Chapter 18

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Dream land

"Alcon! Did I spell it right?" A seven year old Y/N asked my dragon. He looked at me and blew some air with dust along with it.
"Hey!" I screamed. Alcon smiled and told me to get on his back.
"WEEEEEE!" I screamed as he flew across the forest that was near my cave.
"Hold on child" He said. I held tighter to him and then he landed.
"Alcon, where are we?" I asked him.
"We're at my favorite pond. Y/N, When you need to tell me anything, just tell the water. I would always listen for your voice." He smiled. I hugged him.
"Thank you Alcon for everything." I said with a kiddish smile.

*end of dream*

I woke up still next to pond. I stood up and wiped a tear from my eyes.
I looked at the pond and smiled with tears falling from eyes.
"Thanks Alcon, for making me who I am right now. Thanks for making me strong, thanks for taking care of me, thanks for helping me with my magic when I wasn't even good at it. What I'm trying to say is, Thank you! For every single thing." I smiled. I walked to the guild and saw everyone sleeping.
"Night everyone." I smiled. I got a bunch of blankets and put them on everyone. I started to clean up all the beer bottles, all the knocked down tables, all the red cups on the ground, and all the ice everywhere.
Once I was done, I cleaned the whole guild and it started to get brighter again, meaning the suns rising. I just sat at a table and stared everyone. They all changed so much. Natsu's still stupid as always,but he changed in physical and mental strath. Same as everyone else. I was going to walk back to Natsu's when I felt a hand go on my shoulder.
"Hey Romeo" I smiled slightly.
"Hey (NickName)" he smiled. He hugged me.
"I missed you so much..." I said slightly crying in his chest.
"Shhh. It's ok, we're all ok." He said. I hugged him tighter.
"I cant believe I forgot about you..." I said smiling slightly.
"It's ok (nickname)" he said. I let him go and stared at him. He the same, but taller, stronger, better looking, and more like Natsu then ever.
"So, hows life?" He asked.
"Mines...*sigh* crazy" I sighed.
"What about you and Wendy?" I smirked.
"We're ok." He blushed. I laughed and smiled at him.
"You Guys are a cute couple." I smiled at him.
"Y/N" He said.
"Why did you leave?" He asked.
"I can't tell you..."
"Yes you can. Y/N I'm your best friend! You cant just say you love me and then leave me!" He whispered screamed.
"Romeo, you won't understand! You don't know what I went through knowing that I left you! I left because I loved you! If I said it in person I knew I would never be able to leave!" I said to him.
"Y/N just tell me!" He screamed.
"You would never understand..." I whispered.
"Then tell me Y/N! Tell me! Make me understand! I want to understand why you broke my heart! You cant leave without saying good bye to me!" He screamed but more calmer then before.
"I left because I knew you could do so much better then me. I'm sorry Romeo! I really am. I know I hurt so many people, but I couldn't stay here knowing that my best friend was crushing on you for so long! Every single night, Wendy would tell me how much she loves you! And do you know how much it hurts! How much it hurt that your best friend was crushing on your own love while you were here loving me! I was torn! Torn that if stayed with you, then I would never have my best friend the same way. Or if I let Wendy be with you, then I would slowly break. So I left, I thought it would be easier." I cried.
"Y/N, I-I don't understand. Why couldn't you stay and be with me and still make it ok with Wendy? You don't understand how much you hurt me. I thought that if I did more for the guild, then maybe you would come back...maybe I could still be with you. Maybe I could have the person I loved with me at all times. But I thought so wrong. While I was breaking because of you, Wendy was there for me the whole time. That's why I asked Wendy out. Y/N, I asked so questions! I thought I was not enough for you! I thought you never loved me! You made me regret so much!" He cried out.
"I'm sorry Romeo. I really am" I said slowly.
"Come here" He said. I sat next to him. He put a arm around me and pulled me closer.
"If Wendy comes and thinks your cheating on her, it's not my fault" I said.  Trying to lift the mood.
"Yeah yeah I know." He rolled his eyes and I pulled closer to him.
"Y/N, I love you" He whispered.
That's when I fell asleep for once in a 5 months, with a smile.

One Promise (Romeo Conbolt x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt