12. Second Gifts

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They checked out late that morning and had the most wonderful breakfast which was brought to them in their room as they decided they weren't quite ready to bless the public with their disheveled appearances. Today was the last day of filming before they cut for Christmas and they needed to get to the studios by two in order to get their hair and makeup done (and Kate needed to wrap her huge pile of luxury chocolates for the staff and more importantly her family as she was heading almost straight to her parent's place in Somerset after they wrapped for Christmas break which lasted a total of seven days to unwind and get back to normality for a while. She kind of wished that Tom was coming with her but they'd only really been officially an item for four or so hours so she didn't really see it as appropriate. It didn't stop her from wanting him next to her for the next week though.

Sighing slightly, she jumped in the car, with more caution this time than last time... Tom told the driver to drop her off first at her flat as she needed to grab her already packed bag. "I'll come and get you in about 10 minutes and help you wrap everything okay?"

"Yeah, okay sweet. I'll see you in five." She smirked and closed the door after her and ran up the ice stairs to her flat door.

She was right, he was barely gone two seconds when she heard her doorbell ring. "Its open!" she said down the intercom smiling to herself, she knew he was trying to spend as much time with her as possible before they had a week apart but she couldn't help but think about how lonely she was going to b- SHIT his present! She had completely forgotten to wrap her present to him. She ran to the door as he began to open it slowly calling her name as he did so, "Wait in the lounge and don't touch anything!" She yelled as he did as he was told. He decided to take a seat seeing as though he didn't know how long she was going to be and started to take in his surroundings. Her apartment was truly individual and a work of art in itself. The walls were covered with pictures and paintings she had done herself. There was a cat basket next to the kitchen where two empty bowls were placed, one red one blue obviously indication food and water. Her cat had gone missing a while back and Kate had given up hoping he would come back so hadn't put any food out but couldn't quite bring herself to throw his things away. Just as Tom was getting restless, Kate ran into the room, her arms full of wrapping paper and bags; some empty some containing pre-wrapped gifts.

"Hey, I didn't know you could paint? Or had a cat," he stood up, his arms out pointing at the things he was referencing.

"Yeah, about the cat..." she huffed as she threw her bags and gifts on the floor as she headed back to her room to get her luggage for the next week. "He ur isn't living here anymore. Well not for the time being anyway although he's been gone for a good four months so I lost hope a while back."

"Ah Kate I'm sorry love, what was its name?" He asked with sad eyes.

"George. He was called George but I always called him G for short. Anyway, I need to wrap these because we literally have like an hour to wrap like forty odd boxes of chocolates,"

"Yeah, good plan. You do the guys and I'll do the girls?"

They wrapped presents until their fingers were covered in paper cuts and sticky tape had consumed them to the point where they could no longer feel any part of their hands that wasn't covered in glue. Calling the largest taxi, they could find in Tom's inventory of a contacts list they headed out to the people carrier with a suitcase full of presents. "We should change our names." Tom broke the silence as they entered the studios together.

"Oh yeah, to what?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Claus."

"What makes you say that?" she giggled as he grabbed a Santa had from his jacket pocket and put it on his head.

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