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"That's not what's going on here," Ritchie snapped at me

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"That's not what's going on here," Ritchie snapped at me. To my surprise, he looked infuriated by my accusation. He squared his shoulders, taking up the entire doorway, and stared down at me, his nostrils flaring. "Not that it would concern you, anyway. Darcie is an intelligent young woman- apart from her obvious misplaced love for you- and she's more than capable of making her own decisions. If she wanted to be with me, that would be her choice. Who are you to stop her from being happy?"

With that, he spun and left, letting the words he'd spoken hang in the air. He was absolutely right in what he said, there was no denying that. Who was I to stop her from being happy? For years she had been in love with me and I never noticed. I received all her devotion and what did she get in return? Heartache and pain, that's what. How could I begin to make it up to her?

As I stood under the spray of the shower, I started to formulate a plan in my mind as to how I could start to right my wrongs. What would make Darcie happy? Chocolates? Flowers? Shoes? Girls like those things, right? 

I was still trying to think of ideas when I finally arrived at football practice. Apart from Ritchie, I hadn't seen the rest of my friends until we were lining up under the watchful eye of the coaching staff. I could feel Sean Thomas' stare on me, more intense than ever. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I entertained the idea that maybe he was more annoyed with me than usual because of what had happened between Darcie and I but then again, how would he know what went on last night?

Darcie hated him. 

"Campbell!" Sean yelled above the sound of everyone else. Snapping my head in his direction, I saw that the other player were wandering off to their respective coaches, while I was frozen in the same spot as where I'd been standing for the last twenty minutes. "Get your head in the right space. Jesus, it's like you don't even want to be here."

I couldn't help the next words to fall from my lips. "Fuck you, Sean."

"Excuse me?" He balked. When I simply shrugged my shoulders in a half-assed response, Sean neared me, squaring up to me. He reached up a hand of his and pushed at my shoulder, repeating his question over and over again. "Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You're nothing special, Campbell. You're mediocre! You're not even half the player I am. How do you even get by? Does Daddy pay the coaching staff? That's the only reason you've made it this far. You got lucky, that's all. God, how did you even get an amazing girl to fall for your bullshit? You don't deserve half of what you've got, you jumped up, cocky little shit."

I saw red in that moment. Something dark and powerful took over my body and before I knew what I was doing, I reached my arm back and released the tension as I aimed my fist square for Sean's jaw, landing the punch with a satisfactory crack.

Fuck you, Sean.   

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