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My friends and I all looked to our right only to see a vacated seat and Ritchie gone

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My friends and I all looked to our right only to see a vacated seat and Ritchie gone.  Not sure if this was a joke, our gazes went back to the stage and we waited to see what would happen next. Darcie appeared, having changed out of her black outfit, now wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of flesh-colored shorts. She took her place in the center of the stage just as the song began to play. 

Of course, of all the songs to choose for her dance with Ritchie,  Darcie would pick this one. Coldplay's Fix You began to play and Darcie started the routine solo. She was joined by Ritchie, now dressed in an all-white get-up, keeping the dance simplistic until the guitar began to play. They performed a lift that had us mesmerized, not least because my friend and I had no idea that Ritchie could dance like this. 

Suddenly, it all made sense. He wasn't in the dance rehearsals because he was the secret pianist- he's the dance partner and Ryker had only been there to make sure that Ritchie could execute the lifts, not that he was doing much, or so it looked like. Darcie was the one who was doing most of the difficult stuff-

"Holy crap, did you see that?" Lauren whispered in my ear as Ritchie defied gravity to pull off his own move. "Man this is hot. Has Ritchie always been this attractive?"

Rolling my eyes, I continue to watch their routine, seeing how they synched for the final third of the song and ended the performance with a move that I had to watch through my fingertips. From the opposite side of the stage, Darcie ran, did a handstand move and then somehow landed with her legs around Ritchie's waist while he fell to lie on his back and Darcie stood up and walked off into the wings, leaving Ritchie alone on stage. Then the music died. 

The auditorium was silent and then the audience roared to life, with Owen, Harlan, Lauren and I making the most noise. I've seen Ritchie and Darcie dance twice before- once in the lake at camp, not that doing the Dirty Dancing move counts, and again at the after party not that long ago when they did a similar routine- but this dance was different. Maybe it was the song or the meaning behind it or the fact that it was different between them this time around... whatever it was, it had me deciding that if these two don't get together, it would be a crying shame.

"Hey, Lauren?" I nudge the girl next to me. Turning to face me, I can't help but notice just how close her lips are to mine. I think she noticed too because she flinched backwards. I smile and shake my head. "You know how you said that you weren't getting involved and you're going to let those two get together on their own?"

"Yeah?" Lauren nods despite the frown between her eyebrows.

Motioning towards the stage, I say, "Surely a nudge in the right direction wouldn't hurt, huh?"

^^^ Dance Inspiration ^^^ 

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