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The showcase was being held in the theater in town and with the limited parking available, we all decided to carpool

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The showcase was being held in the theater in town and with the limited parking available, we all decided to carpool. Meeting at Harlan's house, I drove myself, Harlan, Lauren and Owen to the theater; Ritchie said that he'd drive himself but I knew that he was only saying that because he needed to get there early to rehearse his piece on the piano. The others just thought it was because he lived closer to the theater and couldn't be bothered to drive all the way to the Cass' house.

"I am dying to see what they're doing," Harlan said from the passenger seat. He was nervously fidgeting and it was really distracting. "Ryker has been working so hard on it and I know he's super nervous because someone from Juilliard is coming out to watch and this could be his big break and-"

"And Darcie's big break, too?" Lauren suggests from the backseat. "Don't forget that she's put a lot of time and effort into this too. The world does not revolve around your perfect boyfriend."

Harlan turned in his seat. "Well, at least I have a boyfriend, Lauren. Where's yours? Still in the factory?"

That comment sparked an argument that lasted until we arrived at our destination. For a while, it continued into the venue but by then, Owen and I had agreed to act as buffers, with Harlan sitting on one side of us both and Lauren on the other. Ritchie went along with the plan on the condition that he had the aisle seat. When we found our row, Ritchie greeted Darcie's family and joked around with her brothers, exactly how I had imagined he would. We all said our friendly hellos and then took our places in time for the start of the show. 

The evening was all about showcasing the talent at the dance studio and the performances were varied to include hip-hop, jazz, contemporary and a little bit of ballet and ballroom. Twenty minutes into the show, Ryker appeared on stage without Darcie. When he started to dance solo, we were all confused. 

"I thought Darcie was his dance partner?" Lauren whispered across Owen and I, directing her question to Harlan. 

"So did I," Harlan answered. "I thought they were doing a duet."

When Ryker's hip-hop routine came to an end, the stage faded to black before a contemporary song began to play and a spotlight fell on Darcie, who was positioned centre stage. The song, Am I Wrong by Nico and Vinz, played and Darcie busted out a long ballet routine that took everyone's breath away. At times, she would flawlessly go into a move or a position and quickly glide into another one. When she finished, the whole auditorium stood on their feet to applaud her. 

"Thank you," a woman in her late sixties or early seventies spoke into a microphone as she appeared on stage. "Thank you all for coming out this evening to watch, however, we have one final performance for you, featuring one of our best dancers and a new partner. Please welcome to the stage Miss Darcie Scott and her partner, Ritchie Davis."

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