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Darcie was bent into a weird shape when I arrived at the hall

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Darcie was bent into a weird shape when I arrived at the hall. No one else was around and there was music playing loudly. It wasn't the usual cheer music, nor was it your typical dance music, but rather a Def Leppard album that I knew of because my dad has a copy of it at home.

Entering the hall, I tried to make my presence known but it proved futile. Instead, I walked up to Darcie and tapped her on her shoulder. She screamed and started flapping her arms, beating me, her fists connected to certain parts of my upper body. I winced whenever she hit the tender areas thanks to Sean Thomas and yelped for her to stop attacking me. Thankfully, after about ten seconds, Darcie realized who I was. She took a step back and looked at me with bright, wide opened eyes before glowering at me with overcast green eyes.

"What the hell are you doing, scaring the life out of me like that?" She accused. For added effect, she reached out and punched my bicep. "You shouldn't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," I muttered. I had the good grace to look ashamed, which softened Darcie's features. "I didn't mean to scare you. Although, I don't think bitch slapping an attacker is the way to go. You should kick them in the balls and then run away while screaming 'FIRE'. For future reference."

Darcie rolled her eyes and walked away from me, heading for the music player and turning the volume down. When the noise died down to background music, Darcie looked at me questioningly. She knew that I didn't come down here unless I needed something and must have wondered why I was here right now.

"I heard that you decided not to switch me to another RG," I explained. "I just wanted to thank you, I guess. I know you're only doing it because you don't have a choice seeing as we were practically blackmailed by our counselor, but I still wanted to say that I appreciate you sticking by me."

Darcie nods in a business like way. "You're welcome. Was that all?"

Was it? Did I have anything else I needed to say? Of course, there were loads of things that I wanted to say but I doubted that Darcie would want to hear any of it. She'd already told me that she didn't want to discuss our situation any longer and I had to respect that, despite a growing yearning inside of me to want to know more. 

"If you're done," Darcie's voice turns colder as she turns back to the music player. "I have things to do."

Her hand goes to hit the play button but before she does so, I rush up to her and place my hand over hers. "Wait," I stop her from shutting me out. With her back still facing me, I saw Darcie's body slouch in defeat. I force her to turn to me and when she does, I notice that her face is downcast and stray tears run down her face. "Darcie, why are you doing this to yourself?"

She takes in a shaky breath and exhales slowly. "Because I am in love with you and you make me smile. Even if it's only for a while, you make me happy. And then you make me sad. Extremely sad. But despite knowing all this, I still can't bring myself to hate you. Because I love you. That's why I'm doing this. Because I can't stop myself."

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