Chapter 35 •Expecting•

Começar do início

I finish up and tell Ethan to turn around again. I wipe, flush, do all that stuff. I wash my hands before grabbing a test. "Kat, you just peed of them. Wait about 10 minutes."

"But I'm too impatient." I say. He smiles before pecking my lips. "I know that." He says before we leave the room.

"What can we do for the time being?" I ask. When I get no answer, I glance at Ethan. He's wearing his pervy smirk. "No." I say.

He loses his smirk when I decline. "But why? Just a quickie." He says.

I laugh at his reply. "That's not just a quickie. That's more like two if we do it fast enough." I say. His eyes light up as he picks me up. "I wasn't saying.... nevermind." I mutter.

"So, it's a yes?" He asks. I roll my eyes and smile. "Yes." I reply. He kisses me quick before running to the room. "Oh, wait. What if they hear?" I whisper.

He shrugs, reaching under his sweatshirt and unclipping my bra with one hand, due to his other hand holding me up. "Just try to be quiet." He says. My mouth falls agape. "Me? I'm not loud, I can be quiet." I argue.

"Wanna bet?" He says. I gulp nervously before answering. "Yes." That's all it takes for him to undress me and get started. "You're on." He says.


My god. That's was, holy shit. "Are you gonna say it? Or am I?" He asks, clipping my bra back. "Go ahead, say it."

"Told you so." He says, pulling up his pants. I pull up mine as well before pecking him on the lips.

"Now, let's go check if we're actually pregnant." I mumble. opening the door. We walk to the washroom, cautiously checking if anyone is in there by knocking. When there isn't an answer, we walk in.

I hand him two tests, as I get one. "On the count of three." I say.

"One. Two. Three." We say in unison before looking at the tests. "They're both positive." Eth says with a smile on his face. "Positive." I say. I glance up at him to see his eyes water. "Awe, babe. Don't cry." I mumble reaching up to hug him. "I'm just happy." He says.

"Me too." I reply. We stay in our position for awhile before Cam walks by. She walks back when she sees our faces. "What's wrong? Why are you both crying?" She asks confused. "Nothing." I reply. She walks into he washroom, her eyes squinting at me. "Tell me." She says. I sigh, looking at Ethan for help.

"I'll tell you in a minute. I promise." Ethan says. She nods slowly before walking downstairs. We follow her downstairs while hiding the tests behind our backs. "Mom, dad. Can we talk to you for a Minute?" Ethan asks when we enter the kitchen.

"Sure. What's wrong hon?" Lisa asks, going to sit next to Sean at the table. "Hold on first." I say before calling out to Gray & Cam to come to the kitchen.

They both sit at the table, waiting for us to start talking. "We've been hiding something from all of you. It's just as shocking as it was to us." He starts off.

"We're hoping to have all of your support because we did not plan this." I add. "And I know we're really young." He says. "But what we wanted to tell you is... We, are having a baby." Ethan says the last part slowly. "Please don't be mad." He says quickly.

Most of their jaws drop slightly. Lisa's hands fly up to her mouth. Camerons eyebrows raise in shock. Grayson's eyes widen, along with Sean. "Are you serious?" Grayson asks standing up to hug us. "Yes, we're serious." Ethan says into the hug.

"Kat. Holy... wow." Cameron says standing to hug me too. "I know." I reply.

We pull away to see mama and papa Dolan coming towards us. "My baby is having a baby. Come here you two." Lisa says before bringing us both into a hug. "What a nice Christmas present. Congratulations you two. I love you both." She says.

"Love you too." We both say.

Last but not least, papa Dolan. "Congratulations my boy." He says, also hugging him. "Thanks dad." He says. They hug for awhile, which let's me have enough time for a photo. I take out my phone and take a picture of them. "Come here Kat." Sean says, bringing me in the hug as well. Soon enough, all of us are in one big hug.
"I hope it's twins." Sean mumbles, making us all laugh.

"Wait, that means my brother did the dirty. Ew!" Grayson says making me smack the back of his head. "Oh shut up you big kid." I say making us laugh again.


"Hey Kat. Merry Christmas. I know I said that on the phone earlier." Shawn says on facetime. "Hey muffin man. Merry Christmas. I have something to tell you." I say, placing my phone on the nightstand beside my bed.

"Shoot." He says. "As my best friend. I would like to have your support."

"You already do. Why? What's up?" He asks, leaning more towards the screen.

I hesitate to answer, because I don't know how he will react. "I'm... pregnant." I mutter.

His entire movement stopped when I said that. He's just sitting there frozen. "You're what?" He whispers.

"Pregnant." I say slowly. "Please don't be mad." I add

"Im not. Wow. Um, I don't know what to say. Congratulations Kat." He says a bit unhappy. "You don't seem happy." I frown.

"It's just that you're only sixteen." He says.

"I didn't plan this, Shawn." I say annoyed. He sighs before speaking. "I'm sorry. I'm just surprised. I'm happy for you I really am." He says, giving an actual smile.

"Thank you." I smile back. "So am I an uncle?" He asks. I smile before replying. "No.. you're an auntie. Of course you're an uncle." I say sarcastically before laughing.

"Okay. I walked into that one. Hey, I have to go. Bye, love you and the new baby." He says, waving.

"Bye, love you too." I wave back before shutting off my phone.

"So I'm guessing he took it well?" Ethan says, placing it on the floor. I snuggle up to him, nodding. "Yeah. He wants our baby to call him uncle Shawn." I tell him. He laughs lightly before giving a kiss to my forehead.

"Goodnight baby and baby." Ethan says.

"Goodnight." I mumble before drifting off to sleep.


Happy new year bups!!! First Tuesday of the year.

Hope you all liked this year's first  chapter. Ignore all of the spelling errors.

Until next time. Byeeeee


Why Do You Love Me?    E.D~ G.DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora