and nod my head in agreement. "So, what's going on?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Did you speak to your mom?" I ask changing the subject. He shakes his head no, I frown. He promised he was going to call her and speak to her. I feel bad for his mom, I can't imagine how I would feel if once Jake is older he would not speak to me. My heart would break, as a parent that's the last thing you need. I wish that could motivate her to leave the father, but it isn't that simple. Love is a tricky thing, she's only going to run to the person she believes loves her. "I thought you said you would call?" I question him.

"I will," he answers. "I just need some time, that's all," I nod my head understanding his point. "I don't think me talking to her will change a thing," he says out of nowhere.

"Maybe it won't, but you will not know until you try," I say.

He rolls his eyes, "I hate when you're right," he says. I laugh, he reaches over and grabs my hand. He intertwines our fingers and kisses the back of my hand gently. I enjoy this, us sitting here just enjoying nature. He smiles at me, "I want to take you out on Friday," he tells me. "Something special," he adds.

"Um..." I start. Something special? I question myself. I sigh, this could not be it. "I'm busy on Friday," I lie. I am off on Friday and I am pretty sure he is aware of it.

"Doing what?" He questions.

"I have-" I do not have a good excuse as to why I will be busy. I try to come up with a lie, something he will not be able to question. "I have a thing," I say. It is so broad that I believe he is not going to question what I have to do. He has never questioned it before, so why would he now?

"A thing?" He asks. He lets go of my hand and sighs, "does this thing happen to have a name?" He questions putting air quotation marks around thing. 

"It's a personal thing," I state. It comes out more of a question asking it is acceptable. Asking perhaps if he believes it. 

"Personal?" He asks me. I nod my head, "when you're in a relationship with someone, there is no such thing as personal. Now, are you lying because you don't want to go out?" He asks me. 

"No," I quickly answer. He raises his eyebrow wanting more elaboration on this personal issue. "I'm helping my brother with something," I add after a while. I put my head down feeling shameful for lying to him especially for using my brother like that. However, I really do not want to go the special date with him. What if he is trying to propose? My answer would be no and I would feel bad. According to some people saying no to a proposal is basically breaking up with the person. 

I love him, I'm just not ready for that type of commitment and it really isn't the right time. "With what?" He asks me. 

"I can't put his business out there, Luke," I say punching his arm lightly. He chuckles and punches me back.

"When are you available then?" He asks me. I knew this was coming. I can only stall for so long. At least with my new fellowship, Jake, I can buy myself at least two weeks. 

"I don't know," I answer him. 

"Okay," he simply says. 


"Toph you know I love you right?" I ask my brother entering his room. He looks up from his laptop, he is writing a paper for college. I kind of like seeing him struggling with classes, writing papers, knowing I am done with that part of my life. "You're my favorite brother, I would do anything for you," I say playfully taking a seat on his bed. 

"What do you want Christy?" He asks me closing his laptop. He gives me his undivided attention. "I'm your only brother, and yes I know you love me," he says. 

"Okay," I say, "I may or may not have told Luke I'm helping you with something on Friday so if he asks can you verify it?" I ask him. He huffs shaking his head, "please?" I ask him pouting my lips. 

"We're too old to be lying and keeping secrets," he tells me. He is right, I am acting like I am back in High School or something. "I can verify it as long as you help me with my project for Chemistry," he says. I nod my head, "then deal," he hands me his hand to shake and I shake it. "Why are you lying to him anyway?" He asks me. 

"He has a ring," I tell him. 

"A ring?" He asks me. 

"Yes, an engagement ring. I saw it when I was at his place," I say and lay down on the bed. 

"You think he's trying to propose?" He asks. I nod my head, "oh," he says. "You know a mature adult would have a conversation and just tell him you don't want to get married instead of lying."

"Who says I'm a mature adult?" I ask. 

"Yeah," he agrees. "Get out so I can finish my work," he says opening back his laptop. 

"Love you," I tell him leaving his room.

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