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I've never been the type to worry about a date

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I've never been the type to worry about a date. It's simply two people sitting across from each other while getting to know one another. It wasn't hard but for some reason, the thought of going through the whole process with Darcie Scott was enough to completely throw me off my game, much to Sean Thomas' delight. 

Honestly, that jerk took some sort of sick satisfaction in pointing out everything that I did wrong. Today, I wasn't breathing right, according to Sean. Seeing as I'm still alive at the age of seventeen, I think my breathing has been pretty solid and long may it continue. But for Sean, there was something wrong with it; maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm still breathing. He doesn't like the fact that I'm alive, perhaps. 

Whatever the reason, I've never had my balls busted as much in football camp as I have done yesterday and today. To say that it's demoralizing is an understatement, too. My confidence was really starting to take a knock and I was questioning all that I did, much to the annoyance of my teammates. Ritchie had already thrown me twenty-four glares and Owen has cussed seven times, while Harlan was trying really hard not to glare and cuss at me. Coach Ang was becoming more and more frustrated, too, which is why he finally blew his whistle and send us off for lunch. 

Usually, I would go with the others to the dining hall, but after the disaster that was my morning, I'd rather take a time out and try to get my head back into the game. No matter what Sean had been telling me, I couldn't let it ruin this season for me. 

"I thought I might find you here," I heard an unimpressed voice speak as I sat on the football field, starting at the goal posts. I didn't need to turn to know that it was Darcie, but the tone of her voice was enough to make me look up at her as she approached. Like most days, she was in her short cheer shorts and a cropped top, a bow in her hair and white cheer shoes that made her olive skin seem darker than normal. She stopped in front of me and placed her hands on her hips. "What is wrong with your game today?"

I frowned. "Who told you about that? It can't have been Sean because you two aren't friends."

"Besides the point," Darcie scowled. "Harlan told me. He's pissed that you're not up to standard. Well, he's as pissed as Harlan Cass can be. Now, do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Did I?

"Sean's being an ass," I grumbled, picking at the blades of grass. I could hear the dejection in my voice and I hated it. "He's been super critical of everything I've done and I can't figure out what his problem is."

Darcie scoffed. "You mean, apart from being an ass?" I didn't laugh at her comment. With a sigh, Darcie kneeled down on the grass and said, "Screw him. I've seen you play, Nixon, and you're amazing. Sean is just jealous that he isn't as talented as you are and he's playing mind games, that's all. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you like this. Be you, Nixon, because that infuriates Sean. Go it?"

"Yeah," I nod with a smile forming on my lips. "You're not so bad at this Rally Girl stuff, you know."

"Not so bad?" Darcie sassed. "I'll have you know that I am the best Rally Girl you'll ever have. Now, suck it up, and don't embarrass me. You're the number one QB in the State. Act like it."

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