31. Bagels and Babies

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The forest of dean really was as beautiful as she had expected it to be. The trees towered over winding roads that consisted of tree bark and fallen leaves. Light glistened off the river that flowed next to their car as Tom drove his way through the oak trees that peppered the area. Beams of sunlight could be seen shinning down which Kate gazed upon as she wound the window down to get a better look.

As she threw her head out into the fresh woodland air Tom took his eyes off the makeshift road for a second and placed his gaze upon something that, in his opinion, was much more interesting than the natural world. Her. She was more than beautiful at this moment. Hair flowing catching her scent up in the breeze sending it straight under his nose. How love didn't kill people Tom really didn't know. Love was never something to be taken lightly or for granted. Life was fleeting and now that she was glowing with life, more so than ever, and he felt even more love and the need to protect her with his life. Averting his eyes from her before she realized he was staring, he twisted the steering wheel and pulled up on the driveway of Golden Oak Tree House.

Leaves clustered within their view but the cabin among the trees was still just about visible. Its oranged wooden structure stood proudly amongst the heart of the forest, inviting them to unpack and unwind. They grabbed their smaller bags first and locked the car with a bleep; a noise they wouldn't hear now for the next few days. Taking each other hand in hand they walked up the wooden stairs. "This place is impressive. Did your parents pay for all this?" Kate asked as they put their cases down in front of the doors. Tom needed to get their keys out to unlock. "Yes. And before you say it. No."
"No what?" He jangled the keychain as he sighed with relief. He thought he's lost them.

"No, you can not pay them or me or anyone for this weekend. You deserve it more than anyone." He threw their bags through the now open doors and stood in front of her. "Now. My future wife and mother to my child. Come here." He swooped her up bridal style into his arms and lifted her over the threshold of their new residence. She giggled furiously as he did so; completely taking her by surprise.

Still holding her he placed a kiss lightly on her forehead.


Since the discovery of her pregnancy Kate had felt like she was having to take extra precautions with everything. What she ate, drank even what she wore. She felt like she was carrying something worth more than she ever could be. Tom had noticed when she only lifted the lightest things out of the car and walked instead of ran into their cabin that she was acting odd. Before she could reach the top step, he took her by the hand and wrapped his arms slowly around her middle waddling forward with her in front of him, leading her to the couch in the main room.

"Now little one, what's wrong?" he asked as he sat her down with him on the comfy seats and grey-furred cushions. She was placed between his legs as he gently guided her back so that she was more relaxed. Before she had a chance to answer him he interjected, "and before you say you are just tired or that you're fine, I know you're not any of the above. You forget I know you too well to know when you are acting. You forget we actually acted together not so long back."

"Alright, okay. I'm worried about my little one. What if I accidentally eat something she doesn't like or fall or something and then I don't know what I'd do because heck, I've not done this before. I need to tell my mum because I can't keep this a secret Tom. I feel sick and I think it's the stress of keeping it so close to my chest. Literally." Tom just sat there and nodded when he needed to. When she had said her piece he could feel her relaxing into him even more than before. He knew her well enough to know when she needed to vent.

"Right. Well first things first, ring your mum before my parents get here. That way we can avoid them overhearing that is unless you want to tell them too?" Kate shook her head. "No, I don't think we should just yet. We can't curse it. Just in case hun." Tom nodded in agreement and proceeded to calm her down. "Okay. And I can arrange for our first doctor appointment to be sooner rather than later. So you can stop worrying until then. Because stress can affect the baby my sweet. And I don't like seeing you like this anyway so if anything, do it for me okay. Take care of you before the baby. For just this weekend at least. Please?"

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