38. Headlines and Kibble

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Hey guys, it's so nearly the end of this book now! I'll be so sad when it does end because I am so attached to Kate and Tom's characters now. And also ten thousand reads!! Thank you so much I am speechless, I never thought it would be so popular. Please vote and comment I love reading your comments as you read and react to the story! 

Love you guys - thelegalmidget xxx

The wedding planning had come to an end. There was only a matter of weeks now until the big day, meaning that Kate and Tom had been on the set of the next Loki film for the last few months. They had aimed to have the wedding after they had wrapped on set but it was looking increasingly tight. Gina had had one of her meltdowns due to the sudden illness of her staff, making filming three of the key scenes near on impossible. Though these didn't include either Tom or Kate so they were both crossing their fingers that everything would run smoothly.

It was the penultimate day of filming for Kate, Tom had gone out early for his morning run at five leaving Kate to take full advantage of the bathroom and shower. She staggered, with sleep in still fogging her head, to the mirror situated above the sink. She looked at her slumber ridden eyes which stared lazily back at her as if to say, "When was the last time you let yourself sleep until after seven?" Yesterday's makeup was pooling around the bags under her eyes leaving her looking a little like she had just been in a fight with her pillow. The pillow clearly put up a decent fight; she peered over to see the bedding which had spots of black over the cotton pillowcase.

Shaking her head, she turned the taps on filling the sink with lukewarm water. Less than a month now. I will be a married woman. Not just married but a married and very very lucky woman. She had been thinking the same thing over and over for the last three months. As the day was drawing closer and closer she had to admit she was growing increasingly nervous. Not because she didn't want to get married, or in fact walk up the aisle and have to stand in front of all of her and his family. She was nervous because she wouldn't have her father standing firmly by her side to give her away. Yes, Chris was going to be there, but there's something to be said for your own dad standing by your side, holding your arm. He would have been so full of pride his chest might have just imploded.

Grabbing her towel, she scraped her thoughts from her head and headed off to the kitchen to grab herself a Belvita; she never did have time for pancakes anymore. Tom's kitchen always made her feel at home. He had recently had the cupboards refurnished to a pearl white varnished finish and the cooker was also pretty spick and span. She wanted to cook on it so desperately but he was defiant that she was not to cook whilst he was around. A nice gentlemanly gesture, but she did love to cook all the same.

As she sat with her cup of freshly brewed tea, which she took at a drinkable temperature in the shade of pine wood, she got a glimpse of the little blue and white striped bowl sat next to the French doors. "Where did you go George?" she whispered.

She missed his little quirks. He would usually be sat waiting for her to wake up. She used to think that he wanted to wake her up and welcome her to the day but really, she knew he just wanted his kibble. Something else she missed adding to her shopping cart, as well as the little toys she used to treat him to. Just as she found herself picking up the bowl, the front door buzzed. Tom.

"Honey I'm home." His waterproof jacket rustling as he took his trainers off and headed for the kitchen. "Good morning my darling. I didn't actually expect you to be up."

Kate stopped reminiscing and popped the bowl back down where it was. "Yeah, wait why? I have to be at the studios today don't I?"

"Yes, my dear. Today and tomorrow then we are officially done with Loki part 2." He was now standing in front of her wearing his jogging gear which was rather damp with a mixture of rain and perspiration. Even though he was not exactly clean he was still Tom. She pulled him into a rather tight cuddle, which was met by an umpf from Tom and a slightly concerned look on his face. "hey little one... what's all this in aid of?" he tipped his head down to her level. Kate was still gripping his torso tightly. She was so glad of him just being him. His musky scent filled her nostrils and she could hear his heart beating softly in his chest. "Kate," He grabbed her arms and peeled them off his body. Still holding her, he tilted her chin up with his index finger forcing her to look at him. "What is wrong my dear? Is it George? I saw you fondling his bowl, if you pardon the phrase."

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