Sixty Nine

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"I thought you were gay, Ritchie?" 

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"I thought you were gay, Ritchie?" 

Mia's question hangs in the air as we all stop and stare at her. I know exactly what she's trying to do but it won't work. She can try and belittle Darcie as much as she wants but those tactics won't work on someone like Ritchie Davies. It was a pointless question to ask, anyway because we all knew that Ritchie was into girls. 

"I can assure you, I am not gay," Ritchie answered. God knows how he managed to keep his voice even but he did. "I am so far the other way of being gay."

"Ah, so you just sleep with hundreds of girls and then dump them after?" Mia continued. 

She wasn't trying to rile up Ritchie anymore. She was out to prove a point to Darcie- any guy that was seemingly interested in her either had to be gay and looking for a way to appear straight, or the guy only wanted to get into her pants. It was a reminder that Darcie wasn't good enough to have a boyfriend. Complete bullshit, of course. Darcie was every guy's dream girl and she could have anyone she wanted. Mia was simply being a bitch. 

"A bit like your boyfriend before he got with you," Ritchie retorted, making Mia's face scrunch up in anger. Unfortunately, his words were true- I slept around a fair bit before Mia came on the scene and it had always been a sore subject with her. Ritchie knew this and although I wanted to punch him for using it against me, I couldn't blame him. He was just looking out for Darcie, after all. "It takes a hell of a girl to capture my attention. She's got to be funny, intelligent, talented, down to earth, and come in a package that looks suspiciously like this girl right here."

His eyes locked on Darcie's. She blushed from his words and looked away quickly, avoiding looking at anyone else for a few minutes before she turned back and said, "Are you ready to leave for Kyle's party?"

Her words were directed at Ritchie and I knew that the invite did not extend to Mia and me. He nodded and followed her lead as they left the booth and headed for his car outside. They didn't even say goodbye. 

"He is such an asshole," Mia commented. "How could you let him speak to me like that?"

I groaned. "Well, what do you expect, Mia? You're the one that started it. You've been really hostile tonight and it's really starting to bug the hell out of me. You don't need to be rude to my friends and you certainly don't need to be rude to yours. I told you that nothing happened between me and Darcie but you're acting like I wronged you. Like she wronged you. Just quit it, Mia. I mean it."

She started crying. Her sobs were quiet but they were there and it made my insides twist in panic. I hated it when she cried because I had no idea what to do. Girls, in general, crying was never good. "I'm sorry," she said between her tears. She moved into my chest and placed her wet cheek on my shirt. "I'm just really insecure when it comes to you and Darcie. She's so pretty and she's clearly in love with you, Nix. Now she's your RG, I'm super paranoid that you're going to end up leaving me for her. Please don't leave me, Nix. Please."

"I won't," I automatically say. I don't promise her anything, however, because right now, I'm not sure how much longevity is in this relationship. 

"I love you, Nix."

I nod. "Yeah, me too."

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