Chapter 21

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"Hey guys" Wendy walked in. I pulled apart from everyone to make sure everything is okay with Wendy and I.
"Hey Wendy, can we talk?" I asked quietly. She nodded and we walked outside the guild.
"I just want to make sure we're okay, because if I date Romeo and your not ok with it. I don't want to do that." I said quietly.
"Yeah, Im fine with it. And we're okay. I don't want us to fight over Romeo, because I love as a friend. I don't want to loose you over a boy" she said. I hugged her tightly.
"Thank you" I whispered.

*_back at the guild_*
"Hey, everything good?" Romeo asked. I nodded and held his hand.
"Come on, lets go to our pond. I have a surprise for you" He whispered. I smiled and walked to the pond we go to.

"Holy shit! Romeo! You did not!" I screamed.
I looked at what he did to place,it was beautiful. He put paper lamps and lanterns all over the place, along with a basket full of food and a blanket under it.
"So, you like it?" He asked.
"Yes!" I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
"Come on Baby, sit" he patted next to him on the blanket.
"How did you do this?" I asked him still shocked.
"Lucy, Levy, and Erza helped me. I tried my best to not damage the trees so it would still stay beautiful." He said, making eye contact.
"I love this, you know. Just you and I in this whole world, but we can do anything if we put our mind into it." I smiled. He handed me a sandwich and a drink.
"I love you" He whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered back at him.
"How'd you hear me?" He asked.
"Bruh, Im a Dragon Slayer. I have better hearing then most humans." I said rolling my eyes jokingly.
"That was very mean and I don't think you should get any more kisses from me" he said pouting and crossing his arms.
"Noo please! Romeo I'm sorry" I whined. He tried his hardest not to laugh but failed horribly. I splashed water on him rolling my eyes.
"I love you babe" he whispered, climbing on top of me.
"I love you too Roe" I whispered back. He leaned in so we could kiss. When our lips finally touched, I closed my eyes. He intertwined our hand and kissed more forcefully then before. We broke apart for air and just laid there.
"Y/N" He said out of no where.
"Yeah?" I asked him.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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